CCB Floors 1, 4 & 5 Office Remodels

July 30, 2024 Update

Quarter 3 Update
The original remodel of first and 5th floors is complete and we are wrapping up loose ends in preparation for closing out the contract.  Simultaneously we are ramping up starting the DCR remodel on first floor with a review of existing drawings, making adjustments where needed based on events with the previous phase and preparing to go out for construction bids in late September of 2024.

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Project Details

  • Location

    • 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
      Madison, WI 53703
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Alder District

    District 4
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Project Overview

This is a multi-phased project for office remodels on the first, fourth and fifth floors of the City County Building (CCB).

Phase 2A, CCB Remodel – DCR

The next phase of the City of Madison office remodeling in the City County Building (CCB), is Phase 2A, CCB Remodel – DCR. This space is room 104, the former Parks Department Office along with a small conference room (108A). These spaces were removed from the original Phase 2 First and Fifth Floors remodeling project due to the rising cost of construction that we are currently experiencing.

Sept. 29, 2023 update: The next phase of the City of Madison office remodeling in the City County Building (CCB), is Phase 2A, CCB Remodel – DCR. This space is room 104, the former Parks Department Office along with a small conference room (108A). These spaces were removed from the original Phase 2 First and Fifth Floors remodeling project due to the rising cost of construction that we are currently experiencing.

We are currently revisiting the existing DCR plan set and making some changes for planned growth and future use of the space. We anticipate bidding the project early in the first quarter of 2024, beginning construction in early third quarter 2024 with completing construction and move in by early second quarter 2025. This schedule is somewhat dependent on a County window replacement project that will be running March-October of 2024.

Phase 2 of CCB Office Remodels, First and Fifth Floors

Phase 2 of the remodel will include the Clerk, Assessor and Treasurer offices on the First Floor and the Common Council and Office of the Independent Police Monitor on the Fifth Floor. Many of these spaces are antiquated with little to no upgrades since they were originally built. This project will provide all offices with some daylighting, new mechanical systems, security and break rooms. 

December 01, 2022 update: Due to current escalations in construction costs the scope of the existing Phase 2 of this project needed to be reduced in order to make budget. The design team is currently appending the construction drawings in preparation for bidding in January.  See below for the "Project Schedule - Phase 2 of CCB Office Remodels, First and Fifth Floors.

July 03, 2023 update: The contract pre-construction meeting with the General Contractor (Tri-North Construction) was held in mid-June. Due to long lead times for manufacturing certain products they are currently working on submitting all shop drawings for approvals of materials and equipment and placing orders. They anticipate mobilizing and starting the demolition process in late July. A coordination meeting with the Dane County window replacement contractor is also scheduled for mid-July.

Sept. 28, 2023 update: CCB Phase 2 - First and Fifth; Demolition is nearly complete on both floors and framing of new spaces has started on the first floor.

Phase 1 CCB (City County Building) Floors 1, 4 & 5 Pre-Design Study

August 2020 update: Under the new proposed budget the previous project of the CCB 4th and 5th floor remodel of city offices has been revised and re-prioritized to include city offices on the first floor as well. A new Request for Proposal (RFP) has been released for Architectural Design Services. The first phase of the project will be Master Planning and the Preliminary Design Phases for all three floors. This will then be followed up with a complete design of just the first floor and first floor construction. The next floor design will start while the previous floors construction is in progress. RFP responses and proposals are due in mid-September and we hope to have contracts signed and be under way around the holidays 2020.

March 01, 2021 update: The design contract has been routed and signed. Continuum Architects + Planners will begin with Stage 1-Master Planning of City offices on floors 1, 4, and 5 with an initial kickoff meeting in mid-March. This will be followed by several on site meetings to look at individual office spaces to understand work flow and review existing building conditions within each space. During the Master Planning Stage we will be looking several potential options for best fit and adjusting adjacencies of these departments which will set the foundation for future design phases.

August 23, 2022 update: Phase 1 – Master Planning of all three CCB floors was completed in December of 2021. Final review of the documentation was completed by City Staff in late January 2022, and Continuum was authorized to proceed with the Schematic Design phase for Phase 2. Phase 2 will consist of finalizing all of the individual design phases, bid, and construct (remodel) City owned spaces on the first and a portion of the fifth floor. These spaces include the offices of the City Assessor, Clerk, treasurer, and Department of Civil Rights on the first floor. The Common Council office and the Office of the Independent Monitor will be remodeled during this phase on the fifth floor. We have completed the Schematic Design for this phase which ensures the Master plan properly fits and starts putting finish elements into the floor plan. We are currently working on the Design Development aspect where we start incorporating more detail into the drawings including finish, furniture, lighting, equipment, audio/visual equipment and other specialty equipment as needed for each department. Phase 3 will be the design/construction of city offices on the fourth floor (City Attorney, Mayor, Finance Department). At this time we anticipate this phase beginning design in 2023 and construction in 2024. Phase 4 will be the design/construction of city offices on the fifth floor (City Information Technology Department and City Engineering-Facility Management). At this time we anticipate this phase beginning design in 2024 and construction in 2025.

Project Schedule - PHASE 2A CCB Remodel - DCR

Construction Document Prep: April to August 2024
1st Advertisement of Bid: August/Sept 2024 
Bid Due Date: Sept. 2024
Construction Start Date: Late 2024
Expected Completion Date: 2025

Project Schedule - PHASE 2 of CCB Office Remodels, First and Fifth Floors

1st Advertisement of Bid: January 11, 2023 available only on Bid Express 
Pre-Bid Building/Site Contractor Meeting: Thursday, January 26, 2023 @ 9:00 am at CCB Rm 108A located at 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Madison, WI
*Additional Pre-Bid walk-throughs will be scheduled by appointment only.  Contract Mike or Randy (see contact information in the side bar) for an appointment.  Minimum of two working day notice is required.  Deadline for appointment shall be 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, 2023.
Bid Due Date: April 06, 2023
Construction Start Date: May 12, 2023
Expected Completion Date: January 19, 2024
"All information regarding dates/times/locations are informational and should be verified with official bidding documents posted on Bid Express."

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

City Process Meetings

March 19, 2024 Common Council File #82233
March 06, 2024 Board of Public Works File #82233
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract (Architect) (#8939) between the City of Madison and Continuum Architects and Planners S.C. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors, more specifically the Phase 2 project for the first floor.

May 02, 2023 Common Council File #77307
April 19, 2023 Board of Public Works File #77307
Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9226, Phase 2 of CCB City Office Remodels, First and Fifth Floors

March 21, 2023 Common Council File #76511
March 08, 2023 Board of Public Works File #76511
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract (Architect) (#8939) between the City of Madison and Continuum Architects + Planners S.C. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors, more specifically the Phase 2 project for the first floor. (4th AD)

Dec. 06, 2022 Common Council File #74588
Nov. 16, 2022 Board of Public Works File #74588
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Contract 9226 - Phase 2 of CCB Office Remodels, First and Fifth Floors

Sept. 06, 2022 Common Council File #72978
August 17, 2022 Board of Public Works File #72978
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract (Architect) (#8939) between the City of Madison and Continuum Architects + Planners S.C. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors, more specifically the Phase 2 project for the first floor

Feb. 04, 2021 File #63502
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract for Purchase of Services (Architect) with Continuum Architects + Planners to provide professional architectural and engineering consultant design services CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors

Project Updates

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