Imagination Center at Reindahl Park

August 29, 2024 Update

In the News
August 29, 2024 The Cap Times
Madison’s first park-based library faces budget concerns

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 1818 Portage Road
      Madison, WI 53704
  • Project Type

  • Status

    In Design
  • Alder District

    District 12

Project Information

Project Overview

Madison Public Library is planning a new library and community facility at Reindahl Park. The proposed “Imagination Center at Reindahl Park” will not be an ordinary library. It will be a transformational space designed and directed by the northeast Madison community. The Imagination Center at Reindahl Park will be a place for the community to gather and learn. It will be a safe place for social interaction, civic engagement, and cultural expression. The center will focus on holistic health and expanding economic opportunities for library visitors.  Please visit the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Scoping Study and Imagination Center at Reindahl Park for additional information.

Sept. 12, 2022 update: As part of the design process for the Reindahl Imagination Center, a geothermal test bore and thermal conductivity test will be completed between Sept 20-28, 2022. This is one of the first steps required when designing a geothermal system for larger commercial buildings and provides the design team accurate information about ground conditions. The accurate ground information from both the bore and the conductivity test allow the design team to size the geothermal system. The bore will be ~6 inches in diameter and up to 225 feet deep. It will stay in the upper aquifer (the nearby Unit Well 15 draws water from the lower aquifer). A HDPE U-bend pipe will be inserted into the bore and the space around the pipe will be filled with grout that seals the bore space completely. Testing equipment, running from a generator, will then be connected to the ends of the pipe at the surface for up to 72 hours. This bore will be re-used when the full system is installed as part of the future construction project, which will be permitted by the WI Dept of Natural Resources (WDNR) with input from the Madison Water Utility.

Jan. 09, 2023 update: The Imagination Center is midway through the Schematic Design phase with an expected phase completion in March 2023. Stakeholders are finalizing decisions on the overall floor plan layout and also determining the Imagination Center’s building massing, materiality, building operations, and interior design intent. Upon completion of Schematic Design, the project will enter the Design Development phase, where the design intent is further refined in preparation for the Construction Documentation phase. See the Project Schedule below for more information on milestone Design, Bid, & Construction dates.

Project Schedule

City User Agency: Madison Public Library
Design and Planning: April 2021 - June 2024

1st Advertisement of Bid: December 19, 2024
Bid Due:  February 13, 2025
Construction Start date: March 31, 2025
Expected Completion: July 31, 2026
LEED Goals: LEED Silver Minimum

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings

Nov. 6, 2023 ICRP Public Information Meeting Recording
Nov. 6, 2023 ICRP Public Information Meeting Presentation Slides

March 29, 2023 Northeast Area Plan Open House

October 27, 2022 Summary of Comments Received at Public Meeting #3
October 27, 2022 Reindahl Park Public Meeting #3 Presentation Slides

October 06, 2022 Public Information Meeting #2 Reindahl Park Master Plan Update
October 06, 2022 Reindahl Park Public Meeting #2 Presentation Slides

August 30, 2022 Public Information Meeting #1 - Reindahl Park Master Plan Update
August 30, 2022 Reindahl Park Public Meeting #1 Presentation Slides

Jan. 27, 2022 Public Information Meeting Recording
Jan. 27, 2022 Public Information Meeting Pre-Design Presentation

City Process Meetings

October 18, 2023 File #79954
Urban Design Commission Informational Presentation

April 19, 2022 File #70661
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract (Architect) between the City of Madison and Joseph Lee & Associates, LLC to provide professional architectural and engineering design services and construction administrative services for the Imagination Center at Reindahl Park project located at 1818 Portage Road

March 03, 2021 File #63945
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a competitively selected, two-step contract for Purchase of Services (Architect) with Joseph Lee & Associates, LLC to provide professional architectural and engineering design services and construction administration services for the design and construction of the Reindahl Imagination Center/Library

In the News

August 29, 2024 The Cap Times
Madison’s first park-based library faces budget concerns

August 15, 2024
Proposed budget cuts could impact “Imagination Center” project

August 2, 2024, Wisconsin State Journal
With or without referendum, Madison has no plan to afford Far East Side 'Imagination Center'

October 24, 2024 City of Madison News Update
Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Moves Forward, Meeting Set

July 31, 2023 Wisconsin State Journal
Snags delay $16.1 million Imagination Center on Far East Side for 2 years

March 27, 2023 Mayor's Office - Blog
Open House for Upcoming Plans in Northeast Area

July 30, 2022 Wisconsin State Journal
Madison to update master plan for sprawling Reindahl Park as big project there looms

January 26, 2022 Wisconsin State Journal
Madison unveils $16.1 million "Imagination Center" with library, pavilion at Reindahl Park

Mar. 04, 2020: The Cap Times
From civic space to child care, east side residents envision possibilities for proposed Reindahl Imagination Center        

Nov. 19, 2019: City of Madison News
Soil Drilling, Testing to Begin in Reindahl Park

Oct. 17, 2019: The Cap Times
Ald. Samba Baldeh: Reindahl Park library would bring services to those with greatest needs

Oct. 08, 2019 Channel
Snakes and slides: How locals are imagining the Reindahl "Imagination Center"

Jun. 17, 2019: The Cap Times
Reindahl Imagination Center would be more than 'a library in a park'

Soil borings were taken the first week of December 2019 to test the soil for its consistency, strength and durability for the future Reindahl Park Imagination Center:

Reindahl Park Imagination Ctr Soil Boring

After the borings are completed, the holes are filled:

Reindahl Imagination Center Soil Boring Filled

Project Updates

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