[Federal Register: August 30, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 170)]
[Page 46133-46159]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 46133]]


Part III

Library of Congress
Copyright Office


Copyright Restoration of Works in Accordance With the Uruguay Round 
Agreements Act; Notice

[[Page 46134]]


Copyright Office
[Docket No. 96-4]
Copyright Restoration of Works in Accordance With the Uruguay 
Round Agreements Act; List Identifying Copyrights Restored Under the 
Uruguay Round Agreements Act for Which Notices of Intent To Enforce 
Restored Copyrights Were Filed in the Copyright Office

AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of Congress.

ACTION: Publication of Second List of Notices of Intent to Enforce 
Copyrights Restored Under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.


SUMMARY: The Copyright Office is publishing its second list of restored 
copyrights for which it has received and processed Notices of Intent to 
Enforce a copyright restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act. 
Publication of the lists creates a record for the public to identify 
restored copyright owners and works for which Notices of Intent to 
Enforce have been filed with the Copyright Office.

EFFECTIVE DATE: August 30, 1996.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marilyn J. Kretsinger, Acting General 
Counsel, or Charlotte Douglass, Principal Legal Advisor to the General 
Counsel, Copyright GC/I&R, Post Office Box 70400, Southwest Station, 
Washington, D.C. 20024. Telephone: (202) 707-8380. Telefax: (202) 707-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Uruguay Round General Agreement on 
Tariffs and Trade and the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) (Pub.L. 
No. 103-465; 108 Stat. 4809 (1994)) provide for the restoration of 
copyright in certain works that were in the public domain in the United 
States. Under section 104A of title 17 <SUP>1 of the United States Code 
as provided by the URAA, copyright protection was restored on January 
1, 1996, in certain works by foreign nationals or domiciliaries of 
World Trade Organization (WTO) or Berne countries that were not 
protected in the United States for the reasons listed below. 17 U.S.C. 
104A (1994). Specifically, to qualify for restoration, a work must be 
an original work of authorship that:

    \1\ The URAA's amendment of 17 U.S.C. 104A replaces section 104A 
under the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 
(Pub.L. No. 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057, 2115 (1993)). The Uruguay Round 
Trade Agreements, Texts of Agreements, Implementing Bill, Statement 
of Administrative Action, and Required Supporting Statements, H.R. 
Doc. No. 316, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. 324 (1994). See 60 FR 50414 
(Sept. 29, 1995).

    (1) is not in the public domain in its source country through 
expiration of term of protection;
    (2) is in the public domain in the United States due to:
    (i) noncompliance with formalities imposed at any time by United 
States copyright law, including failure to renew, publishing the work 
without a proper notice, or failure to comply with any manufacturing 
    (ii) lack of subject matter protection in the case of sound 
recordings fixed before February 15, 1972; or
    (iii) lack of national eligibility (e.g., the work is from a 
country with which the United States did not have copyright relations 
at the time of the work's publication); and
    (3) has at least one author (or in the case of sound recordings, 
rightholder) who was, at the time the work was created, a national or 
domiciliary of an eligible country. If the work was published, it must 
have been first published in an eligible country and not published in 
the United States within 30-days of first publication.
See 17 U.S.C. 104A(h)(6). A work meeting these requirements is 
protected ``for the remainder of the term of copyright that the work 
would have otherwise been granted in the United States if the work 
never entered the public domain in the United States.'' 17 U.S.C. 
    Unlike the procedure for restoration under the North American Free 
Trade Agreement Implementation Act, under the URAA, copyright in 
restored works vests automatically on the date of restoration. 17 
U.S.C. 104A(a)(1)(A). That date is January 1, 1996, if the particular 
nation was already a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) or 
the Berne Convention. Otherwise, the effective date of restoration is 
the date of a particular nation's adherence to the WTO or the Berne 
Convention or the date when the President issues a proclamation 
extending copyright restoration to that nation.
    Although the copyright owner may immediately enforce the restored 
copyright against individuals who infringe his or her rights on or 
after the effective date of restoration, the copyright owner's right to 
enforce the restored copyright is delayed against reliance parties. 
Typically, a reliance party is one who was already using the work 
before December 8, 1994, the date the URAA was enacted. See 17 U.S.C. 
104A(h)(4). Before a copyright owner can enforce a restored copyright 
against a reliance party, the copyright owner must first file or serve 
a Notice of Intent to Enforce (NIE) on such parties.
    A copyright owner may file an NIE in the Copyright Office within 
two years of the date of restoration of copyright. Alternatively, an 
owner may serve an NIE on an individual reliance party at any time 
during the term of copyright; however, such notices are effective only 
against the party served and those who have actual knowledge of the 
notice and its contents. NIEs appropriately filed with the Copyright 
Office and published herein serve as constructive notice to all 
reliance parties.
    Pursuant to the URAA, the Office is publishing its second four 
month list identifying restored works and the ownership for Notices of 
Intent to Enforce a restored copyright filed with the Office. 17 U.S.C. 
104A(e)(1)(B). The first list was published on May 1, 1996. 61 FR 
19372. The NIEs listed herein are those entered into the public records 
of the Office between April 19, 1996, and August 16, 1996.
    We have published only the names of the owners and the titles 
listed in the NIEs because that is all that is required by law and we 
do not have the funds to include any additional information. By using 
this information, one may search the Office's database to obtain 
additional information about a particular NIE. NIEs are located in what 
is known as the Copyright Office History Documents (COHD) file which is 
available from computer terminals located in the Copyright Office 
itself or from terminals located in other parts of the Library of 
Congress; it is also available through Internet. This information may 
be obtained through the Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS). 
The hours of availability are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 
U.S. Eastern Time (Copyright Office) or over the Internet Monday-Friday 
6:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time, Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., 
and Sunday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Alternative ways to connect through 
Internet are: (i) use the Copyright Office Home Page on the World Wide 
Web at: http://www.loc.gov/copyright; (ii) telnet to locis.loc.gov or 
the numeric address and log in as marvel; (iii) telnet to 
marvel.loc.gov, or the numeric address and log in as 
marvel; or (iv) use a Gopher Client to connect to marvel.loc.gov.
    Information available online includes: the title or brief 
description if untitled; an English translation of the title; the 
alternative titles if any; the name of the copyright owner or owner of 
one or more exclusive rights, the date of receipt of the NIE in the 
Copyright Office; the

[[Page 46135]]

date of publication in the Federal Register; and the address, telephone 
and telefax number of the copyright owner. If given on the NIE, the 
online information will also include the author, the type of work, and 
the rights covered by the notice. See 37 C.F.R. 201.33(f). For the 
purpose of researching the full Office record of NIEs on the Internet, 
the Office is preparing online search instructions that will soon be 
accessible through the Copyright Homep Page. When these instructions 
become available, a researcher can access them through the Library of 
Congress Home Page on the World Wide Web by selecting the copyright 
link. Additionally, images of the complete NIEs as filed are on optical 
disc and available from the Copyright Office.
    The following restored works are listed alphabetically by copyright 
owner; multiple works owned by a particular copyright owner are listed 
alphabetically by title. Works having more than one copyright 
proprietor are listed under the first owner and cross-referenced to the 
succeeding owner(s). A cross-reference to the composite owner (e.g., 
Title I owned by ``A B & C'') will state, ``see A B & C'' at the 
listing for each individual owner (e.g., for Owner A, for Owner B and 
for Owner C).

Action Research, Royal National Institute for the Blind & Imperial 
Cancer Research Fund

The black swan.
The gamester.
King in Prussia.
The Marquis of Carabas.
The romantic prince.
The sword of Islam.
Turbulent tales.

Alexander, David Bradbury

All the flowers came out at once.
A child in the house.
The early harvest.
Finn and the black hag.
A furnished room.
Gospel truth.
If he hollers.
A light dozen.
My friend Specs McCann.
The other side of the wall.
The pattern breakers.
A pinch of salt.
Return journey.
Talk to me.
Tea at four o'clock.
There's a man in that tree.

Ashbee, Richmal

Blind man's bluff.
Just William's luck.
Just William.
More William.
Still William.
Sweet William.
William again.
William and the brain's trust.
William and the evacuees.
William and the moon rocket.
William and the space animal.
William and the tramp.
William carries on.
William does his bit.
William in trouble.
William the bad.
William the bold.
William the conqueror.
William the detective.
William the dictator.
William the fourth.
William the gangster.
William the good.
William the outlaw.
William the pirate.
William the rebel.
William the showman.
William's bad resolution.
William's crowded hours.
William's happy days.
William's treasure trove.

Ashton, Paul. SEE Mommens, Ursula, Lady Darwin & Paul Ashton

Authors' Contingency Fund

The 12.30 from Croydon.
Antidote to venom.
Anything to declare.
The Groote Park murder.
The hog's back mystery.
Many a slip.
Murderers make mistakes.
The mystery of the sleeping car express and other stories.
Mystery on Southampton water.
The pit prop syndicate.
The Ponson case.
Young Robin Brand.

Baring (Maurice) Will Trust, Trustees of

The puppet show of memory.
Robert Peckham.
Unreliable history.

Barstow Brown, Sara Orczy-. SEE Orczy-Barstow Brown, Sara

Bell, Jean

Beware of the trains.
Buried for pleasure.
The case of the gilded fly.
Frequent hearses.
Man overboard.
Swan song.

Berg, Lelia

The adventures of Chunky.
A box for Benny.
Grown-ups don't understand.
Trust Chunky.

Blair & Associates, Ltd.

Dark eyes of London.
The door with seven locks.
Intimate relations.

Briant, Winfred Lydia

As a thief in the night.
Cat's eye.
Dr. Thorndyke intervenes.
Dr. Thorndyke: his famous cases.
Flighty Phyllis.
Helen Vardon's confession.
Mr. Pottermack's oversight.
The Penrose mystery.
The stoneware monkey.
The surprising experiences of Mr. Shuttlebury Cobb.

British Home Entertainment, Ltd.

An evening with the Royal Ballet.
Uncle Vanya.

Brown, Sara Orczy-Barstow. SEE Orczy-Barstow Brown, Sara

Cinematheque Francaise

Un chapeau de paille d'Italie.

Calderon, SA, Cinematografica

A ritmo de twist.
Los amantes.
Amor a balazo limpio.
El amor abrio los ojos.
Los amores de un torero.
Arma de dos filos.
Aventura en Rio.
Bellas de noche.
Besos prohibidos.
La bien amada.
Bikinis y rock.
Bolero inmortal.
Cabellera blanca.
Cadetes de la naval.
Camino del deseo.
Carne de gallina.
La casa embrujada.
Casadas en apuros.
Los chiflados del rock and roll.
Con quien andan nuestros locos.
El conde de montecristo.
La conquista del dorado.
Cuide a su marido.
De hombre a hombre.
De ranchero a empresario.
Del can can al mambo.
Diana la cazadora.
Duelo de pistoleros.
Duelo en el dorado.
Ferias de Mexico.
Las ficheras.
Frankestine el vampiro y cia.
La fuerza del deseo.
Una gitana en Jalisco.
El hombre invisible.
La horripilante bestia humana.

[[Page 46136]]

Huespedes famosos.
La ilegitima.
La isla de los dinosaurios.
Juventud desnuda.
La ley de las pistolas.
Llevame en tus brazos.
Las lobas del ring.
Locos por la television.
Locura musical.
Las luchadoras vs. el medico asesino.
Las luchadoras vs. la momia.
Las luchadoras vs. robot asesino.
La maldicion de la momia azteca.
Maternidad imposible.
Mi mujer no es mia.
Mis tres padres.
La momia azteca.
La momia azteca vs. robot asesino.
La mujer murcielago.
Mujeres de teatro.
Mujeres en mi vida.
Mujeres encantadoras.
Las mujeres pantera.
Mujeres sacrificadas.
Munecos infernales.
Musica y dinero.
Nido de tiburones.
La nina de mis ojos.
No niego mi pasado.
La noche es nuestra.
Noches de ronda.
Nuestros maridos.
Ocho hombres y una mujer.
Palabras de mujer.
Para toda la vida.
Pecado de ser mujer.
Peligros de juventud.
Peor que los buitres.
Pistolas invencibles.
Los pistoleros.
Pokar de reinas.
Pompeyo el conquistador.
Por que peca la mujer.
Por un amor.
Puerto de perdicion.
Recuedos de mi valle.
El revolver sangriento.
San Francisco de Asis.
San Ignacio de Loyola.
Santa Claus.
Santo en el tesoro de dracula.
Santo en la venganza de la llorona.
Santo en la venganza de la momia.
Santo vs. la hija de Frankestein.
Santo vs. los jinetes del terror.
Santo y Blue Demon vs. Dracula y El Hombre Lobo.
Santo y Blue Demon vs. Frankenstein.
El secreto de Juan Palomo.
El seductor.
Senora Tentacion.
Siete ninos de Ecija.
Sindicato de telemirones.
Socios para la aventura.
El sol sale para todos.
Sombra verde.
El tigre negro.
Los tres rohemios.
Tuya en cuerpo y alma.
Un tipo dificil de matar.
Una golfa.
El vestido de novia.
Victimas del divorcio.
Victimas del pecado.
Virgen de Guadalupe.
La virtud desnuda.

Clark, Charles Gordon

An apology for lawyers.
The best detective stories of Cyril Hare.
The Crime of William Graves.
Death among friends.
Death is no sportsman.
The death of Amy Robsart.
An English murder.
Friday's child.
He should have died hereafter.
I never forget a face.
The magic bottle.
Miss Burnside's dilemma.
Monday's child.
The old flame.
The rivals.
Saturday's child.
Sister Bessie.
Suicide excepted.
A surprise for Christmas.
Tenant for death.
That yew tree's shade.
Thursday's child.
Tragedy at law.
Wednesday's child.
Weight and see.
When the wind blows.
With a bare bodkin.

Clasa Films Mundiales, SA de CV

El primer amor.

Comaissance du Cinema

Prix de beaute.

Compagnie Mediterraneenne de Films

Le belle menuiere.
La femme du boulanger.
La fille du puisatier.
Le gendre de Monsieur Poirier.
Les letters de mon mowlin (I & II).
Manon des sources.
Le schpountz.
Topaze (1933).
Topaze (1951).

Connaissance Du Cinema

Les bas fonds.

Cooper, Leo

National Provincial.

Cordon Holding, BV

Acht koppen.
Andere wereld.
Band van Mobius II.
Boven en onder.
Cirkellimiet I.
Cirkellimiet III.
Concentrishe schillen.
Dag en nacht.
Daken van Siena.
De brug.
Drie bollen I.
Drie bollen.
Drie werelden.
Droom (mantis religiosa).
Dubbele planetoide.
Emblemata (colofon).
Emblemata (eerste titelpagina).
Emblemata (I, bloemvaas).
Emblemata (II, aanbeeld).
Emblemata (III, luit).
Emblemata (inhoudsopgave).
Emblemata (IV, vlieger).
Emblemata (IX, stoomwals).
Emblemata (tweede titelpagina).
Emblemata (V, boei).
Emblemata (VI, palmboom).
Emblemata (VII, windvaan).
Emblemata (VIII, zonnewyzer).
Emblemata (X, vuurslag).
Emblemata (XI, kaarsvlam).
Emblemata (XII, handwyzer).
Emblemata (XIII, byenkorf).
Emblemata (XIV, kikvorsch).
Emblemata (XIX, vlinder).
Emblemata (XV, eekhoorn).
Emblemata (XVI, paddestoel).
Emblemata (XVII, weegschall).
Emblemata (XVIII, dobbelsteenen).
Emblemata (XX, cactus).
Emblemata (XXI, waterput).
Emblemata (XXII, schuilnest).
Emblemata (XXIII, gieter).
Emblemata (XXIV, hangslot).
Gemummificeerde priesters in Gangi, Sicilie.
Hand met spiegelende bol.
Hol en bol.

