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Beyond Spaceship Earth App

Help astronauts with their day-to-day routines

Some astronauts live portions of their lives on the International Space Station. This means that they work, exercise, complete chores and more, all while in space.

With help from NASA and the Entertainment Software Association Foundation, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis has been able to take the Beyond Spaceship Earth exhibit experience and bring it to you at home through these games available for iOS phones and tablets:

  • Exercise on the ISS—For the best workout in space, keep the astronaut’s heart rate within a certain range.
  • Vacuum Up Fluids—With a special vacuum hose, catch liquid floating around the ISS before it damages the electrical system.
  • Take a Space Walk—Walk the exterior of the ISS. Be careful not to tear your suit, and get back to the station before time runs out!
  • Tend to Plants—Manage a plant experiment as a space farmer!
  • APP-BONUS: Program Robonaut—Some routine maintenance tasks can be done by a robot. In this app-exclusive, direct “Robonaut” on the right path to clean the ISS air filters.

Download these games to practice before visiting Beyond Spaceship Earth at The Children’s Museum!

Download for iOS™

Digital games developed with the support of the Entertainment Software Association Foundation.