Training Material and Policy Fact Sheets

Training Material and Policy Fact Sheets

Training Guide

The training manual has been designed to assist providers in the basic understanding of the Medicare Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System (LTCH PPS) program and implementation. Providers will receive information on features of the LTCH PPS and examples of specific policies. The training guide (ZIP) is divided into four chapters: LTCH PPS Overview, Payment, Clinical Issues and Billing. Although each chapter builds upon the previous chapter, each is also comprehensive enough to use for focused training if used in conjunction with the LTCH PPS Overview chapter.

PowerPoint Presentation for Training Providers

View the PowerPoint Presentation (ZIP) on Long Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System.

Fact Sheets

The LTCH fact sheets are updated annually as we revise specific policy areas.  They contain detailed descriptions and include specific examples of how to implement some of the more complicated policies such as the short-stay outlier policy and the interrupted stay policy.  They are available to our contractors, providers, and to the general public.

Page Last Modified:
08/29/2024 03:56 PM