Ohmeda Drive Reconstruction

August 8, 2024 Update

Construction continues on Ohmeda Drive (Femrite Drive to 1,800 feet north). The contractor has completed the sanitary sewer main and laterals as well as and water main installation. The contractor is working on storm sewer main and culvert installation and street grading. In the weeks ahead, the contractor will work on relocating City fiber optic lines, storm sewer main, and street grading. The project should be complete around the beginning of November 2024.

The City Inspector, Jim Gottschalk, [email protected], 608-535-7819 will be the best on-site contact throughout construction work.

Please review the Construction Facts & Details document: 

View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 3232 Ohmeda Drive
      Madison, WI 53718
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 16
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Project Overview

The City is planning to reconstruct Ohmeda Drive off Femrite Drive on the east side of Madison in 2024. The City plans to install sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, culverts, stormwater facilities, asphalt, curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway aprons, street lighting, pavement marking, and signing along Ohmeda Drive. Ohmeda Drive construction is anticipated to begin in spring of 2024 and be completed by fall of 2024.

The new development in the northwest quadrant of the Femrite Drive and Ohmeda Drive intersection is working to install sidewalk and driveways along the north side of Femrite Drive between Interstate 39 and 90 and Ohmeda Drive. All work in this area is anticipated to be complete in the spring of 2024.

Exhibit for proposed layout of Ohmeda Drive
Fact and details sheet
Proposed Assessments

Project Limits

Ohmeda Drive – Femrite Drive to 1,800 feet north, ending at a new cul-de-sac

Project Schedule

Design: Fall 2022/Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2023/Winter 2024
Bids Advertised: Spring 2024
Construction Phase: Spring/Summer 2024 to Fall 2024

Public Involvement

The City has met with each property owner along the project to discuss the project scope and answer questions. 

Public Information Meetings

No Meeting was held, individual property owners were contacted about the project to discuss impacts.

City Process, Public Hearings

Board of Public Works: November 2, 2022
Common Council: November 22, 2022

Board of Public Works: February 8, 2023
Common Council: February 28, 2023

Board of Public Works: February 7, 2024
Common Council: March 5, 2024


Board of Public Works Notice Mailing (includes proposed assessments and fact sheet)

Board of Public Works: Notice, Fact Sheet, Schedule of Assessments (Jan. 23, 2024)

Common Council: Public Hearing Notice (Feb 22, 2024)

Adopted Resolution Notice: Letter, Finance Letter, Resolution, and Assessments (Mar 21, 2024)

Project Updates

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