Can’t declare victory. ESPN didn’t listen​.​Over 75,000 of us united. That means something

Can’t declare victory. ESPN didn’t listen​.​Over 75,000 of us united. That means something

June 27, 2024
Petition to
Signatures: 81,259Next Goal: 150,000
346 people signed this week

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Why this petition matters

Started by Patti Mickel

Pat Tillman's story has touched my life deeply. His patriotism, loyalty, and ultimate sacrifice for his military squad are undeniably remarkable. As such, the Pat Tillman award should be representative of his values and should honor someone who, like Tillman, has shown unwavering dedication to their squad and country. Ergo, I find ESPN's decision to award Prince Harry with the Pat Tillman award at the ESPYs disconcerting.

Prince Harry, while a former military officer, has been involved in controversies that call into question his suitability to receive an honor of this magnitude. He has faced accusations of endangering his squadron by publicly revealing military kills. The Prince also allegedly targeted his own father, Prince Charles, during a flyover. More recently, his role in the Invictus games, a platform meant to celebrate the resilience and dedication of veterans, has been criticized as self-centered.

In contrast, Pat Tillman exemplified duty, honor, and sacrifice. He gave up his successful NFL career to serve his country after the 9/11 attacks, and tragically lost his life during his service. Awarding this honor to someone who does not reflect the award's intent diminishes its value and disrespects Tillman's memory.

By signing this petition, you express your commitment to the principles that Pat Tillman stood for and send a clear message to ESPN to reconsider their choice of award recipient. Let's ensure the Pat Tillman award continues to honor those truly deserving of recognition. Please sign and share this petition to help preserve the integrity of the Pat Tillman Award.

346 people signed this week
Signatures: 81,259Next Goal: 150,000
346 people signed this week
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