[[Page 46137]]

Kikker mummie.
Kleiner en kleiner.
Klimmen en dalen.
Kubus met banden.
Lichtende zee.
Lucht en water I.
Lucht en water II.
Metamorphose I.
Metamorphose II.
Metamorphose III.
Nieuwjaarswens 1947 Nederlandsche ex libris-kring, den haag.
Ontwikikeling I.
Ontwikkeling II.
Orde en chaos (II) kompasroos.
Pretententoon stelling.
Regelmatige vlakverdeling.
Regelmatige vlakvulling met vogels.
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 19).
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 5).
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 11).
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 15).
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 21).
Scholastica (illustratie, pagina 25).
Scholastica (initaal D, pagina 7).
Scholastica (initaal T, pagina 10).
Scholastica (initiaal A).
Scholastica (initiaal D, pagina 24).
Scholastica (initiaal H, pagina 12).
Scholastica (initiaal H, pagina 13).
Scholastica (initiaal O, pagina 27).
Scholastica (initiaal S, pagina 3).
Scholastica (initiaal S, pagina 4).
Scholastica (initiaal V, pagina 17).
Scholastica (initiaal V, pagina 20).
Scholastica (vignette, pagina 28).
Scholastica (voorkant omslag).
Stilleven en straat.
Stilleven met spiegel.
Studie voor sterren.
Toren van Babel.
Twee dorische zuilen.
Twee snydende vlakken.
Valkvullings motief met reptielen.
Vissen en schubben.
Vissen ent kikkers.
Vlakvulling I.
Vlakvulling II.
Vlakvullingsmotief met vogels.
Zon en maan.

Cummings, Diana

A bullet for Rhino.
The case of the busy bees.
The case of the Michaelmas goose.
Catt out of the bag.
Charles Augustus Milverton.
Dead on time.
Funny peculiar.
The Knights of St. Peerrins.
Let X be the murderer.
Measure for murder.
Midsummer murder.
Mischief in the offing.
The quick one.
Silence after dinner.
Subject: murder.
Villainous saltpetre.

DeAnda (Raul) SA de CV, Producciones

24 horas de vida.
Acapulco a go go.
Alias el Alacran.
Almas rebeldes.
Amanecer ranchero.
Amor a la Mexicana.
Angeles de arrabal.
Apuros de mi ahijada los.
Aqui esta Juan Colorado.
Asi es mi Mexico.
Una aventura en la noche.
Baila mi amor.
Bajo el cielo de sonora.
Banda del Cuervo la.
Bataclan Mexicano.
Buscabullas el.
Caminos de sangre.
Campeon sin corona.
Una cancion a la Virgen.
Carcel de cananea la.
Charro negro el.
Charro negro en el norte el.
Ciel rojo.
Comisario en turno.
Con los dorados de villa.
Con todo el corazon.
Cristeros los.
Cuarto mandamiento el.
Cuatro noches contigo.
Del rancho a la capital.
Diablo a caballo el.
Diablo desaparece el.
Dos caballeros de espada.
Dos gallos de pelea.
Duelo en el desierto.
Duquesa diabolica la.
Espadachin el.
Espionaje en el golfo.
Fe en Dios la.
Frontera norte.
Fuera de la ley.
Gaviota la.
Genio y figura.
Guadalajara pues.
Guerra de los sexos la.
Hay angeles sin alas.
Hija del ministro la.
Hijo del bandido el.
Hijo del charro negro el.
Hombre de negro el.
Hombre peligroso un.
Hombres de roca.
Konga roja.
Leyenda del bandido la.
Leyenda del bandido la.
Lunar de la familia el.
Manzanas de Dorotea las.
Marcha a zacatecas la.
Mascaara de jade la.
Mascara de carne la.
Matrimonio y mortaja.
Muchacho alegre el.
Muchacho de durango el.
Muerte en bikini la.
Muerte en la feria.
Una mujer decente.
Mula de cullen baker la.
La mula de Cullen Baker.
Negocio del odio el.
Padrino es mi compadre el.
Pozo el.
Quien mato al abuelo.
Rancho alegre.
Reina del tropico la.
Rio escondido.
Sangre en el barrio.
Se la llevo el Remington.
Si quiero.
Siete evas para adan.
Solitario el.
Sombra de chucho el roto la.
Sota caballo y rey.
Soy puro mexicano.
Su precio unos dolares.
Tierra de violencia.
Tierra del mariachi la.
Tormenta en la cumbre.
Toros amor y gloria.
Tres de presidio.
Tres hombres malos.
Ultimo chinaco el.
Unidos por el eje.
Vagabundo en lalluvia.
Vengador el.
Venganza del chaarro negro la.
Venganza del Diablo la.
Vuelo 701.
Vuelta del chaarro negro la.
Yo mate a Juan Charrasqueado.
Yo mate a Rosita Alvirez.
Zurdo el.

Diana Internacional Films, SA de CV

Aladino y la lampara maravillosa.

[[Page 46138]]

Alla en el rancho grande.
Alla en el tropico.
Amor aue malo eres.
Las aventuras de Pito Perez.
Bajo el cielo de Mexico.
Los Beverly de Peralvillo.
Cancion de cuna.
Capullito de alehli.
Una carta de amor.
Cartas marcadas.
Cito con la muerte.
Las colegialas.
Como atrapar a un Don Juan.
Como todas las madres.
Con la musica por dentro.
Corazon de fiera.
La criada bien criada.
El criado malcriado.
Crimen y castigo.
Cuando quiere un mexicano.
Departamento de soltero.
Despedida de soltera.
La devoradora.
Dios los cria.
Dos de la vida airada.
Duro pero seguro.
Educando a papa.
En tiempos de la inquisicion.
Entre abogados te veas.
Escuela der vagabundos.
Escuela para suegras.
Fijate que suave.
Flor de durazno.
Hasta que perdio jalisco.
Hay muertos que no hacen ruido.
El hijo desobediente.
Los hijos de Maria Morales.
Hipolito el de santa.
La instrusa.
Jalisco canta en Sevilla.
El jefe maximo.
Juan sin miedo.
Ley fuga.
Lo que le pasoy a san son.
Lo que va de ayer a hoy.
Las locuras de tin tan.
Los maderos de San Juan.
La madrecita.
Mama Ines.
Las mananitas.
La marca del coyote.
Me he de comer esa tuna.
Medico de guardia.
Muchachas que trabajan.
Una mujer que no miente.
La mujer sin alma.
El nino y el ladron.
El nino y el muro.
No basta ser charro.
No me defiendas compadre.
Nosotros dos.
Paco el elegante.
Padre nuestro.
Papacito lindo.
Pena, penita, pena.
Pina madura.
Playa prohibida.
Pobre pero honrada.
Pobres pero sinverguenzas.
Por la puerta falsa.
Que familia tan cotorrra.
Que me toquen las golondrinas.
El rey se divierte.
Rogaciano el Huapanguero.
La selva de fuego.
Senora Ama.
Si adelita se fuera con otro.
Si me han de matar manana.
Solo veracruz es bello.
La sombra del otoro.
Sonaron cuatro balazos.
El sultan descalzo.
El tigre de jalisco.
Tu y las nubes.
Tonta tonta pero no tanto.
Los tres mosqueteros y medio.
La ultima noche.
Vino el remolino y nos alevanto.

Earl of Oxford and Asquith

Autoboiography of a saint.
Barchester pilgrimage.
The belief of Catholics.
The body in the silo.
Bread of stone.
Bridegroom and bride.
Captive flames.
The creed in slow motion.
Double cross purposes.
Essays in satire.
The footsteps at the lock.
God and the atom.
The gospel in slow motion.
Heaven and Charing Cross.
The hidden stream.
The imitation of Christ.
In soft garments.
In three tongues.
The layman and his conscience.
Let Dons delight.
Lightning meditations.
The mass in slow motion.
Occasional sermons.
Other eyes than ours.
Pastoral sermons.
A retreat for laymen.
A retreat for priests.
Retreat in slow motion.
Solved by inspection.
Still dead.
University and Anglican sermons.

Eldin, Madame V

Mediterranean scenes.
The religious interregnum.

Elvira (Gonzalo) SA de CV, Producciones

La ciudad no es para mi.
Dos anos de vacaciones.
Palabras de amor.
La revoltosa.
Rififi en el convento.

Estate of J. R. R. Tolkien. SEE Tolkien (J. R. R.) Estate of

Estate of W. P. Watt. SEE Watt (W. P.) Estate of

Executors of the Estate of David Garnett. SEE Garnett (David) 
Executors of the Estate of

Executors of the Estate of Fiametta Oliver. SEE Oliver, W. R., & 
the Executors of the Estate of Fiametta Oliver

Executors of the Estate of Jim Stewart. SEE Stewart (Jim) Executors 
of the Estate of

Executors of the Estate of K. S. P. McDowell. SEE McDowell (K. S. 
P.) Executors of the Estate of

Executors of the Estate of Magdalen Perceval Maxwell. SEE Maxwell 
(Magdalen Perceval) Executors of the Estate of


Cesar et Rosalie.

Fildebroc, Gueville

Que la fete commence.

Fildebroc, SFP, FR3, UGC

L'a rgent des autres.

Fildebroc, United Artists

Le diable par la queue.
Le roi de coeur.


Le complexe du kangourou.

Fildebroc-Capac & Somerville House Production (Montreal)

Au revoir a Lundi.

Films de la Pleiade

La chasse au lion a l'arc.
Les maitres fous.
Martin Soldat.
Terre sans pain.

Films de la Pleide

L'E au a la bouche.

Films du Jeudi

La chienne.

Fisher, Wyn

Back to ballygullion.
The ballygullion bus.
Dear ducks.
Lobster salad.
An ulster childhog.

Flann O'Brien, Estate of

Two in one.

[[Page 46139]]

FR3. SEE Fildebroc, SFP, FR3, UGC

Frazer, Sir James

Aftermath: a supplement to the golden bough.
The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead.
Condorcet on the progress of the human mind.
Creation and evolution in primitive cosomogonies and other pieces.
The fear of the dead in primitive religion.
The gorgon's head and other literary pieces.
Myths of the origin of fire.
Totemism and exogamy.
The worship of nature.

Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of the Majestic 
Film/Tobis (Germany)

Tanz auf dem Vulkan.

Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of the Terra-
Filmkunst, GmbH (Germany)

Die grosse Freiheit Nr. 7.
Jud Suess.

Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of the Tobis-
Filmkunst, GmbH (Germany)

Die Geierwally.
Der grosse Koenig.
Ohm Krueger.

Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Legal Successor of the UFA 

Der blaue Engel.
Die Drei von der Tankstelle.
Die Entlassung.
Es war eine rauschende Ballnacht.
Der Feuerteufel.
Das Floetenkonzert von Sanssouci.
FP1 antwortet nicht.
Friedrich Schiller--Triumph eines Genies.
Geheimzeichen LB 17.
Die goldene Stadt.
Der Gouverneur.
Die grosse Liebe.
Der grosse Schatten.
Hitlerjunge Quex.
Der Kaiser von Kalifornien.
Der Kongress tanzt.
Der letzte Mann.
Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes war.
Nibelungen I (Siegfried's Tod).
Nibelungen II (Kriemhilds Rache).
Quax der Bruchpilot.
Reitet fuer Deutschland.
Ritt in die Freiheit.
Romanze in Moll.
Sensationsprozess Casilla.
Die Strasse.
Trenck der Pandur.
Unter heissem Himmel.
Urlaub auf Ehrenwort.
Via Mala.
Victor und Viktoria.
Wasser fuer Canitoga.
Der zerbrochene Krug.

Galubi, SA, Producciones

El agente viajero.
Al son del mambo.
La alegria de vivir.
Los amores de Juan Chaarrasqueado.
La bandida.
Barridos y regados.
Caballos de acero.
Cafe colon.
Camino del mal.
Cantando nace el amor.
Cementerio del terror.
Cielito lindo.
Como perros y gatos.
El derecho de nacer.
los desalmados.
Los desarraigados.
La doncella de piedra.
La golfa del barrio.
El gran campeon.
Gritenme piedras del campo.
El halcon solitario.
El hijo de los pobres.
El hijo del palenque.
Impaciencia del corazon.
Los invisibles.
Juan Charrasqueado.
Ladron que roba a ladron.
Ladrones de ninos.
El luchador fenomeno.
Magnum 357.
La malaguena.
Manos de seda.
Me quiero casar.
Mi preferida.
La muerte del soplon.
La mugrosita.
La mumer de dos caras.
Nido de fieras.
La nina de la mochila azul.
La noche del Ku Kux Klan.
Nosotras las sirvientas.
Un padre a toda maquina.
Un par a todo dar.
Pecado mortal.
Pegando con tubo.
Pilotos de combate.
Pistoleros bajo el sol.
Pistoleros del diablo.
El plebeyo.
Pobre del pobre.
Que perra vida.
Rescate mortal.
El rey de la selva.
Santo vs. los asesindos de otros mundos.
Serenata en Acapulco.
Sucedio en Acapulco.
Un sueno de amor.
Los tales por cuales.
Vuelven los halcones.
Yo fui novio de Rosita Alvirez.

Garnett (David) Executors of the Estate of

The familar faces.
The flowers of the forest.
The grasshoppers come.
Pocahontas, or the nonpareil of Virginia.
A rabbit in the air.
War in the air.

Gaumont and UGC D.A. International

Rendez-vous de Juillet.
Serie noire.

Gaumont, SA

Antoine et Antoinette.
Assassins et voleurs.
Caroline Cherie.
Un condamne a mort s'est echappe.
Cousin cousine.
Les dos au mur.
La passion de Jeanne d'arc.
La poison.
Les tontons flinguers.
Les trois font la paire.

Goebel (W.) Porzellanfabrik, GmbH & Co. KG

's stimmt net (Dose).
's stimmt net.
's stimmt net. Ascher.
53 IV.
Abendlied, Marterl.
Adventsengel m. Harmonika, candleholder.
Adventsengel m. Laute, candleholder.
Adventsengel m. Mandoline.
Adventsengel m. Trompete, candleholder.
Adventsengel mit Floete, Baumbehang.
Adventsengel mit Floete.
Adventsengel mit Mandoline, Baumbehang.
Adventsleuchter mit 3 Engein.
Das Allerneuste.
Am Wegesrand, bildstockl.
Am Wegesrand, Weihkessel.

