Our Partners

  • Aflac logo
  • Aggreko logo
  • Air Canada logo
  • Alhambra logo
  • Corpay logo
  • Epson logo
  • Hyundai logo
  • Liquid Death logo
  • Mastercard logo
  • San Miguel logo
  • SAP logo
  • Treasury Wine Estates
  • Sunlife logo
  • Tourism Montreal logo

Our Approach

Cirque du Soleil partners are part of an innovative platform where together we dream the impossible and champion the creative arts.

We integrate unmatched creativity and your business objectives to drive impactful results across on-site activations, special projects, product launch campaigns, branded content and more.

Why partner with Cirque du Soleil?

The World Leader in Entertainment Every Year

Cirque du Soleil is the #1 grossing tour in the world with 32 unique active shows and 9.5 million annual tickets sold.

What our partners say about us:

Are you ready for
a big leap?