Interscope: Release ARTPOP Act II

Interscope: Release ARTPOP Act II

3. April 2021
Petition an
Lady Gaga und
56.561 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 75.000
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Warum ist diese Petition wichtig?

Gestartet von Gambit Triconfromvenus

The 2013 album “ARTPOP” by Lady Gaga was a smash among fans. It combined pop music and art to create something new and unheard. Now, 8 years later, fans are still clamoring for the next volume of her fourth studio album.

During the late first quarter of 2021, DJWS—a main producer of the fourth studio album—responded to a fan asking if we’ll ever be able to hear the infamous ACT II. DJWS responded with, “Gotta petition Gaga on that one”. So, we did.

In remembrance of album’s 10 year anniversary, let’s band together to show our support for ARTPOP and the unreleased volume by collecting as many signatures as we can in order to show the Haus of Gaga that we still care about the experimental album and that chart success does not matter. #UWontUseMyMind


ARTPOP-movement organized by :

ARTPOP Ambassadors (twitter @):



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56.561 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 75.000
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