[[Page 46140]]

Angsthase, Bild.
Apfeldieb, Junge.
Auf der Alm. Bandoneonspieler.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Baby in Wiege (Wandring).
Bei Mutter Maria, Materl.
Betendes Kind mit Engelein.
Der Blumenfreund.
Blumenmadonna mit Kind.
Bruderlein und Schwesterlein.
Bruederlein und Schwesterlein, table lamp.
Der Buecherwurm.
Der Buecherwurm/Junge.
Der Buecherwurm/Maedchen.
Christkindlein kommt, Baumbehang.
Christkindlein kommt, Engel.
Dankgebet, Baumbehang.
Duett Saengerpaar.
Engel in Wolke, Baumbehang.
Engel mit Trompete, Baumbehang.
Engel rechts, Weihkessel.
Engel, Weihkessel.
Engelgruppchen, Weihkessel.
Der erste Einkauf.
Erster Schultag, Junge.
Erster Schultag, Maedchen.
Ferienfreunde, Bild.
Freibiges Lieschen.
Freunde (Buchstutze).
Freunde Tischlampe.
Der fromme Reitersmann.
Fromme Weisen.
Fruehling ist's.
Fruehling, Maedchen im B (Buchstutze).
Fruehling, Maedchen im Baum.
Fruehling, Maedchen in Baum.
Fruhling Madchen im Baum, table lamp.
Fuer's Vaterle, Rettichbub.
Gaenseliesl (Buchstutze).
Das Geheimnis.
Geigerlein mit Hund.
Geigerlein, Bild.
Gesangsprobe (Dose).
Gesangsprobe, Ascher.
Glockenturm mit Engeln.
Glueckskauf, Junge mit Schwein.
Die Gratulantin.
Gute Freunde.
Der gute Hirte, Weihkessel.
Der gute Hirte.
Haendler-Aufstellschild mit Wanderbu.
Haensel und Gretel.
Hans im Glueck.
Hasenvater (Buchstuetze).
Hasenvater (Dose).
Heimkehr, Babgeiger.
Heini Bandoneonspieler (Dose).
Heini, Ascher.
Heinl Bandoneonspieler (Dose).
Herbst Junge im Baum, table lamp.
Herbst, Junge im Baum (Buchstutze).
Herbst, Junge im Baum.
Der Herr Kapellmeister.
Herr Ober.
Himmlische Klaenge, Baumbehang.
Hinaus in die Ferne.
Hoert lhr Leute. Nachtwaechter.
Hui, die Hummel.
Ich bringe Gluck, Kaminfeger.
Ich gratuliere.
Ich hab's vergessen.
Im Huehnerhof.
Im Huhnerhof (Buchstutze).
In Sicherheit, Madchen.
In tausend Angsten.
Jesuskind, Weihkessel.
Junge mit Holzpferd (Adv. Leuchter).
Junge mit Vogel, ascher.
Kind im Bettchen (Wandring).
Kind mit Haengematte (Wandbild).
Die kleine Gaertnerin.
Der Kleine Konditor.
Der kleine Musikant.
Kniender Engel mit Horn.
Kniender Engel mit Kerze.
Kniender Engel mit Laute.
Kuekenmutterchen (Buchstuetze) = Chick girl, book end.
Kuekenmutterchen (Dose).
Leise Tone, Baumbehang.
Liebt mich, liebt mich nicht, table lamp.
Liebt mich, liebt mich nicht.
Liebt mich, liebt. (Buchsstutze).
Lobgesang, Baumbehang.
Madonna mit Heiligenschein.
Madonna ohne Heiligenschein.
Maedchen mit Blumenstraub, Candleholder.
Maedchen mit T'Baum (Adventsl).
Meister Wichtig.
Mutters Liebste (Maedchen) table lamp.
Mutters Liebste.
Mutters Stutze.
O, du froehliche * * * Engel.
O, du froehliche.
Das Quarttet, Bild.
Ritter St. Georg.
Schulschwanzer, Junge.
Schutzengel (Weihkessel).
Schutzengel Weihkessel.
Schweinehirt (Buchstutze).
Sing Kind mit Engelein.
Sitz. Engel mit Laute, Baumbehang.
Sitz. Kind m. Schmetterling (Wall ring).
Sitz. Madonna mit Kind.
Sitzender Engel, Weihkessel.
Staendchen, Junge mit Flote.
Stehender Junge m. Herz (Bild).
Stille Nacht Kerzenhalter.
Stille Nacht, Jesuskind.
Stille Nacht.
Der Storenfried.
Strickliesl (Ascher).
Strickliesl (Dose).
Trara--die Post ist da (Bild).
Trara--die Post ist da.
Unter einem Dach.
Vater's G'scheitester.
Vater's G'scheitser, table lamp.
Wanderbub, Bild.
Wanderlied, Maedchen.
Wandschmuck in Herzform.
Weiber Engel, Weihkessel.
Wiegenlied, Kerzenhalter.
Wir gratulieren.
Ziegenbub (Buchstutze).
Zum Tanz. Babgeiger.

Grands Films Classiques

L' affaire est dans le sac.
Un chien Andalou.
Drole de drame.
La mort en ce jardin.
Voyage surprise.

Graves (Robert) Copyright Trust, Trustees of

Adam's rib.
All the meaning of dreams.
Another future of poetry.
But it still goes on.
Collected poems (1914-47).
Collected poems 1938-45.

[[Page 46141]]

Collected poems 1938.
The common asphodel.
Contemporary techniques of poetry.
English and Scottish ballads.
The English ballad.
The feather bed.
Impenetrability, or the proper habit of English.
The infant with the globe.
Jesus in Rome.
John Kemp's Wager.
John Skelton (Laureate).
King Jesus.
Lars Porsena, or the future of swearing and improper language.
The less familiar nursery rhymes.
Marmosite's miscellany.
The meaning of dreams.
Mock beggar hall.
The more deserving cases.
More poems 1961.
Mrs. Fisher on the future of humour.
No decency left.
No more ghosts.
Oratio creweiana.
Poems (1914-27).
Poems 1926-30.
Poems 1929.
Poems 1930-33.
Poems 1938-45.
Poems 1953.
Poems and satires.
Poems selected by himself.
Poetic unreason.
The real David Copperfield.
Robert Graves.
Selected poetry and prose of Robert Graves.
The shout.
Symptoms of love.
Ten poems more.
To Magdalena Mulet, Margita Mora and Lucia Graves.
To whom else?
Welchman's hose.
Winter in Majorca.
Work in hand.

Gueville. SEE Fildebroc, Gueville

Hale, Crystal & Jocelyn Herbert

A book of ballads.
Codd's last case.
Derby day.
Full enjoyment and other poems.
Holy deadlock.
Independent member.
Look back and laugh.
Misleading cases.
More misleading cases.
Mr. Pewter.
No fine on fun.
Number nine.
Sea shanties.
Silver stream.
Still more misleading cases.
Uncommon law.
The water gypsies.

Hankinson, Mrs. A.S.

The crime at Vanderlynden's.
For some we loved.
No one will ever know.
Sixty-four, ninety-four.
The Spanish farm.
To hell with Crabb Robinson.
Vanities and verities.
Young man's fancies.

Hannay, Althea C. & Susan Harper

Angel's adventure.
Daphene's fishing.
Golden apple.
Good intentions.
Goodly pearls.
The grand duchess.
The gun runners.
Laura's Bishop.
Lieutenant commander.
The lost lawyer.
Magilligan strand.
Millicent's corner.
Miss Maitland's spy.
Mrs. Miller's aunt.
Murder most foul.
Now you tell one.
Over the border.
Piccadilly lady.
Poor Sir Edward.
A public scandal.
A sea battle.
The search for Susie.
Ships and sealing wax.
The silver gilt standard.
Two fools.
The two scamps.
Wild justice.

Harper, Susan. SEE Hannay, Althea C. & Susan Harper

Hemisphere Entertainment, Inc.


Herbert, Jocelyn. SEE Hale, Crystal & Jocelyn Herbert

Holroyd, Michael

An artist of life: Havelock Ellis.
Common misquotations.
Conan Doyle: his life and art.
Doctor Darwin.
Down to earth.
Farewell to argument.
The fool of love.
Forward to nature.
GBS, a postscript.
Gilbert and Sullivan.
The hero of Delhi.
An Irishman's England.
The last actor manager.
A life of Shakespeare.
The man whistler.
Marriage and genius.
Modern men and mummers.
The moving waters.
Paths of light.
A Persian critic.
The pilgrim daughters.
The sounding cataract.
The swan of Lichfield.
Talking of Dick Whittington.
Thinking it over.
Tom Paine: friend of mankind.
The triumph of the tree.
While following the plough.

Holtzman (Elizabeth McManus) Irrevocable Trust

Abstract composition.
Along the Amstel (trees along the Gein; Geinrust farmhouse).
Along the Amstel.
The Amstel (Cafe 't Vissertje on the Amstel).
The Amstel in the evening.
The Amstel river, evening impression.
The Amstel: haze (Geinrust farm in the mist).
Anemones in a vase.
Apple tree.
Arum lily (calla lily).
At the Lappenbrink, Winterswijk.
At work.
Autumn landscape.
Banks of the Seine.
Barge (study for the Stadhouderskade).
Barn (farmhouse).
Barns at Nistelrode.
Beach at Domburg.
Beech forest.
Birch woods.
Blue chrysanthemum.
Blue facade; composition no. 9; (composition no. VI).
Blue lily.
Blue rose.
Blue roses with yellow background.
Blue tree.
Boat on a river (landscape with a boat).
Brabant farmyard.
Branches [recto] trees [verso] (sketchbook IV, no. 7 a/b).
Breakwaters at Domburg.
Bridge on the Achter Canal.
Bridge on the Achter Canal: (seen from the Kostverlorenvaart).
The Broek house on the Amstelveenseweg.
Calla lilies.
Calla lily.
Calves in a field bordered by willow trees.
Canal in the Schinkel area of Amsterdam.
Canal in the Schinkel area, Amsterdam (the Long Bleekers Channel, seen 
from the Kostverlo.

[[Page 46142]]

Canal scene.
Castle ruin: Brederode.
Cat's tail on dark ground (cattail on dark ground). Cattail (cat's-
Chrysanthemum (dying chrysanthemum).
Church apse (church seen from the rear).
Church at Domburg (church facade I).
Church at Domburg (sketchbook I).
Church at Domburg (steeple of the church in Domburg).
Church at Domburg.
Church at Winterswijk.
Church at Zoutelande.
Church facade (sketchbook III, no. 9).
Church facade 2 (church facade).
Church facade 6.
Church facade of Notre Dame des Champs (sketchbook III, no. 10).
Church facade.
Church in Domburg.
Church in Zeeland.
Circular composition: church facade.
Color study.
Composition (composition I).
Composition (composition with blue, red, yellow, and black).
Composition (composition with red, blue, yellow, and black).
Composition (composition with blue and red).
Composition 1-A (composition no. 1; lozenge composition with four black 
Composition 1916.
Composition 2 (tableau 2; Composition with yellow, black, blue, red, 
and gray).
Composition 2 with red and blue.
Composition A; (composition A; composition with red and blue).
Composition B with grey and yellow (composition B; composition with 
double line and yellow and gray).
Composition B with red.
Composition blue-white.
Composition C (composition A; composition with red and blue).
Composition gray-red.
Composition I (composition no. I; composition with yellow).
Composition I with black lines.
Composition I with blue and yellow (tableau no. 1; lozenge composition 
with three lines and blue, gray, and yellow).
Composition I with red, yellow, and blue (tableau I: composition with 
red, black, blue, and yellow).
Composition I with red, yellow, and blue.
Composition II with black lines (composition in white and black II).
Composition II with red, blue, and yellow.
Composition II with yellow and blue.
Composition II with yellow and blue (composition no. II; composition 
with blue and yellow).
Composition III (composition with red, blue, yellow, and black).
Composition III with red, yellow, and blue.
Composition in a square (composition with blue, yellow, black, and 
Composition in a square.
Composition in black and white.
Composition in blue and yellow.
Composition in color B.
Composition in gray, blue, yellow, and red.
Composition in gray-blue.
Composition in grey and ochre-brown.
Composition in grey and ochre.
Composition in grey and yellow.
Composition in grey, blue, yellow, and red.
Composition in grey.
Composition in line and color (tableau no. 1).
Composition in line [first state-photograph].
Composition in line [second state] (composition in black and white).
Composition in oval (tableau no. 3).
Composition in oval with color planes 1.
Composition in oval with color planes II.
Composition in red and white.
Composition in white and black (tableau I; lozenge composition with 
four lines and gray).
Composition in white, black, and red.
Composition in white, black, red, and blue.
Composition in white, red, and yellow.
Composition in yellow, blue, and white.
Composition no. 14.
Composition no. 3 (composition with color planes). Composition no. 3 
(trees) (tableau no. 4; composition no. VIII).
Composition no. 7.
Composition no. 8.
Composition no. I (trees).
Composition no. I; composition with black, yellow, and blue.
Composition no. I; composition with red.
Composition no. II (composition with blue and red).
Composition no. II; composition in line and color. Composition no. VI 
(composition no. II: composition with black, blue, red, yellow, and 
Composition with black and blue (Schilderij no. 1; lozenge composition 
with two lines and blue).
Composition with black lines.
Composition with black, white, yellow (composition with yellow square).
Composition with blue (composition of lines and color, III; composition 
with blue).
Composition with blue and red.
Composition with blue and yellow.
Composition with blue and yellow (composition with yellow, blue, and 
double line).
Composition with blue, black, yellow, and red.
Composition with blue, red, and yellow (painting no. 11).
Composition with blue, yellow, and white.
Composition with blue.
Composition with color planes 2.
Composition with color planes 5.
Composition with color planes and gray lines 1.
Composition with color planes and gray lines (composition with planes 
in gray and ochre).
Composition with color planes and gray lines.
Composition with color planes.
Composition with color planes: lozenge (composition with grid 7).
Composition with colors A.
Composition with gray and red.
Composition with gray lines: lozenge (composition with grid 4).
Composition with grey and black (painting no. 2).
Composition with grey lines (composition with grid 1: lozenge) (lozenge 
with grey lines).
Composition with large blue plane (composition with large blue plane, 
red, black, yellow, and gray).
Composition with large red plane, gray-blue, yellow, black, and blue).
Composition with light colors and gray lines: lozenge (composition with 
grid 6).
Composition with pink, blue, yellow, and white (church facade).
Composition with planes in ochre and gray: lozenge (composition with 
grid 5).
Composition with red and black (composition with blue, grey, red, 
Composition with red and black (composition with black, red, and gray).
Composition with red and black (composition no. 1; composition with red 
and black).
Composition with red and black.
Composition with red and blue.
Composition with red and yellow (opposition of lines, of red and 
yellow, no. I).
Composition with red, black, and white (composition no. I; composition 
with red, blue, and yellow).
Composition with red, black, blue, yellow, and gray.
Composition with red, black, yellow, blue, and gray.
Composition with red, blue, and greenish yellow.

