Frequently Asked Questions: Digital Subscription to


Why am I being asked to subscribe to — now of all times?

We’re asking our loyal readers to purchase a voluntary subscription because we need your support.

Sending reporters to breaking news events, holding the powerful accountable through authoritative investigative reporting, producing journalism that’s relevant to you and reflects the strength, diversity and creativity of Clevelanders is an expensive proposition in the best of times. This is particularly true now. Just as the coronavirus pandemic has hurt other local businesses — and put many of our readers out of work — it’s affected dramatically, too. Advertising, our primary source of online revenue, has been hit hard and is unlikely to simply bounce back when things return to “normal.” In order to keep doing what we’re committed to doing, we need readers like you — readers who visit frequently and rely on us for trustworthy local reporting — to support us by purchasing subscriptions. Here’s where to get yours. We’re grateful for your support.

How much does a subscription to cost?

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting

Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

Introductory subscription offers are available to new subscribers only. New subscribers are those who have not subscribed within the past 30 days.

How many stories can I read before I'm required to subscribe?

As many as you want. For now, your support of is voluntary. Your subscription helps us underwrite the work of our reporters and editors.

I already subscribe to The Plain Dealer. Do I need to subscribe to

No. If you already subscribe to The Plain Dealer, we thank you for supporting our work.


What does “Subscriber Exclusive” mean?

"Subscriber Exclusive" stories represent experienced reporting from a Northeast Ohio perspective you’ll only find on It’s Ohio journalism about issues that matter to you.

How many stories will be Exclusive?

You’ll see the Exclusive label on many of the best stories. The number of those stories will change from day to day.

What must I do to read Exclusive stories?

Subscribe and log in with your credentials. Subscribers have unlimited access to read all Subscriber Exclusive stories. Please consider subscribing now to support reliable, trusted local journalism.


What are the benefits of the new login system?

We have heard you, and we have improved our web and app sign in system so it is faster and easier to sign in, and your sign in credentials will be recognized for a longer time. We have improved our compatibility with the password manager that is built into your browser. We have also added “Sign in with Apple” for users who would prefer to log in and purchase a subscription via their Apple account.

How do I login or create an account via the web?

These instructions will guide you through the login steps for (direct login link):

  1. In the top right-hand corner of the page, click the “Sign In” menu, and select the "Sign In" option.
  2. Enter the email address and password associated with your subscription or account. If you would prefer to connect your Google, Facebook, or Apple account, log in with those credentials before purchasing a subscription.

To create an account (direct create account link):

  1. In the top right-hand corner of the page, click the “Sign In” menu, and select the "Create Account" option.
  2. Enter the email address and choose a password to associate with your subscription or account. Passwords must be 6 characters or longer. If you would like to use your Google, Facebook, or Apple account in order to purchase a subscription, log in instead with those credentials.
  3. Make sure to check the checkbox to agree to our legal terms.
How do I login via the app?

These instructions will guide you through the login steps for the app:

  1. In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, click the Profile menu, and select the "Sign In/Create account" option.
  2. Enter the email address and password associated with your subscription or account. Or, if you have connected your Google, Facebook, or Apple account to your subscription, log in with those credentials.
How do I reset a password?

If you have forgotten your password that goes along with your email address, visit this page and request a password reset:

Can I login with Twitter or LinkedIn?

We no longer support signing in using the Twitter or LinkedIn platforms. If your subscription previously used these platforms, please contact support at [email protected], otherwise make a new account via the email, Google, Apple or Facebook options.

I'm a subscriber but I'm being blocked from subscriber content

After signing in with your account, if you visit a “Subscriber Exclusive” story and still cannot read the content, make sure you are signed in with the account that was active when you purchased your digital subscription. If you have signed in with an active subscription account and you are still being blocked from subscriber exclusive content, please contact us via email at [email protected].

I'm already a subscriber. So why am I still seeing messages asking me to subscribe?

Thank you for being a subscriber. While subscribers will continue to see some subscription messages initially, the on-site experience may change in the future. In the meantime, for us to know you are a subscriber while you are reading, you need to be signed into the site. To learn how to sign in, see the question above.

I am a subscriber — and signed in — but I'm still seeing messages urging me to subscribe. How do I make them go away?

If you are still seeing subscription messages after you sign in as a subscriber, you may need to clear your browser’s history, cookies and cache. Through its settings, each browser has a different way of clearing this data. Here are YouTube tutorials that show you the way to do it for the most common browsers: Internet Explorer | Chrome | Safari | Firefox.

If, after clearing your cookies and cache, you’re still experiencing problems, please email [email protected] or call 216-999-6000.

Why do I have to log in to on my phone when I already logged in on my laptop/desktop/tablet? Can’t the site just see me wherever I am accessing content?

Unfortunately, no. Our systems see each device you use separately. To enjoy the full benefits of your subscription, you must log in on each of your devices.

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel, you can manage subscription online at Your payment is non-refundable, and your access will continue until the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer, please visit You may also call 216-999-6000.

Still not finding the answer to your question? Please email [email protected] or call 216-999-6000 for further assistance. Your satisfaction with is our top priority.