America needs to be a beacon of light: Dr. C. Ronald S. Williams II

Four lit candles in the darkness

We must discover new and impactful ways to bring back light to this world. (Brenda Duncan)Brenda Duncan

Guest columnist Dr. C. Ronald S. Williams II is founder and senior pastor of Mount Zion Fellowship church located in Highland Hills. He holds a Doctor of Ministry, a Master of Divinity and has authored five books, including “Decision,” “The Seasons of Life” and “Hush the Lord is Talking.” Dr. Williams is a devoted, loving father to his two sons and two grandchildren.

For many decades, the United States has been a beacon of light to a world that has been plunging deeper and deeper into darkness. In the past few years, I have questioned: What has happened to our light and our influence?

Yes, America has made many sacrifices, and they have come with a steep price. However, “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” (Matthew: 5:14-15)

I believe it would be safe for me to say that America has lost much of its positive influence in the world because of the instability caused by the shifting sands underneath our governmental officials. The most concerning is that many Evangelicals have given approval to this corruption by being silent and not speaking out against it. I believe the hypocrisy and what appears to be the decline of integrity in our nation are unprecedented.

We the people need to let our voices be heard. Evangelicals, where are we?

The Kurds are suffering because of what appears to be selfish and self-serving actions taken by an ungodly administration. I pray that we do not find ourselves in a war because we have been alienated from our closest and most dependable allies. “Together we stand, divided we fall.”

The King James version of the Bible reads: “Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” The word gospel literally means “good news.” Jesus said He came to “preach good news to the poor.” (Luke 4:18)

But what good news has America been bringing to the rest of the world these past few years? We must discover new and impactful ways to bring back light to this world.

In the United States, God has favored us with much, but the scriptures declare “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.” (Luke 12:48) Have we devolved into a society that is selfish to the extreme of future self-destruction?

There was a movie released in which the slogan of an incumbent leader of a political party was “God bless America and no place else.” The man running against him said, “God bless America and every place else.”

Evangelicals, we need to return to the place of realizing that there are people from other countries that need our assistance. There are also American citizens who need assistance without the stigma of being labeled as less than.

Be grateful for what we have been given, but let us also be benevolent toward those who have not experienced the same privilege as us. If God has been gracious to us, let’s share the benefit of that grace with others.

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