[[Page 46143]]

Composition with red, blue, and yellow (composition II; composition I; 
composition in red, blue, and yellow).
Composition with red, blue, black, and yellow-green (composition C; 
composition with yellow, red, blue-gray, blue).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with yellow, red, 
black, blue, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with yellow, red, 
black, red, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with red plane, 
black, blue, yellow, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with red, blue, 
black, yellow, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue.
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with red, blue, 
yellow, black, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with blue, yellow, 
red, black, and gray).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition no. III; 
composition with red, yellow, and blue).
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition C; composition no. 
Composition with red, yellow, blue, and black (composition A; 
composition with black, red, gray, yellow and blue).
Composition with red, yellow, blue, and black.
Composition with red, yellow, and blue (composition with blue, yellow, 
red, and black).
Composition with red.
Composition with white and red (composition B).
Composition with white, grey, yellow, and blue (composition with 
yellow, blue and blue-white).
Composition with white, red, and yellow.
Composition with yellow (lozenge composition with four yellow lines).
Composition with yellow and blue (composition no. II; composition with 
yellow and blue).
Composition with yellow and blue.
Composition with yellow and double line.
Composition with yellow and red.
Composition with yellow, red, and blue.
Composition with yellow, red, and blue (tableau VII). Composition with 
Composition [photograph].
Composition [recto and verso].
Composition [study].
Composition: checkerboard with dark colors (composition with grid 8).
Composition: checkerboard with light colors (composition with grid 9).
Composition: trees I.
Composition: trees II.
Cow in the meadow (cow).
Cow in the meadow.
Cows (study of cows).
Cows in a shed.
Cows in the meadow.
The departure of the fishing fleet; Zuiderzee (the Stadhouderskade near 
the Bewaring house).
Diamond composition and two rectangles.
Diamond composition.
Diamond compositions.
Ditch near the Kalfje (tree on the Kalfje).
Dredge (the Amstel at twilight).
Dredge on the Amstel near the Omval.
Dredge [recto] (on the Amstel near the Omval) Haystack [verso].
Drydock at Durgerdam.
Duivendrecht (farmhouse on the Gein).
Dune (variation).
Dune I.
Dune II.
Dune III.
Dune IV.
Dune V.
Dune VI (summer, dune in Zeeland).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 2).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 3).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 1).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 5).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no.
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 11).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 13).
Dunes and sea (sketchbook III, no. 14).
Dunes and sea.
Dunes at Domburg.
Dutch village (village view: landscape with mill * * * near the 
Dying chrysanthemum.
Empty barges and sheds.
Empty barges.
End of day.
Eucalyptus tree in gray and tan.
Eucalyptus tree.
Eucalyptus trees.
Evening on the Gein (evening on the Gein with isolated tree).
Evening on the Weesperside.
Evening sky.
Evolution (triptych).
Facade (sketchbook VI, no. 2).
Facade in tan and gray (composition no. XII).
Facade in tan and gray.
Farm at Duivendrecht.
Farm at Nistelrode (recto and verso).
Farm at Nistelrode.
Farm behind willows.
Farm in the evening.
Farm near Duivendrecht.
Farm on a canal among the trees.
Farm on a canal.
Farm with cattle.
Farm with trees and water (farm behind trees and water).
Farm with trees.
Farmhouse at Duivendrecht.
Farmhouse at evening.
Farmhouse (barn).
Farmhouse on the Gein.
Farmhouse sheltered by trees.
Farmhouse with clothesline.
Farmhouse with peasant woman in the snow: Winterswijk.
Farmhouse with peasant.
Farmyard at Blaricum.
Farmyard in the moonlight.
Farmyard with cattle and willows.
Farmyard with peasant.
Female portrait.
Field bordered by trees.
Fields with cows.
Flowering apple tree.
Flowering trees.
Fox trot A (composition IV; lozenge composition with three black 
Fox trot B.
The French mill on the River Gein.
Gein farmhouse behind trees.
The Gein near the Geinrust farmhouse.
The Gein: trees near the water.
Geinrust farm.
Geinrust farm in the mist.
Geinrust farm in watery landscape.
Geinrust farm with high horizon.
Geinrust farm: close view.
Girl peeling apples.
Girl writing.
Gnarled willow beside a ditch.
Golden lily.
Grain barn interior.
Gray tree.
Hay sheaves in a field.
Haystacks I.
Haystacks II.
Haystacks III.
House at Abcoude.
House on the Gein.
House on the River Gein.
Houses on the canal.
Houses with poplars.
Interior at Nistelrode.
Interior of a stable.
Interior: kitchen.
Irrigation ditch near the Kalfje.
Irrigation ditch near the Kalfje (recto no. 85).
Irrigation ditch overhung with trees.
Isolated farm.

[[Page 46144]]

Landscape (riverscape).
Landscape (warmte).
Landscape along the Gein.
Landscape at evening.
Landscape by moonlight.
Landscape near Amsterdam.
Landscape near Oele.
Landscape near the Kalfje Cafe (tree on the Kalfje).
Landscape of a river scene.
Landscape with a ditch.
Landscape with boat.
Landscape with bridge and farmer.
Landscape with cloudy sky.
Landscape with cows and stream.
Landscape with cows.
Landscape with dunes.
Landscape with farmhouse.
Landscape with Hayrick.
Landscape with houses and canal.
Landscape with houses.
Landscape with mill near Abcoude.
Landscape with orchard and guinea fowl.
Landscape with stream at evening.
Landscape with stream.
Landscape with trees along water.
Landscape with trees and water.
Landscape with trees.
Landscape: field and sky.
The Lappenbrink.
The Lappenbrink (farmyard at Lappenbrink).
The Lappenbrink with farmer's wife.
Large composition with red, blue and yellow.
Large landscape (riverscape with pink and yellow-green sky).
Lighthouse at Westkapelle.
Lighthouse in Westkapelle.
The Long Bleekers Channel seen from the Wester Church.
Lotus (verso no. 84).
Lozenge (lozenge composition with red, black, blue and yellow).
Lozenge composition with two black lines.
Lozenge composition with yellow, black, blue, red and gray.
Lozenge with red, yellow and blue (tableau no. IV; lozenge composition 
with red, gray, blue, yellow, and black).
Male nude.
Mauve chrysanthemum.
Mill at Blaricum in the moonlight.
Mill at Domburg.
Mill by the river (the French mill).
Mill by the water.
Mill in moonlight (mill on the Winkel near Abcoude).
Mill in moonlight (sketch) (French mill on the Gein). Mill in 
Mill in sunlight (mill on the Winkel near Abcoude).
Mill in sunlight (Molen [Mill]).
Mill in the evening.
Mill on the Gein (the French mill on the Gein).
Mill on the Gein.
The mill.
Moored barges.
Moored steamboat on the Weesperside.
Moored tugboat on the Amstel.
Notebook page.
Ocean 1 (the sea).
Ocean 3.
Ocean 4.
Ocean 5.
The old watermill at Oele with moon.
On the Amstel: the Omval at evening.
On the dunes (reclining nude).
On the land (landscape with boat).
On the shore.
Oval composition.
Oval composition (painting III).
Oval composition (scaffold).
Paris buildings (sketchbook VI, no. 1).
Paris courtyard facades (sketchbook VII).
Paris facade (sketchbook III, no. 12).
Partially demolished building in Paris (sketchbook II).
Partially demolished building in Paris (blue facade) (sketchbook II, 
no. 43).
Partially demolished building (horizontal pier) (sketchbook II, no. 
Passion flower.
Pasture with five cows.
Picture no. 111; lozenge composition with eight lines and red (red 
Pier and ocean.
Pier and ocean (composition 10 in black and white).
Pier and ocean (sketchbook I, no. 57).
Pier and ocean 1.
Pier and ocean 3.
Pier and ocean 4 (sea; starry sky above the sea).
Pier and ocean 5 (sea and starry sky).
Pier at Scheveningen.
Pollard willows.
Pond near Saasveld.
Portrait of a girl with flowers.
Portrait of a girl.
Portrait of a lady.
Portrait of a praying girl.
Portrait of a woman.
Portrait of a young girl.
Portrait of a Zeeland girl.
Portrait of Agatha Zethraeus.
Portrait of Aunt J.M. Mondriaan-Desiree.
Portrait of D.J. Hulshoff.
Portrait of Nephew Frits.
Portrait of Niece Johanna Mondriaan.
Portrait of old man.
Portrait of Princess Wilhelmina.
Portrait of Uncle Frits.
Red amaryllis with blue.
Red cloud.
Red dahlia.
Red gladioli.
Red mill (red mill at Domburg).
Red tree (evening; red tree).
The River Gein.
River scene with trees and windmill.
Roofs in Paris (sketchbook VIII, no. 1).
Roofs in Paris (sketchbook VIII, no. 2).
Rose (sketchbook III, no. 6).
The Royal Wax Candle Factory (on the Boerenwetering).
Rustic house (cottage).
Saint Jacob's church at Winterswijk.
Salon de Mme B * * * a Dresden (for Mrs. Ida Bienert).
Schinkelbuurt (factory building and hay near the Schinkel).
The sea (sketchbook I).
Sea after sunset.
Sea towards sunset.
The sea.
Seascape (sea-view I).
Seated girl.
Self portrait.
Self portrait [recto] nude [verso].
Self portrait: eyes.
Set design for Michel Seuphor play, ``L'Ephemere est l'Eternel''.
Sheds on the water (Schinkelbuurt).
Sheepfold in the evening.
Ships in the moonlight.
Side facade.
Side view of a house in Winterswijk.
The singel.
Sketch for landscape near Oele.
Solitary tree.
Spring idyll.
The Stadhouderskade near the Bewaring house.
Stalk with two Japanese lilies.
Still life with apples and plate.
Still life with dead hare.
Still life with gingerpot I.
Still life with gingerpot II.
Still life with herrings.
Still life with jug and onions.
Still life with Moonwort.
Still life with plaster bust.
Study for ``summernight''.
Study for composition.
Study for gray tree.
Study for gray tree (sketchbook III, no. 7).
Study for gray tree (sketchbook III, no. 8).
Study for tableau I.
Study of a chrysanthemum.
Study of a figure.
Study of a rose.
Study of trees.
Study of trees I.

[[Page 46145]]

Study of trees II.
Summer night (landscape in moonlight).
Summer night: oil sketch.
Sunflower I.
Sunflower II.
Tableau I [with indications for yellow/blue/gray]. Tableau I.
Tableau I: composition with black, red, gray, yellow and blue.
Tableau II.
Tableau II; composition with red, black, yellow, blue and light blue.
Tableau no. 2; composition no. VII.
Tableau no. 2; composition no. V.
Tableau no. I; composition no. 1; compositie 7.
Tableau no. III; Composition no. 14; Composition with red, black, 
yellow, blue and gray.
``Tableau-Poeme'' [text: Seuphor].
Tall trees along the river (The Gein near the Oostgein farmhouse).
Tall trees along the River; (the Gein near the Oostgein farmhouse).
Three cattails.
Three compositions.
Three cows.
Three haystacks.
Three rectangle compositions [study].
Three willow-herbs (sketchbook VI, no. 3).
Tiger lily.
Trafalgar Square [study].
Trafalgar Square.
Tree (recto and verso) (sketchbook III, no. 15a/b).
Tree (recto and verso) (sketchbook IV, no. 3a/b).
Tree (study) (sketchbook IV, no. 4).
Tree (study) (sketchbook V).
The tree A.
Tree I.
Tree II.
Tree on the Kalfje.
Trees (sketchbook IV, no. 1 [recto]).
Trees (sketchbook IV, no. 2 [verso]).
Trees (study) (sketchbook IV, no. 5).
Trees along the Gein (Weidenbaume).
Trees along the Gein.
Trees along the Gein; (the Geinrust farmhouse).
Trees along the Gein; Geinrust farmhouse with saplings and cows.
Trees along the river.
Trees bordering a river.
Trees by the River Gein.
Trees I.
Trees near the water.
Trees on the Gein (farmhouse under trees).
Trees on the Gein.
Trees on the Gein: moonrise.
Trees on the water.
Trees reflected in the River Gein.
Trees under blue sky.
Trees with cornfield.
Trees [recto] branches [verso] (sketchbook IV, no. 6 a/b).
Two haystacks.
Two lozenge compositions [study].
Two marigolds.
Two women in the woods.
Untitled (oval composition).
Untitled [verso no. 610].
Upright sunflower.
Vertical composition with blue and white.
View of Winterswijk.
Village church; Jacobskerk.
Vinken Bridge at Diemen.
``Vrachtboot'' on the Amstel.
Weaver's house in Winterswijk.
The weaver's house, Winterswijk.
The Weltevreden farmhouse at Duivendrecht.
The white calf.
White rose in a tumbler.
White roses.
Willow tree.
Willow trees on the Gein.
Willow trees.
Windmill and trees.
Windmill at evening.
Windmill by the water.
Windmill in the evening.
Windmill near Saasveld.
Windmill on the Gein (the French Mill on the Gein).
Windmill on the water.
Winter landscape.
Winter landscape with farmhouse.
Woman (composition no. 11).
Woman in profile with young boy.
Women washing clothes.
Women with child in front of a farmhouse.
The wooden bridge.
Woods at Oele.
Woods at sunset.
Woods near Oele.
Woods with stream.
Yellow marigold.
Zeeland farmer.

Horsley, Mrs. E. M.

Encyclopaedia of superstitions.

Hubbard, P. M.

Anna Highbury.
Flush as May.

Humphreys, Jill. SEE Humphreys, Robin & Jill

Humphreys. Humphreys, Robin & Jill Humphreys

And Berry came too.
As berry and I were saying.
B-Berry and I look back.
Blood corner.
Blood royal.
An eye for a tooth.
Fire below.
Gale warning.
The house that Berry built.
Perishable goods.
She fell among thieves.
She painted her face.
Shoal water.

Hyams, Sylvia & Michael Simone O'Reilly

The aesthetic adventure.
Arrows of desire.
Bandits in a landscape.
The lady in the castle.
The march of the moderns.
The pre-Raphaelite tragedy.
Victorian olympus.

Imperial Cancer Research Fund. SEE Action Research, Royal National 
Institute for the Blind & Imperial Cancer Research Fund

Internationale Musikverlage Hans Sikorski

Sonato no. 1 for violin and piano (1965).

Jodorowsky, Alejandro

El topo.

Johns (W. E.) (Publications) Ltd.

Adventure unlimited.
The adventures of the Junior Detective Club.
Another job for Biggles.
Biggles air commodore.
Biggles air detective.
Biggles and Co.
Biggles and the black peril.
Biggles and the black raider.
Biggles and the pirate treasure.
Biggles and the rescue flight.
Biggles at the world's end.
The Biggles book of heroes.
Biggles book of treasure hunting.
Biggles breaks the silence.
Biggles buries a hatchet.
Biggles cuts it fine.
Biggles defies the swastika.
Biggles delivers the goods.
Biggles fails to return.
Biggles flies again.
Biggles flies east.
Biggles flies north.
Biggles flies south.
Biggles flies to work.
Biggles flies west.
Biggles follows on.
Biggles forms a syndicate.
Biggles gets his man.
Biggles goes alone.
Biggles goes to school.
Biggles goes to war.
Biggles hits the trail.
Biggles hunts Bigs game.
Biggles in Africa.
Biggles in Australia.
Biggles in Borneo.
Biggles in Mexico.

