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SameSite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are the new SameSite changes?

Chrome is changing the default behavior for how cookies will be sent in first and third party contexts.

Note: this also means cross-site or third-party cookies are restricted to secure / HTTPS connections only.

Q: When do the new SameSite changes roll live?

This behavior will become the default during the Chrome 80 rollout.

Q: How can I test the new SameSite defaults?

In the location bar, enter chrome://flags to access the flag configuration. Set the following flags to enabled:

Q: How can I tell if my cookies are affected?

Chrome is displaying warnings in the Console in DevTools which highlight each cross-site request where cookies would be affected by the new SameSite defaults. The cookies and their respective SameSite and Secure attributes are also visible in DevTools within the Application tab under Storage → Cookies. This same information is also available in the Network Tab for each request.

Q: What do I need to do to my cookies?

Q: How do I handle older or incompatible browsers?

Refer to following guidance:

Q: Are the new defaults applied to Chrome on iOS?

No. Chrome on iOS (as with all other browsers) uses the underlying WebKit engine and does not currently enforce the new defaults.

Q: How can I tell if my browser is applying the new SameSite defaults?

The test site: will show the presence of a variety of cookies in a same-site and cross-site context along with whether that’s correct for the new defaults. If all rows show with a green check mark: ✔️ then the browser is enforcing the new defaults.

Q: What if I have an HTTP page and need third-party cookies?

Ideally, sites should be upgrading to HTTPS and cross-site cookies will not be sent over a plain HTTP connection. However, on an HTTP page with HTTPS resources then those secure requests will include cookies that have been marked with SameSite=None; Secure. Sites that rely on services making use of third-party cookies should ensure they are including those resources (scripts, iframes, pixels, etc.) via an appropriate HTTPS URL. You can see this in action on this test site:

A reasonable rule is if the connection is an upgrade, i.e. HTTP page with HTTPS resources then they can have cookies. However, a downgrade, i.e. an HTTPS page with HTTP resources will not get cookies on cross-site HTTP resources and users will most probably see mixed content warnings in the browser UI.

In general, make all requests over HTTPS where possible.

Q: What is the Lax + POST mitigation?

This is a specific exception made to account for existing cookie usage on some Single Sign-On implementations where a CSRF token is expected on a cross-site POST request. This is purely a temporary solution and will be removed in the future. It does not add any new behavior, but instead is just not applying the new SameSite=Lax default in certain scenarios.

Specifically, a cookie that is at most 2 minutes old will be sent on a top-level cross-site POST request. However, if you rely on this behavior, you should update these cookies with the SameSite=None; Secure attributes to ensure they continue to function in the future.

Q: Why doesn’t my extension work anymore under the new SameSite rules?

Chrome extensions use the chrome-extension:// URL scheme, which appears as cross-site to anything https:// or http://. The fix, which is to treat extension-initiated requests as same-site*****, is available in Chrome 79 and later. Some use cases involving requests made from web frames on extension pages may also behave differently in Chrome 80. If you test on newer (80+) versions of Chrome and find that your extension is still broken, please file a bug on using this template.

* If the extension has host permissions access to the page.

Q: Are cookies in WebViews affected by the new default behavior?

[UPDATE Jan 8, 2021: The modern SameSite behavior (SameSite=Lax by default, SameSite=None requires Secure, and Schemeful Same-Site) will be enabled by default for Android WebView on apps targeting Android S and newer. Existing apps will not be affected until they choose to update to target Android S. Android S has not yet been released. Existing apps can be tested with the new modern SameSite behavior by toggling the flag webview-enable-modern-cookie-same-site in the developer UI.]

The new SameSite behavior will not be enforced on Android Webview until later, though app developers are advised to declare the appropriate SameSite cookie settings for Android WebViews based on versions of Chrome that are compatible with the None value, both for cookies accessed via HTTP(S) headers and via Android WebView's CookieManager API. This does not apply to Chrome browser on Android, which will begin to enforce the new SameSite rules at the same time as the desktop versions of Chrome.