Celebrating 60 years of
Computer and Information Sciences

Weisong Shi, Department Chair

Welcome Back Students!

Welcome to the new academic year of 2024-2025! I am excited to welcome our new students, who are joining us for the first time, and our returning students, who continue contributing to our vibrant community. Whether you are just beginning your journey with us or returning to further your academic pursuits, we are thrilled to have you as part of the CIS family. As we embark on this exciting journey together, I am thrilled to share some remarkable achievements and updates that highlight the strength and vibrancy of our department.

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CIS at a glance

24% Domestic PhD students
24% Domestic PhD students
52% of current faculty have received NSF CAREER Awards
Ranked 63rd on CSRankings.org


USNWR’s 2025 Best Graduate Schools


Graduate Tuition
per credit hour

Deepen your knowledge and move ahead with a
master’s degree in computer science.

Learn more about the MSCS program

What’s Happening

Accelerating innovation

Accelerating innovation

The University of Delaware (UD) hosted the first-ever Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine (ATOM) Hackathon, aimed at enhancing the computational resources of the ATOM platform, an open platform for molecular and drug discovery.

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CIS Chair joins CCC Council

CIS Chair joins CCC Council

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is thrilled to announce that the following six computing researchers have joined the CCC Council: Weisong Shi, University of Delaware Rayid Ghani, Carnegie Mellon University Sebastian Elbaum, University of Virginia Rachel...

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female student working on laptop

Undergraduate Programs

We offer both a BS and BA in computer science as well as a BS in information systems.

Graduate Programs

We offer an MS and PhD in computer science and an MS in bioinformatics and computational biology.

Grad student on laptop in dark room

Research Overview

Learn more about Research in Computer & Information Sciences at UD including:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Science Education
  • Computer Vision/Graphics/Robotics
  • Cybersecurity
  • High Performance Computing
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
  • Quantum Computing
  • Software Engineering
  • Theory of Computation

Upcoming Events


From its inception just a half century ago, computing has become the defining technology of our age. Computers are integral to modern culture and are the primary engine behind much of the world’s economic growth. Moreover, the field continues to evolve at an astonishing pace, making computer science increasingly important with each passing day.

With a background in computer and information science, you can help the world. For example, through computer science, you can help to:

  • Improve human health
  • Advance computer technology
  • Coordinate disaster responses
  • Impact national security
  • Advance weather forecasting
  • Improve communications

Student Outcomes


of Computer Science graduates are employed or pursuing further education.


of Information Systems graduates are employed or pursuing further education.

Read more about Computer Science outcomes here.

Read more about Information Systems outcomes here.