[[Page 46146]]

Biggles in Spain.
Biggles in the Baltic.
Biggles in the blue.
Biggles in the Gobi.
Biggles in the jungle.
Biggles in the Orient.
Biggles in the South Seas.
Biggles learns to fly.
Biggles makes ends meet.
Biggles of 266.
Biggles of the camel squardron.
Biggles of the Interpol.
Biggles of the special air police.
Biggles on mistery island.
Biggles on the home front.
Biggles pioneer air fighter.
Biggles presses on.
Biggles scores a bull.
Biggles sees it through.
Biggles sets a trap.
Biggles sweeps the desert.
Biggles takes charge.
Biggles takes the case.
Biggles works it out.
Biggles' Chinese puzzle.
Biggles' second case.
Biggles, charter pilot.
Biggles, Foreign Legionnaire.
Biggles, secret agent.
Champion of the main.
Comrades in arms.
The cruise of the condor.
Gimlet bores in.
Gimlet comes home.
Gimlet gets the answer.
Gimlet goes again.
Gimlet lends a hand.
Gimlet mops up.
Gimlet off the map.
Gimlet takes a job.
Gimlet's oriental quest.
King of the commandos.
Kings of space.
The man who lost his way.
No rest for Biggles.
Now to the stars.
Orchids for Biggles.
Return to Mars.
The rustlers of Rattlesnake Valley.
Sergent Bigglesworth Cid.
Spitfire parade.
The spy flyers.
To outer space.
True tales of treasure.
Worlds of wonder.

Lady Darwin. SEE Mommens, Ursula, Lady Darwin & Paul Ashton

Lady Goodwin

The ghost it was.
Invitation to an inquest.
Keep it quiet.
Last first.
The martineau murders.
A matter of nerves.
The murder of my aunt.
My own murderer.

Landale, Rita E.

The cup and the lip.
Morgan's daughter.
The white witch of Rosehall.

Law, Katharine

The anatomy of Puck.
Hobberdy Dick.
Kate Crackernuts.
The personnel of fairyland.

Lessing, Doris

In pursuit of the English.
Martha Quest.
A proper marriage.

Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells. SEE Wells (H.G.) 
Literary Executors of the Estate of

Lumley-Smith, Ruth

Mary Stuart in Scotland.

Madrid, Ediciones Musicales

2A. obertura compuesta para guitarra sola por Fernando Carulli P.
A donde va la Nina.
Ay, madre me llevaron.
Ay, que buena jarana.
Ay, que en esta tierra.
Caminando por el monte.
En la boca de un fandanguillo.
Gloria a dios en las alturas.
Melodias de espana, album 5.
La nana del nino.
El nino querido.
No hay tal andar.
Sonata, codice veneciano, libro I number 2.
Sonata, codice veneciano, libro I number 7.
Ven a belen.
La virgen fue lavendera.

Majestic Film/Tobis (Germany). SEE Friedrich Wilhelm-Murnau-
Stiftung, legal successor of the Majestic Film/Tobis (Germany)

Maxwell (Magdalen Perceval) Executors of the Estate of

18th century story.
The diary of a young lady of fashion.
The life and death of the wicked lady skelton.

McDowell (K.S.P.) Executors of the Estate of

And no bird sings.
As we are.
As we were.
The corner house.
The face.
The flint knife.
The hanging of Alfred Wadham.
Home sweet home.
The male impersonator.
More spook stories.
Queen Victoria.
The sanctuary.
Spook stories.
The step.
The wishing well.

McNeile (H. C.) Trustees of the Estate of

Ask for Ronald Standish.
The female of the species.
The finger of fate.
Him Brent.
The Island of terror.
The return of bulldog Drummond.
Ronald Standish.
The saving clause.
Shorty Bill.
Temple tower.
Tiny carteret.
When carruthers laughed.

Mier (F.) SA.

Aguila o sol.
Amor en la sombra.
Asi es mi tierra.
La calavera negra.
El capitan aventurero.
El ceniciento.
Chucho el remendado.
El ciclon.
Con la musica por dentro.
El correo del norte.
Cuando los padres se quedan solos.
El gavilan pollero.
Hay muertos que no hacen ruido.
La hermana blanca.
El hijo desobediente.
Las interesadas.
Isla para dos.
El jinete sin cabesa.
La marca del zorrillo.
Mientras el cuerpo aguante.
Mujers sin manana.
Musico, poeta y loco.
El nino perdido.
El rey del barrio.
El signo de la muerte.
Sinbad el mareado.
Soy charro de levita.
Tal para cual.
Temporado salvaje.
El tesora de Chucho el Roto.
El tesoro de Pancho Villa.
Las tres alegres comadres.
El ultimo cartucho.
El vagabundo.
Vivo o muerto.

Mitsuteru, Yokoyama

Tetsujin niju hachi go.

Mommens, Ursula, Lady Darwin & Paul Ashton

A friendly round.

[[Page 46147]]

Green memories.
James Braid.
W. G. Grace.

Morro Music Corporation

Carino verdad.

Mosfilm International. SEE MosFilm Studios, d.b.a. Mosfilm 

MosFilm Studios d.b.a. Mosfilm International

Ja Kuba.

Neill, Ena & Zoe Readhead

A dominie abroad.
A dominie's five.
The free child.
Hearts not heads in school.
The last man alive.
The problem child.
The problem family.
The problem parent.
The problem teacher.
That dreadful school.

Norway (N.S.) Trustees of the Estate of

An old captivity.
So disdained.
Stephen Morris.
Vinland the good.

O'Reilly, Michael Simone. SEE Hyams, Sylvia & Michael Simone 

Oliver, W.R., & the Executors of the Estate of Fiametta Oliver

Arras of youth.
Bells rung backwards.
Collected ghost stories.
The Italian chest.
Leap year love.
Love and a rich girl.
The pained face.
A penny for the harp.
Poor man's tapestry.
Romantic afterthought.
A smile for the past.
The story of ragged Robyn.
We all have our secrets.
Whom God hath sundered.

Orczy-Barstow Brown, Sara

Mam'zelle Guillotine.
Pimpernel and Rosemary.
Sir Percy leads the band.
The triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
The turbulent duchess.
The way of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Peliculas y Videos Internacionales, SA de CV.

El abanico de lady windermere.
Abismos de pasion.
Adan Eva.
Adventuras de un nuevo rico.
El ahijado de la muerte.
Alma de acero.
Ama a tu projimo.
Amar es vivir.
El ametral ladora.
El amor de los amores.
Amor perdido.
Los amores de marieta.
El angel caido.
Angel del infierno.
El angel del silencio.
Angel o Demonio.
Los anos vacios.
Aqui llego el valenton.
Arriba las manos Texano.
Asesino, S.A.
Ave de paso.
Ave sin rumbo.
Ay amor como me has puesto.
Ay chabela.
Barrio bajo.
Barrio de pasiones.
Baru el hombre de la selve.
El bello durmiente.
Besos de arena.
Las bravuconas.
Buenas noches mi amor.
Cabaret tragico.
Cabo de hornos.
Cafe concordia.
Cain y Abel.
Camino del infierno.
El campeon ciclista.
Cara de angel.
Las carinosas.
Carta brava.
La casa colorada.
La casa de la zorra.
Cautiva del pasado.
Cazadores de cabezas.
El cementerio de las aguilas.
Los chacales.
Charro a la fuerza.
El Charro y la dama.
Chucho el roto.
Cielito lindo.
El cielo y la tierra.
El cielo y tu.
Cien gritos de terror.
Cita con la muerte.
El club de los suicidas.
Comicos de la legua.
Como yo te queria.
La complice.
Con el diablo en el cuerpo.
Con la rabia por dentro.
Contigo a la distancia.
Contra la ley de dios.
Un corazon en el ruedo.
Corazon salvaje.
Cristo 70.
El Cristo de mi cabecera.
Cristobal Colon.
Cuando la tierra temblo.
Cuando me vaya.
Cuando vuelvas a mi.
Cuatro horas antes de morir.
Cuatro vidas.
Cuentan de una mujer.
La dama de las camelias.
Delirio tropical.
Despedida de casada.
Dios sabra juzgarnos.
Un domingo en la tarde.
Dona Clarines.
Donde nacen los pobres.
Dos cadetes.
Dos charros y una gitana.
Dos gallos en palenque.
La dulce enemiga.
La duquesda del tepetate.
Ella la inolvidable.
Ellas tambien son rebeldes.
En carne propia.
En la palma de tu mano.
En los altos de Jalisco.
Entre bala y bala.
Esa mi raza.
Escuadron 201.
Esposa o amante.
Estrategia matrimonio.
El fantasma de la opereta.
La feria de la cancion.
La feria de la flores.
La feria de San Marcos.
El final de norma.
Flor de fango.
Los forajidos.
Frente al destino.
Frente al pecado de ayer.
El fuego de mi ahijada.
Fuego en la carne.
La fuerza de la sangre.
La fuerza inutil.
El fugitivo.
El gato sin botas.
Una gitanna en Mexico.
Un grito en la noche.
La herencia de la llorona.
La herencia maldita.
Las hijas de Elena.
El hijo del diablo.
Los hijos de satanas.
El hombre propone.
Hombres del mar.
Una horca para el Texano.
Horizontes de sangre.
La India bonita.
Los inocentes.
La insaciable.
Jesusita en chihuahua.
Juan el desalmado.
Juan Polainas.
Lagrimas de amor.
Las leandras.
Una leccion de amor.
La ley del mas rapido.
Los lios de barba azul.
Lo primero es vivir.
El lobo blanco.
Locura pasional.

[[Page 46148]]

Lodo y armino.
La madrina del diablo.
La mal casada.
Mala yerba.
El malvado carabel.
Manuel Saldivar el Texano.
Marathon de baile.
Los margaritos.
Maria la voz.
El mariachi desconocido.
Mas fuerte que el amor.
Mater nostra.
Me gustan todas.
Me importa poco.
El medico de las locas.
El mejor del mundo.
La mentira.
Mexico nunca duerme.
Mi mujer necesita marido.
Mi reino por un torero.
Los milagros de San Martin de porrres.
Miradas que matan.
Mis secretaria privadas.
Mis tres viudas alegres.
El misterioso senor marquina.
El moderno barba azul.
Monte escondido.
La mujer del otro.
La mujer del puerto.
La mujer legitima.
La mujer marcada.
Un mujer sin destino.
La mujer y la bestia.
Los murcielagos.
No me olvides nunca.
No te ofendas beatriz.
La noche avanza.
Noches de gloria.
La nortena de mis amores.
Ojos tapatios.
Ole Cuba.
Ora Ponciano.
Los orgullosos.
Orlak o el infierno de Frankestein.
Otono en primavera.
Pacto de sangre.
Padre de mas de cuatro.
Para siempre amor mio.
El pecado de una madre.
Piel canela.
Los platillos voladores.
Pobre huerfanita.
Por querer a esa mujer.
La princesa hippie.
Prisionera del pasado.
Pueblo de odios.
Pueblo fantasma.
El puerto de los siete vicios.
El puma.
Que lindo cha cha cha.
Que me maten en tus brazos.
Lo que solo el hombre puede sufrir.
Quiero morir en carnaval.
El rapto de las Sabinas.
Rateros ultimo modelo.
Rayando el sol.
La razon de la culpa.
Recien casados no molestar.
La red.
Refifi entre las mujeres.
Remolino de pasiones.
Reto a la vida.
Retorno a la juventud.
El revoltoso.
Rincon brujo.
El rio de las animas.
Ritmos del caribe.
El rosario.
El rosario de amozoc.
Las rosas del milagro.
Rumba caliente.
A sablazo limpio.
San Juan de Dios es jalisco.
Sangre en la barranca.
La santa del barrio.
Santo frente a la muerte.
Los santos reyes.
Se acabaron la mujeres.
El secreto de mi mujer.
El secreto del Texano.
Secuestro en Acapulco.
Seda sangre y sol.
Sendas del destino.
Sierra Morena.
El siete de copas.
El siete leguas.
Sinfonia de una vida.
Soltera y con gemelos.
La sombra del tunco.
La sospechosa.
El suavecito.
Sublime melodia.
El supermacho.
Tambien de dolor se canta.
Las tapatias nunca pierden.
El tesoro del rey salomon.
El Texano.
Tierra prohibida o la moneda rota.
Tin tan el hombre mono.
Un tipo a todo dar.
Tirando a matar.
A tiro limpio.
Toda una vida.
El tren de la muerte.
Los tres alegres compadres.
Las tres Elenas.
Tres valientes camaradas.
Los tres vivales.
La trinchera.
Tu solo tu.
El tunco maclovio.
El ultimo amor de Goya.
El ultimo round.
Ultraje al amor.
La valentina.
Los valientes no mueren.
Variedades de media noche.
La venenosa.
Una vez en la noche.
Viaje a la luna.
La vida de agustin lara.
La vida en broma.
Un viejo amor.
El violetero.
Virgen de media noche.
La virgen desnuda.
La virgen morena.
Vistete Cristina.
La viuda celosa.
Viva chihuahua.
Viva la parranda.
El Vizconde de Montecristo.
Voces de primavera.
Vuelta al paraiso.
Vuelve el Texano.
Yo el gobernador.
Yo no creo en los hombres.
Yo pecador.
Yo quiero ser tonta.
Yo sabia demasiado.
Yo tambien soy de Jalisco.
Las zapatillas verdes.
El zorro de jalisco.

Pierce, David

Dreaming lips.
Pastor Hall.
When knights were bold.

Polland, Madeleine

Beorn the proud.
Children of the red king.
The Queen's blessing.
The town across the water.
The white twilight.

Postgate, J

The ledger is kept.
The life of George Lansbury.
Somebody at the door.
The story of a year: 1848.

Prescott, J. W. SEE Thedinga, Mrs. S.C. & J.W. Prescott

Procinema, SA de CV

Como si fueramos novios.
Los dos carnales.

Raymond, Diana

Back to humanity.
The Berg.
The chalice and the sword.
The chatelaine.
Child of Norman's end.
A chorus ending.
The city and the dream.
Corporal of the guard.
Don John's mountain home.
A family that was.
The five sons of Le Faber.
For them that trespass.
Gentle greaves.
In the steps of St. Francis.
In the steps of the Brontes.
The Jesting army.
The Kilburn tale.
The last to rest.

[[Page 46149]]

The Lord of Wensley.
The marsh.
Mary Leith.
The miracle of brean.
Morris in the dance.
The Multabello road.
The nameless places.
Newtimber Lane.
The old tree blossomed.
One of our brethren.
Paris, city of enchantment.
The quiet shore.
The shout of the King.
A song of the tide.
Through literature to life.
To the wood no more.
Two gentlemen of Rome.
Was there love once?
We the accused.
The witness of Canon Welcome.

Readhead, Zoe. SEE Neill, Ena & Zoe Readhead

Reeves, Sheila

The adventure of Tornado Smith.
At a Mayfair luncheon.
The blackmailers.
By proxy.
By underground.
Changing 'ats.
The chocolate cigarettes.
The colonel's ring.
The crossword alien.
Dr. Feldman.
Dudley & Gilderoy: a nonsense.
Eliza among the chimney sweeps.
The fire body.
The fruit stoners.
The fruit stoners: being the adventures of Maria among the fruit 
How the circus came to tea.
The Italian conjuror.
King's evidence.
The land of green ginger.
The magic mirror.
The man who lived backwards.
The man who was milligan.
The man-eater.
Maria (of England) in the rain.
Mr. Cupboard, or the furniture's holiday.
The olive.
The Pikestaffe case.
The reformation of St. Jules.
Roman remains.
Sambo and snitch.
Sergeant Poppett and Policeman James.
The stranger.
The survivors.
That Mrs. Winslow.
A threefold cord.
Toby's birthday presents.
Tongues of fire.
The water performance.
What the black chow saw.
When Nick dressed up.
The wolves of God, and other fey stories.

Riefenstahl, Leni

Das Blaue Licht.
Olympia, 1. Teil: Fest der Voelker.
Olympia, 2. Teil: Fest der Schoenheit.
Triumph des Willens.

Right Honorable Lord Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, CBE, CD

Canadian occasions.
The clearing house.
Homilies and recreations.
Julius Caesar.
The massacre of Glencoe.
The runagate's clue.
Sir Walter Scott.

Royal Literary Fund

All I survey.
All is grist.
As I was saying.
Avowals and denials.
The ballad of St. Barbara and other verses.
Christendon in Dublin.
The coloured lands.
Come to think of it.
The common man.
The dragon at hide and seek.
The end of the armistice.
Eugenics and other evils.
Four faultless felons.
Generally speaking.
GKC as MC.
The glass walking stick.
A handful of authors.
The judgement of Dr. Johnson.
Lunacy and letters.
The outline of sanity.
The paradoxes of Mr. Pond.
The poet and the lunatic.
The queen of seven swords.
The resurrection of Rome.
The return of Don Quixote.
Sidelights: New London and Newer York.
St. Thomas Aquinas.
The surprise.
Tales of the long bow.
The thing.
The turkey and the turk.
UBI ecclesia.
The way of the cross.
The well and the shallows.

Royal National Institute for the Blind. SEE Action Research, Royal 
National Institute for the Blind & Imperial Cancer Research Fund

Sayer, Chloe

The technique of the love affair.

Schirmer (G.), Inc.

100 devils and one girl, op. 15 (1963).
1905-1917, symphonic monument for large orchestra and chorus, op. 40 
1918 (part two); incidental music to film.
24 preludes and fugues for piano, op. 87.
24 preludes for piano, op. 34.
25 years of the Red army, overture for wind orchestra, op. 84.
8 Japanese melodies for voice and piano, op. 49A.
About our native country, op. 82; cantata for children's chorus and 
symphony orchestra.
About our native land, op. 82, cantata for children's chorus and 
symphony orchestra.
About our young pioneer leader; song for children's chorus and piano.
About Petya, young pioneer ditties; for voice and piano.
About the bear; song of children's chorus and piano.
Academician Ivan Pavlov; scenario by M. Papava, directed and produced 
by G. Roshal, incidental music to film.
Adventures of Korzinkina, op. 59.
Adygeya, sextet for violin, viola, cello, horn, clarinet and piano, op. 
48 (1933).
The aerograd; scenario and production by A. Dovzhenko, Mosfilm, and 
Ukrainfilm, incidental music to film.
Air for trumpet and orchestra.
Alastor, symphonic poem, op. 14 (1912-13).
Album of children's pieces.
Alexander Nevsky cantata, op. 78.
Allegro rustico.
Alone, op. 26.
Andantino for piano.
Anna Snegina, op. 25 (1966).
Anton Ivanovich is angry, incidental music to film.
Aphorisms, op. 13.
Aria for chamber orchestra (1964).
Aria for violin and string orchestra (1963).
At the circus, suite in 4 parts (1968).
At the festivity from the cantata ``Leninists, op. 63.''.
At the summer camp; young pioneer song for children's chorus and piano.
At the young pioneer summer camp, six pieces, op. 3/86.
Ballad about the Motherland for bass and orchestra.
Ballad for piano, op. 28.

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Ballade for piano, op. 7.
Ballet suite no. 1.
Ballet suite no. 2.
Ballet suite no. 3.
Ballet suite no. 4.
Beautiful day, op. 82.
Before the monument to the war hero; song for chorus and piano.
Belinsky, op. 85.
Belinsky, op. 85a for orchestra.
Bleak morning (part three); incidental music to film.
A bonfire at the Dnieper, song for children's chorus and piano.
Boris Gudonov, op. 58.
The boy giant (1969).
Bright lights.
The bronze horseman, ballet in 4 acts, op. 89.
Buffoons (1966).
Bulgarian folk songs.
Bylina about Lenin, op. 58.
The camp of friendship, op. 66; songs of the ``Artek'' young pioneer 
summer camp, for children's chorus and piano.
Cantata-song about Stalin, for soloist, chorus, and orchestra.
Carnival overture (1957).
Cello concertino, in G, op. 132.
Cello concertino, op. 54 (1961).
Cello concerto in A minor by R. Schumann, op. 125.
Cello concerto no. 1 in E flat major, op. 107.
Cello concerto no. 2 in G minor, op. 126.
Cello sonata in D major, op. 40.
Chamber symphony (1967).
Cheryomushki, op. 105a.
Children's notebook, op. 69.
Children's suite for small orchestra, op. 6 (1957).
Clarinet quintet (1955).
Club of the famous captains; songs for voice and piano by A. 
Alexandrov, D. Kabalevsky, K. Molchanov et al.
Concert fantasia on Slovak and Morovian themes for violin and piano 
Concert waltz for orchestra, op. 90.
Concertino for clarinet and piano.
Concertino for french horn and small orchestra, op. 14, no. 2.
Concertino for two pianos, op. 94.
Concertino for violin and small symphony orchestra.
Concerto buffa for chamber orchestra (1966).
Concerto etude for trumpet and orchestra, op. 49.
Concerto for balalaika and orchestra, op. 63.
Concerto for cello and orchestra.
Concerto for cello and orchestra, op. 16 (1964).
Concerto for cello and orchestra (1964).
Concerto for cello and orchestra, op. 87.
Concerto for cello and orchestra, op. 112.
Concerto for cello and orchestra, op. 43 (1948).
Concerto for clarinet and chamber orchestra (1957).
Concerto for clarinet and orchestra, op. 135.
Concerto for coloratura soprano and orchestra, op. 82.
Concerto for flute and orchestra, op. 75 (1961).
Concerto for french horn and orchestra op. 91.
Concerto for french horn and orchestra, op. 136.
Concerto for harp and orchestra, op. 74.
Concerto for harp and orchestra.
Concerto for harp and orchestra, op. 126.
Concerto for horn and orchestra, op. 40.
Concerto for oboe and strings, op. 50 (1959).
Concerto for orchestra after the legends of Till Eulenspiegel, in 4 
movements (1967).
Concerto for orchestra with solo trumpet, piano, vibraphone & double 
bass (1966).
Concerto for organ and string orchestra, op. 35.
Concerto for piano and orchestra (D-flat major).
Concerto for piano and orchestra, op. 128.
Concerto for piano and orchestra, no. 4, op. 53 (1931).
Concerto for piano with orchestra, op. 21.
Concerto for trumpet and orchestra, op. 94 (1967).
Concerto for viola and chamber orchestra (1967).
Concerto for violin and orchestra (1969).
Concerto for violin and orchestra, op. 100.
Concerto for violin and orchestra, op. 67 (1960).
Concerto for violin and string orchestra, op. 21.
Concerto for violin with orchestra no. 1 (195), op. 9/29.
Concerto in E flat major for trumpet and orchestra.
Concerto in E-flat major for trumpet and orchestra (1950).
Concerto in E-flat minor for trumpet and orchestra, op. 41.
Concerto no. 1.
Concerto no. 1 for cello, 17 winds, percussions and harmonium, op. 23.
Concerto no. 1 for piano and orchestra (1946).
Concerto no. 1 for piano and orchestra (1946).
Concerto no. 1 for piano and string orchestra.
Concerto no. 1 for violin and orchestra in A minor, op. 77.
Concerto no. 1, op. 1 for piano and orchestra (1933).
Concerto no. 1, op. 14 for violin and orchestra (1958).
Concerto no. 2.
Concerto no. 2 for piano and orchestra, op. 102.
Concerto no. 2 for piano and orchestra (1965).
Concerto no. 2 for piano and string orchestra.
Concerto-poem for trumpet and orchestra, op. 113.
Concerto-poem for viola and orchestra, op. 13 (1964).
A conversation with the cactus, op. 91; eight children's songs.
Cossack songs.
Counterplam, op. 33.
Dance no. 1 (B-flat major) for violin and piano.
Dance of the Russian sailors from the ballet the red poppy.
Dance suite for harp.
Dances for symphony orchestra from the musical comedy Bridegroom from 
the embassy.
The Decembrists, opera in 4 acts.
Divertimento, no. 2 for piano.
Divertisement in E-flat major for symphony orchestra, op. 80 (1948).
Don Quixote, symphonic engravings.
Drawn-out song.
Dreams; piano piece.
Duet of Sir Peter and Lady Teazle; from incidental music to Sheridan's 
``School for scandal.''
Eastern dance for clarinet and piano, op. 47.
Easy piano pieces on folk themes of the peoples of the Volga region 
Eight British and American folksongs.
Eight concert etudes for piano left-hand, op. 82.
Eight romances to words by Mikhail Leromontov.
Eight songs, op. 17; for children's chorus and piano.
Elegy for string orchestra, op. 21.
Encounter with a miracle; from the opera ``The sisters, op. 83.''.
An encounter; song for children's chorus and piano.
Epic poem on Russian folk themes (1950).
Etude for piano, op. 1, no. 1.
Etude for piano, op. 43.
Etude in E minor for piano (1951).
Events for piano, op. 5.
Excerpts from the opera, ``Colas Breugnon'' for singing and piano, op. 
Excerpts from the operetta, ``Spring sings, op. 58.''.
Execution of Stephen Razin, op. 119.
The exile.
Exotic suite, op. 13.

[[Page 46151]]

Expression, no. 1 of two pieces for, op. 1.
The fair at Sorchinsk completion and orchestration of the opera by 
Modest Musorgsky.
Fall of Berlin, for chorus and orchestra, op. 82a.
Fall of Berlin, op. 82.
Fantasia for cello and symphony orchestra, op. 52 (1953).
Far-off youth, songs for soprano and piano, op. 12.
A farewell to a friend.
The fatherland, opera (1945).
Festive overture (1970).
Festive overture for symphony orchestra (1955).
Festive overture, op. 97.
Field march no. 1 in A-flat major for wind orchestra.
Field march no. 2 in F minor F.
Field march of the Red army for wind band, op. 64.
First Chinese suite for orchestra, op. 60.
First concert fantasia for violin and orchestra on Finnish themes 
First echelon, op. 99.
First echelon, op. 99a.
First suite from orchestra, op. 18.
First suite from the ballet Genesis, in 4 movements (1968).
Fisherman on Lake Ladoga.
Five choruses to words by Russian poets.
Five days, five nights, op. 111.
Five days, five nights, op. 111a.
Five lyric poems for a capella chorus.
Five merry songs, for soprano and piano (1961).
Five piano preludes (1966).
Five pieces for cello and piano, op. 25.
Five pieces for flute and piano (1947).
Five pieces for violin and piano, op. 53.
Five preludes for orchestra.
Five preludes for piano.
Five romances for voice and piano on texts of Pushkin, op. 10.
Five romances on text from magazine, ``Krokodil,'' for bass and piano, 
op. 121.
Five romances on verses of V. Dolmatovsky for voice and piano, op. 98.
Five romances, op. 76 to words by Rasul Gamzatov; for mezzo soprano and 
Five songs to Shakespeare's comedy, ``Much ado about nothing'', op. 7.
The flea, comic suite for orchestra, op. 8.
Flute sonata no. 2, op. 94.
The fountain at Bakhchisara ballet-poem after Pushkin.
Four children's songs for piano (1961).
Four easy pieces for violin and piano.
Four girls, song for medium voice and piano.
Four miniatures on Russian folk themes for string quartet (1950).
Four monologues on verses of A. Pushkin for bass and piano, op. 91.
Four pieces for basson and piano.
Four pieces for cello or viola and piano on themes of lutenists of the 
14th-16th-centuries, op. 35.
Four pieces for children for soprano and piano, op. 27.
Four pieces for oboe and piano.
Four preludes, op. 5; for piano.
Four romances for voice and piano, op. 44.
Four romances for voice and piano, op. 59.
Four romances on verses of A. Pushkin for bass and piano, op. 46.
Four song-jokes, op. 42; for voice and piano.
Four songs on verses of V. Dolmatovsky for voice and piano, op. 86.
Fourth (Arctic) symphony, op. 82.
Fourth suite from the ballet, ``Spartacus.''
The friendship of the people op. 79.
Friends, op. 51.
Friendship overture (1959).
Frol Skobeyev, op. 12.
From days of youth for piano.
From Jewish folk poetry, op. 79.
From pioneer life, op. 14, pieces.
From Shakespeare.
From the past, 6 improvisations for piano, op. 74 (1946).
From the songs of Ossian, 3 musical pictures for orchestra, op. 56.
Funeral-ode for large orchestra & mixed chorus (in memory of Lenin).
Funeral-triumphal prelude for symphony orchestra, op. 130.
Gadfly, for orchestra.
Gadfly, op. 97.
Gavotte and minuet for orchestra.
Gavotte from the human comedy, op. 37.
The general from the Kremlin; Red Army song for two-part chorus and 
German notebook, vocal cycle.
Ghazals and songs for voice and piano, op. 31.
Girl friends, op. 41 (2).
Glory to great October, ode for baritone and orchestra.
Glory to the Soviet army, cantata, op. 93.
Golden mountains, op. 30.
Golden mountains, op. 30a for orchestra in 6 movements.
Good luck!; sowing song, for children's or women's two or three part 
chorus and piano.
Good-bye, Girlie!; song for medium voice and piano.
Great citizen, op. 52.
Great citizen, op. 55, part two of the film.
Greeting overture (D-flat major).
Gyulsar, music drama.
Gyulsara, opera in 4 acts, op. 96.
Hail Taiga!; song for chorus and piano.
Hamlet, op. 116a.
Hamlet, op. 32a.
Happy march in F major for wind band, op. 53, no. 2 (1941).
Her first year at school (jointly with M. Ziv).
Hero-city, oratorio for soloists, chorus, and orchestra.
Heroic march in F minor for wind band, op. 53, no. 1 (1941).
Heroic march of the Buryat-Mongolian assr, op. 71.
Heroic poem for high bass or baritone, 2 pianos and percussion (1969).
Hikers' song; for children's chorus and piano.
Hindu suite from the ballet-Pantomme noyya for orchestra, op. 42A.
Hiroshima must not occur again, oratorio, op. 63 (1967).
Hitler calls to Ribbenthrop, musical satire for bass and piano.
Holiday at Ferghana, overture for orchestra, op. 75.
Holiday overture for full orchestra, op. 96.
Hostile whirlwinds; incidental music to film.
A house of warm welcome; song for children's chorus and piano.
How long shall the kite soar? op. 20.
Humoresque for chamber orchestra.
The Hungarian album, cycle of piano pieces for children (1966).
Hungarian fantasy for violin and orchestra (1952).
Hungarian tunes for violin and orchesta (1952).
I feel no fear.
Ice and steel, opera, op. 24.
Impromptu for piano op. 99, no. 1.
Improvisation, op. 21; for violin and piano from incidental music to 
the film ``A night in St. Petersburg.''
In a fairy-tale forest, op. 62; musical pictures for recitalist, 
singing, and piano.
In autumn.
In flames (at Moscow), op. 37, opera in four acts, six scenes.
In memory of our dear Sergo, song for children's chorus and piano.
In memory of S.Y.A. Marshak, 6 lyric epigrams (1964).
In Mongolia, suite in 5 parts for small symphony orcherstra, op. 10 
In Nizhny Novgorod.
In Rustaveli's footsteps, oratorio.
In the rhythm of hearts (We want to dance).
In these days, song for voice or chorus and piano.
The intenationale.
Into the storm (1939).
Invention for piano, op. 15.
Inventions, suite for piano.
The iron foundry, op. 19.
Ivan Grozny.

[[Page 46152]]

Ivan the Terrible oratorio for chorus, narrator, soloists, and full 
symphony orchestra.
A jaunty young pioneer song; for children's chorus and piano.
Jeanne d'Arc, ballet in 3 acts (1957).
Jeanne d'Arc, suite from the ballet (1958).
Jewish orchestra at the Governor's ball, suite from the music to 
Gogol's ``The Inspector General,'' op. 41 (1926).
Jewish songs, op. 37 (1923-26).
Joseph the beautiful, ballet, op. 50.
Katerina Izmailova, op. 114 (op. 29/114).
King Lear, op. 137.
Kirov is with us, poem-cantata, p. 61 (1942-43).
The Komsomol locomotive; song for voice, two-part chorus and piano.
The Kremlin by night, cantata-nocturne, op. 75 (1947).
Kursk songs.
The land of the fathers.
The last hour is striking, song in memory of Patrice Lumumba for chorus 
and piano.
Laurencia, ballet in 3 acts.
Legend of love, ballet (1961).
Lenin in our hearts (1957).
Lenin is with us (1968).
Lenin, dramatic symphony, op. 16.
Leninists, op. 63; cantata for three choruses and full symphony 
Let's sing, comrades; song for two-part chorus and piano.
Letter, young pioneer song; for voice or chorus and piano.
Leyi and medzhun, opera in 4 acts, op. 94.
Leyla and medshun, poem for symphony orchestra (1947).
Light overture in C major.
Lightnings, symphonic poem for orchestra, op. 39.
Like a rosy apple.
The little house in Colomna musical choreograhic episode-vaudeville.
The loneliness of Lermontov cycle of romances for voice and piano.
Love (a parable).
Love's pangs.
The low-born son-in-law (1966).
Loyalty, op. 136.
Lullaby and dance for 2 pianos (1952).
The lyceum years of A.S. Pushkin, vocal cycle, op. 35.
Major-minor studies, op. 68; for solo cello.
Many times I have put up at hotels.
March for piano, op. 1 no. 2.
March from the film ``Zangezur.''
March of Kirov followers.
March of the Red army for wind orchestra.
March, Gavotte from ``The comedians'' suite: from incidental music to 
M. Daniel's play ``Inventor and comedian,'' op. 26.
March; for wind band.
Masha is fair, song for women's trio or three-part chorus and piano.
Masquerade opera in 1 act.
May march; song for two-part chorus and piano.
May-day banners; song for two part chorus and piano.
Mazurka for piano.
Mazurka-caprice for piano, op, 41.
Meditations, 7 pieces for piano, op. 3.
The meeting on the Elbe, op. 80.
Melody and dance for violin and piano (1950).
Melody for piano, op. 99, no. 2.
Melody, no. 2 of two pieces for op. 1.
A merry feast; song for children's chorus and piano.
Michurin, op. 78.
Miniature triptych.
Moldavian rhapsody for violin and orchestra, op. 47, no. 2 (1949).
Moldavian suite for orchestra (1950).
A monument all to oneself, satirical opera in 3 acts (1964).
Moscow, cantata, op. 38.
Moscow, oratorio for soloists, chorus and orchestra.
Moscow--Cheryomushki, op. 105.
Mother, op. 13 (1956).
Motherland hears, op. 86.
Mtsyri, symphonic poem.
Mtsyri, symphonic poem after Lermontov, op. 54.
A Muleteer, op. 11.
Music for chamber orchestra.
Mussorgsky; scenario by A. Abramova and G. Roshal, directed and 
produced by G. Roshal, incidental music to film.
My father is a peasant.
New Babylon, op. 18.
A new sea; song about the Tsimlyanskoye Storage Lake, for voice or 
chorus and piano.
The New-Year tree, children's suite in 6 parts for small symphony 
orchestra, op. 11 (1951).
Night from the old market, suite for orchestra, op. 38.
A night in St. Petersburg; scenario by G. Roshal and V. Stroyeva (on 
the subject).
Nikita Vershinin, op. 53; opera in four acts, eight scenes.
Nocturne for French horn and piano (1955).
Nonette, ensemble for female voice.
O wert thou in the cauld blast.
October, op. 131.
Ode in memory of Vladimir Ilich Lenin.
Ode to joy.
Oldtime romance.
On guard for peace oratorio, op. 124 (1950).
On the field of Kulikovo, symphony-cantata, op. 14.
On the road; song for children's chorus and piano.
An optimistic tragedy, opera, op. 24 (1964).
Oratorio pathetique.
An ordinary girl, operetta in 3 acts (1959).
Our construction projects are our common concern; song for children's 
chorus and piano.
Our great native country, op. 35; cantata for two soloists (mezzo-
soprano and chorus and orchestra).
Our native land; song for children's chorus and piano.
Our Soviet country, song for two- or three-part chorus and piano.
Our yard, op. 19 (1966).
Overture in A minor (1961).
Overture on Mari themes for orchestra, op. 25.
Overture on Russian and Kirghiz folksongs, op. 115.
Overture on Slavonic folk themes for orchestra, op. 77.
Overture pathetique in C minor for symphony orchestra, op. 76 (1947).
Overture to music drama Gyulsara.
Overture to the opera ``Taras' Family,'' op. 47.
Overture to the opera Shakh-senem.
The path of thunder, ballet in 3 acts (1956-57).
The path of thunder, suite no. 1 from the ballet (1958).
The path of thunder, suite no. 2 from the ballet (1957).
People's avengers, op. 36; suite for mixed chorus and symphony 
Peter I, suite for orchestra from the film music.
Piano concerto (1943).
Piano concerto no. 1 in C minor, op. 35.
Piano concerto no. 1 in F-sharp minor (1954).
Piano concerto no. 1 in minor.
Piano pieces for children (1970).
Piano quintet (1961).
Piano quintet (1962).
Piano quintet, op. 18 (1944).
Piano sonata.
Piano sonata no. 2 in B minor.
Piano sonata no. 4, op. 56 (1955).
Piano sonata no. 5, op. 58 (1956).
Piano sonata no. 6, op. 73 (1960).
Piano trio (1953).
Piano trio in four movements.
Piano trio, op. 24 (1945).
Pieces for piano.
Pioneers plant the forests, op. 81.
Pirogov, op. 76.
Pirogov, op. 76A.
Poem for cello and piano, op. 10.
Poem for organ, strings, 4 trumpets, 2 pianos, and percussion (1966).
Poem for piano.

[[Page 46153]]

Poem in C-sharp minor for piano.
Poem in memory of Sergei Yesenin.
The poem of struggle, op. 12; for symphony orchestra and chorus.
Polish tunes, suite for symphony orchestra, op. 47, no. 2 (1950).
Polyphonic sketches for piano, op. 78 (1948).
Prelude and scherzo for string octet, op. 11.
Prelude for organ, trumpet, harp, and string orchestra, op. 24.
Preludes and fugues, op. 61.
Prisoner of the Caucasus, ballet-poem after Pushkin.
Quartet for 2 violins, viola and cello, op. 58.
Quartet on American themes for flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon, op. 
Quasi-sonata for piano.
Quintet for piano, violin, clarinet, horn, and cello, op. 50.
Quintet in G-minor for viola, 2 violins, cello, and piano, op. 57.
Quintet on Turkmen folk themes for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and 
small drum, op. 65.
Rachel, opera in 1 act, op. 81.
Rada an Loiko, a symphony poem after the story by M. Gorky (1954).
Rails, for piano, op. 16.
The raised sword oratorio.
A Raven flies towards a raven.
Recitative and rondo for piano, op. 84.
Red army rhapsody for orchestra, op. 77.
The red poppy ballet in 3 acts, op. 70.
Repairs station song.
Requiem in memory of the fallen heroes, op. 20 (1946).
Restless youth; scenario by L. Trauberg (jointly with G. Roshal) after 
a like-named autobiographical story.
Return of Maxim, op. 45.
The reward vocal-symphonic novella.
Rhapsody on Moldavian themes for orchestra, op. 47, no. 1 (1949).
Rhapsody on the theme of the song school years; for piano and symphony 
orchestra, op. 75.
Romance of Benvolio; from incidental music to ``Romeo and Juliet, op. 
56,'' for medium voice and piano.
Romances to words by Mikhail Lermontov.
Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo and Juliet, op. 56; musical sketches for Shakespeare's tragedy 
for full symphony orchestra.
Romeo and Juliet, op. 75.
The rose and the cross for orchestra, op. 26.
Rothchild's violin.
Russia the wooden.
Russian fairy tale, symphonic poem for orchestra, op. 50.
Russian fantasy for symphony orchestra.
Russian notebook, vocal cycle.
Russian overture for orchestra, op. 31.
Russian song.
Russian suite for symphony orchestra (1952).
Russian village landscape, 4 romances on verses of S. Esenin, op. 53.
Sailor's song.
Satires (pictures of the past), op. 109.
Scherzo for piano, op. 6.
School song; for two-part chorus and piano.
School years; song for children's chorus and piano.
The Seasons, songs.
Second concert fantasia for violin and orchestra (1965).
Second piano concerto in G minor, op. 23.
Second suite from the ballet Genesis, in 4 movements (1969).
Serenade for cello and piano, op. 31.
Serenade for symphony orchestra, op. 47, no. 4 (1952).
Seven artistic-instructional pieces for violin and piano, op. 54.
The seven beauties, ballet in 4 acts (1952).
The seven beauties, suite for symphony orchestra (1949).
Seven nursery rhymes, op. 41, for voice and piano, from English folk 
children's songs.
Seven piano pieces (partita in F minor).
Seven pieces for clarinet and piano.
Seven romances on poems of Alexander Blok for soprano, violin, cello, 
and piano, op. 127.
Seven songs and a march in A, op. 89.
Seven songs for voice and piano, op. 23.
Shakh-senem, opera in 4 acts, op. 69.
Shchors; scenario and production by A. Dovzhenko, incidental music to 
Siberian song.
Signal opera in 1 act.
Simple folk, op. 71.
Simple songs, a vocal cycle for soprano, bass, and piano (1956).
Sinfonietta for string orchestra.
Sinfonietta in A major, op. 10 (1910).
Sinfonietta in G minor for string orchestra (1953).
Sinfonietta no. 1 for orchestra, op. 41 (1948).
Sinfonietta no. 2 for string quartet and timpani, op. 74 (1960).
Sinfonietta no. 2 in A minor for string quartet, op. 68 (1945-46).
Sinfonietta on Russian themes for orchestra, op. 43.
The sisters (part one); incidental music to film.
The sisters, op. 83; opera in three parts, with prologue and epilogue.
Six Hindu melodies for voice and piano (+violin), op. 51.
Six pieces for string quartet and harp, op. 16 (1966).
Six romances for voice and piano, op. 45.
Six romances on verses by British poets for low male voice and piano, 
op. 62.
Six romances to lyrics by Alexander Pushkin.
The Smolensk horn.
Snow is falling.
So much to do in the morning; song for children's chorus and piano.
Soldier's marching song, op. 121.
Solemn march for wind orchestra, op. 76.
Solemn march.
Solemn ode (to the 30th anniversary of October).
Solemn overture for orchestra, op. 72.
Some songs of the wise crocodile (from ``The talks of the wise 
crocodile'' radio program), nos. 1-3.
Some songs of the wise crocodile (from ``The talks of the wise 
crocodile'' radio program), nos. 4-6.
Son of the sun, opera, op. 62.
Sonata for cello and piano (1966).
Sonata for cello and piano (1957).
Sonata for cello and piano, op. 49 (1961).
Sonata for cello and piano, op. 51, no. 3.
Sonata for cello and piano, op. 21 (1945).
Sonata for clarinet and piano, op. 1 (1952).
Sonata for clarinet and piano, op. 28 (1945).
Sonata for flute and piano, op. 44 (1958).
Sonata for flute and piano.
Sonata for harp and piano, op. 46.
Sonata for oboe and piano.
Sonata for piano (1963).
Sonata for piano and cello, op. 88.
Sonata for piano, no. 1, op. 12.
Sonata for piano, op. 10.
Sonata for piano, op. 34.
Sonata for solo violin (1960).
Sonata for solo violin, op. 115 (1947).
Sonata for trumpet and piano.
Sonata for viola and piano, op. 51, no. 2.
Sonata for viola solo.
Sonata for violin and piano (1959).
Sonata for violin and piano, op. 134.
Sonata for violin and piano, op. 43 (1928).
Sonata for violin and piano, op. 70 (1947).
Sonata for violin and piano, op. 51, no. 1.
Sonata for violin and viola, op. 35.
Sonata in D minor.
Sonata in E-flat major for piano.
Sonata in memory of Sergei Prokofiev for piano, op. 4 (1956).
Sonata in three movements.
Sonata no. 1.
Sonata no. 1 for cello solo, op. 18.
Sonata no. 1 for clarinet and piano (1965).
Sonata no. 1 for clarinet and piano.
Sonata no. 1 for piano.
Sonata no. 1 for piano, op. 1.

[[Page 46154]]

Sonata no. 1 for piano, op. 3.
Sonata no. 1 for piano, op. 5.
Sonata no. 1 for cello solo, op. 72 (1960).
Sonata no. 1 for violin and piano, op. 43 (1956).
Sonata no. 1 for violin and piano, op. 12 (1943).
Sonato no. 2.
Sonata no. 2 for cello and piano, op. 81 (1948-49).
Sonata no. 2 for cello and piano, op. 63 (1965).
Sonata no. 2 for clarinet and piano (1965).
Sonata no. 2 for piano, op. 7.
Sonata no. 2 for piano, op. 17.
Sonata no. 2 for violin and piano (1970).
Sonata no. 3 for piano, op. 15.
Sonata no. 4.
Sonata no. 5 for piano, p. 64, no. 1 (1907-08/1917/1944).
Sonata no. 5 for violin and piano, op. 53 (1953).
Sonata no. 6 for piano, op. 64, no. 2 (1908/1917/1944).
Sonata no. 7 for piano, op. 82 (1949).
Sonata no. 8 for piano, op. 83 (1949).
Sonata no. 9 for piano, op. 84 (1949).
Sonata-fantasia, piano quartet, op. 64 (1945).
Sonata-fantasy for piano.
Sonatina for oboe and piano.
Sonatina for piano (1950).
Sonatina for violin and piano, op. 61 (1966).
Sonatina for violin and piano, op. 46 (1949).
Sonatina in C major for piano.
Sonatina in E minor for piano, op. 57 (1942).
Sonatina no. 1 for harp.
Sonatina no. 1 for violin and piano.
Sonatina no. 2 for harp.
Sonatina no. 2 for piano.
Sonatina no. 2 for violin and piano.
Sonatina no. 2. For piano.
Sonatina no. 3 for harp.
Sonatina no. 3 for piano.
Sonatina no. 4 for piano lyrical.
Song about friendship between Soviet and Chinese children, for voice 
and piano.
Song about Moscow.
Song about Russia; for voice, men's chorus, and piano.
Song about the brightly clad hiker; for children's chorus and piano.
Song about the locomotive whistle, for voice and piano.
Song about the young pioneer banner; for voice and piano.
Song for violin and piano, op. 6BIS.
Song from the radio production ``Don Quixote''; for voice and piano.
Song of frontier-guards, for voice and piano.
Song of morning, spring, and peace, op. 57, cantata for children's 
chorus & symphony orchestra.
The song of the great rivers, op. 95.
Song of the old captain; from a stage version of Dicken's ``Dombey and 
Song of the party membership card, for low voice or chorus and 
Song of the varicoloured ties league; for children's chorus and piano.
Song of the young Muscovite and Song about Moscow; from the opera ``In 
flames (at Moscow), op. 37.''
Song of true friends, for children's chorus and piano.
Song of young girl.
Song-poem in honor of the Ashugs for violin and piano.
Songs and dances of death.
Songs from the film ``Anton Ivanovich is angry.''
Songs from the film ``Her first year at school,'' scenario by A. Zak.
Songs of freedom.
Songs of freedom.
Songs of the present day, a symphony cycle in 9 movements (1964).
Songs of war and peace.
Songs to words by Alexander Prokofiev.
Songs to words by Robert Burns.
Songs, op. 34; for voice and piano.
The Soviet east, suite for orchestra, op. 75.
Spanish songs for soprano and piano, op. 100.
Spring came (1958).
Spring sings, op. 58, operetta in three acts.
St. Petersburg song.
Starlet; song for children's chorus and piano.
State anthem of the Armenian SSR for chorus and symphony orchestra.
The stone.
The stone flower.
The storm, suite for orchestra from the film music. The story of a real 
Story of the battle for the Russian land, op. 17.
String quartet (1969).
String quartet no. 1.
String quartet no. (1947).
String quartet no. 1 (1964).
String quartet no. 1 in C-major, op. 49.
String quartet no. 1, op. 2.
String quartet no. 1, op. 33, no. 1 (1929-30).
String quartet no. 1, op. 33.
String quartet no. 10, op. 118 in A-flat major.
String quartet no. 10, op. 67 no. 1 (1907/rev. 1945).
String quartet no. 11, op. 122 in F-minor.
String quartet no. 11, remembrances, op. 67 no. 2 (1945).
String quartet no. 12 in D flat major in 2 movements, op. 133.
String quartet no. 12, op. 77 (1947).
String quartet no. 13 in B flat minor.
String quartet no. 13, op. 86 (1949).
String quartet no. 2.
String quartet no. 2 (1946).
String quartet no. 2 (1956).
String quartet no. 2 in A-major, op. 68.
String quartet no. 2, op. 33, no. 2 (1930).
String quartet no. 2, op. 19.
String quartet no. 2, op. 75.
String quartet no. 3 in F major, op. 73.
String quartet no. 3, op. 28.
String quartet no. 3, op. 33, no. 3 (1910).
String quartet no. 3, op. 67.
String quartet no. 4 in D-major in four movements, op. 83.
String quartet no. 4, op. 20 (1945).
String quartet no. 4, op. 29.
String quartet no. 4, op. 33, no. 4 (1909-10/rev. 1937).
String quartet no. 4, op. 83.
String quartet no. 5 in B flat major in three movements, op. 92.
String quartet no. 5, op. 33.
String quartet no. 5, op. 47 (1938-39).
String quartet no. 6 in G-major in 4 movements, op. 101.
String quartet no. 6, op. 34.
String quartet no. 6, op. 49 (1939-40).
String quartet no. 7 in F-sharp minor, op. 108.
String quartet no. 7, op. 41.
String quartet no. 7, op. 55 (1941).
String quartet no. 7, op. 59 (1957).
String quartet no. 8 in C-minor, op. 110.
String quartet no. 8, op. 53.
String quartet no. 8, op. 59 (1942).
String quartet no. 8, op. 66 (1959).
String quartet no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 117.
String quartet no. 9, op. 58.
String quartet no. 9, op. 62 (1943).
String quartet no. 9, op. 80 (1963).
String quartet number 2 (1961).
String quartet number 3 (1967).
Stylizations, 9 pieces in the form of ancient dances for piano, op. 73 
Suburban settlement lyrical songs.
Suite for balalaika (or violin) and piano, op. 69.
Suite for full orchestra from the Vyborg side, op. 50A.
Suite for jazz orchestra, no. 1.
Suite for piano.
Suite for small symphony orchestra, op. 26 (1945).
Suite for string quartet (1949).
Suite for string quartet (from film music to Peter I).
Suite for symphony orchestra (1950).
Suite for viola and piano (1959).
Suite for violin and piano, op. 58 (1956).
Suite from incidental music to ``Don Quixote''.
Suite from incidental music to ``Much ado about nothing''.
Suite from music to Lavrenev's play, ``Lermontov.''
Suite from music to the ballet Mirandolina, op. 122A.

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Suite from music to the film, ``Battle of Stalingrad.''
Suite from the ballet Tarasbulba, op. 92A.
Suite from the ballet The bronze horseman, op. 89A.
Suite from the ballet The shore of hope in 7 movements (1959).
Suite from the ballet, The gypsies, op. 90A.
Suite no. 1 from the ballet The red poppy, op. 70A.
Suite no. 2. from the ballet The red poppy, op. 70B.
Suite on folk themes for violin and piano, op. 132.
Suite or violin solo.
Summer camp song; for children's chorus and piano.
Sun over the steppe, opera, op. 27.
The Sun shines over our Motherland, op. 90.
Symphonic aria for cello and string orchestra, op. 43.
Symphonic dances on mari themes (1951).
Symphony (1958).
Symphony for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra, op. 55 (1962).
Symphony for string orchestra and percussion in 3 movements (1963).
Symphony in C minor, op. 11.
Symphony no. 1.
Symphony no. 1 (1945).
Symphony no. 1 E-flat minor (1959).
Symphony no. 1 for large orchestra, op. 35.
Symphony no. 1 for symphony orchestra, op. 20.
Symphony no. 1 in B minor (1943).
Symphony no. 1 in F minor, op. 6.
Symphony no. 1 in F-minor, op. 10.
Symphony no. 1 in memory of Sergei Kirov.
Symphony no. 1, op. 10 (1942).
Symphony no. 1, op. 12 (1955).
Symphony no. 1, op. 4 (1935).
Symphony no. 1, op. 5.
Symphony no. 10 in E minor, op. 93.
Symphony no. 11 in G minor, op. 103.
Symphony no. 11, op. 34 (1931-32).
Symphony no. 12 in D-minor, op. 112.
Symphony no. 12, op 35 (1931-32).
Symphony no. 13 in B flat minor, op. 113.
Symphony no. 13, op. 36 (1933).
Symphony no. 14, op. 135.
Symphony no. 15 in A major for full orchestra, op. 141.
Symphony no. 17, op. 41 (1936-37).
Symphony no. 18, op. 42 (1937).
Symphony no. 2.
Symphony no. 2 (1946).
Symphony no. 2 (1968).
Symphony no. 2 in a major, ``glory to light'' (1962).
Symphony no. 2 in B major, op. 14 (October, a symphonic dedication).
Symphony no. 2 in C minor.
Symphony no. 2 in E minor.
Symphony no. 2, Motherland, op. 39.
Symphony no. 2, Youth.
Symphony no. 2, Greek Epigrams (1963).
Symphony no. 2, op. 11.
Symphony no. 2, op. 222.
Symphony no. 2, op. 9 (1942/1944).
Symphony no. 20, op. 50 (1940).
Symphony no. 26, op. 79 (1948).
Symphony no. 3.
Symphony no. 3 (1957).
Symphony no. 3 for chamber orchestra, op. 36.
Symphony no. 3 in C major, op. 17.
Symphony no. 3, Little for string orchestra.
Symphony no. 3, ``in memory of my father'' (1964).
Symphony no. 3, op. 20 for full orchestra and chorus.
Symphony no. 3, op. 30.
Symphony no. 3, op. 45 (1949).
Symphony no. 3, romantic.
Symphony no. 4 (1965).
Symphony no. 4 for full orchestra, op. 43.
Symphony no. 4, op. 1 (1957).
Symphony no. 4, op. 17 (1917-18).
Symphony no. 4, op. 24.
Symphony no. 5 (1968).
Symphony no. 5 in D minor, op. 47.
Symphony no. 5, B flat, op. 100 (1944).
Symphony no. 5, op. 56.
Symphony no. 5, op. 72 (1962).
Symphony no. 6 in B minor, op. 54.
Symphony no. 6, op. 79 (1963).
Symphony no. 7.
Symphony no. 7 in C major, op. 60.
Symphony no. 7, in C, op. 131 (1952).
Symphony no. 7, op. 81 (1964).
Symphony no. 8, op. 65.
Symphony no. 8, op. 83 (1964).
Symphony no. 9 in E flat major, op. 70.
Symphony number 2 in D major (1967).
Symphony-overture on two Russian themes by Mikhail Glinka.
Symphony-suite no. 23, op. 56 (1941).
A tale about a woman who would not recognize the Soviet Republic song.
The taming of the shrew comic opera, op. 46.
Tarantella and prelude for two pianos.
A teacher's song; for voice and chorus and piano.
The tear song.
Telescope II for large orchestra.
Tempo; song for two-part chorus and piano.
Ten concerto etudes for piano in two books, book 1.
Ten concerto etudes for piano in two books, book 2.
Ten days at Kastornoye.
Ten poems on texts by revolutionary poets for chorus a capella, op. 88.
Ten Russian folksongs.
Testament, symphonic poem, op. 73.
Theme and variations for cello and piano, op. 67 (1953).
There's a girl waiting for me; song for medium voice or unison chorus 
and piano.
Third piano concerto in D major, op. 50.
Third symphony for strings and kettledrums (1964).
Those black eyes.
Those poor hamlets.
Thou hast left me ever, Jamie, for voice and piano.
Three concert arias for high voice and orchestra.
Three easy pieces.
Three fantastic dances for piano, op. 5.
Three generations; Komsomol song for voice or two-part chorus and 
Three jazz melodies for piano (1969).
Three little pieces and two dances for piano, op. 23.
Three lyrical poems for piano, op. 80.
Three lyrical songs for voice and piano.
Three mari melodies (1947).
Three mari songs (1948).
Three octaves by Rasul Gamzatov; for mezzo-soprano and piano, op. 74.
Three piano pieces, op. 30; transcription of excerpts from the opera 
``Colas Breugnon.''.
Three pieces for children for piano (1952).
Three pieces for piano, op. 9.
Three pieces for two pianos.
Three pieces for voice and orchestra, op. 33.
Three pieces for voice and piano on texts of pushkin, op. 31.
Three riddles for piano no. 1, op. 19.
Three Singalese melodies for baritone and piano, op. 55.
Three sonatinas for piano, op. 12.
Three song-dances, op. 70; for voice and piano.
Three songs about Lenin, op. 92 for children, choruses with piano 
Three songs to the verses by T. Tsvetayeva for middle voice and piano, 
op. 48.
Three songs, op. 16; for voice and piano.
Three young pioneer songs, for children's chorus and piano.
To her, 6 romances for voice and piano, op. 40.
To spring, op. 138.
To the heroes of the patriotic war.
To the young ones.
The tobacco captain musical comedy.
Toccata for piano (1951).
Toccata in E-flat minor for piano.
The treasurer's wife opera.
Trio for piano, violin and cello (1948).
Trio for piano, violin, and cello ``in memory of our perished 
children'', op. 63 (1943).
Trio for violin, cello, and piano, op. 39.
Trio for violin, cello, and piano, op. 74.
Trio for violin, viola, and cello, op. 2.
Trio no. 1 for piano, violin, and cello, op. 8.

[[Page 46156]]

Trio no. 2 in E minor for piano, violin, and cello, op. 67.
Triptych for violin and piano.
Triumphal poem.
Trombone concerto.
Turkish fragments, suite no. 3, op. 62.
Turkish march, op. 55.
Turkmen portraits, suite for orchestra, op. 68.
Twelve investions for organ, op. 27.
Twelve piano pieces (partita), book 1 (nos. 1-6).
Twelve piano pieces (partita), book 2 (nos. 7-12).
Twelve pieces for organ, op. 84.
Twelve polyphonic pieces for piano (1968).
Twelve preludes.
Two brothers; song for two-part chorus and piano.
Two choruses by A. Davidenko, op. 124.
Two dance pieces for piano (1955).
Two fables by Krylov, op. 4.
Two fairy tales for piano, op. 51.
Two fugues for piano.
Two herbaic songs for voice and piano, op. 29.
Two little fir-trees; song of children's chorus and piano.
Two lyrical verses of A. Pushkin for voice and piano, op. 22.
Two partitas, no. I.
Two partitas, no. II.
Two piano sonatinas (1960).
Two pieces for cello and orchestra, op. 93.
Two pieces on themes of Armenian folk songs.
Two pieces on themes of Uzbek folk songs.
Two Pushkin waltzes for symphony orchestra, op. 120.
Two romances, op. 55 to words by A. Kovalenko; for tenor and piano.
Two Russian folk songs, op. 43; for bass or baritone and piano.
Two Russian folksongs for chorus a capella, op. 104.
Two songs from incidental music to the play Don Cesar De Bazan.
Two songs from incidental music to the play ``Two songs'' by N. 
Shestakov, op. 25; for children's chorus and piano.
Two songs from the film ``The Aerograd''; for two-part chorus and 
Two songs from Victor Hugo's Ruy Blas.
Two songs to words by S. Vilensky.
Two songs, op. 32; for voice and piano.
The undertaker musical-choreographic illustrations.
The unforgettable year 1919, op. 89.
Unity, op. 95.
USSR-the shock brigade of the world proletariat, symphonic dithyramb 
for speaker, men's chorus collective.
Uzbek suite for orchestra, op. 104.
Variations for cello and orchestra, op. 142.
Variations for piano (1953).
Variations for solo violin (viola), op. 46 (1960).
Variations on a theme by Glinka.
Variations on a theme of Glinka.
Variations on a theme of Mozart for french horn and piano.
Victorious spring, op 72.
Victory, overture, op. 86.
Violin concerto in C major, op. 43.
Violin concerto no. 1 in G minor (1956).
Violin concerto no. 2 in C sharp minor, op. 129.
Violin concerto, op. 12 (1964).
Virinea: the Gallic invasion.
Visitors to the kitchen-garden, op. 67; action-game (roundelay) for 
children's chorus and piano.
Vocal monologues, op. 33; for voice and orchestra.
Vocalise in A minor for voice and piano (fr. Three vocalises, op. 3).
A voice from the chorus.
The Volga and the Don; song for chorus and piano.
Volochaevsk's days, op. 48.
The Vyborg side, op. 50.
Waltz from ``Pirogov'', op. 76a.
Waltz from the human comedy.
Waltz from the operetta ``Spring sings,'' op. 58.
Waltz, Leamington, from incidental music to the play ``Dombey and son'' 
after Charles Dickens.
Waltz-caprice in C-sharp minor for piano.
War and peace.
Wash 'em clean, 1-act opera for children (1955).
We can't believe (song about Lenin).
We'll walk the length of our country; song for voice and piano from T. 
Solodar's play ``Leaving footprints on earth.''
The wedding musical comedy in 4 acts, op. 70.
Wedding suite from ``The tale of the stone flower.''
White night, op. 17 (1967).
Wind quintet, in 2 movements (1964).
YCL members' battle song; for two-part chorus and piano.
The year 1918 dawned over Russia; song for voice and piano.
A year as long as a lifetime, op. 120.
A year as long as a lifetime, op. 120a.
The young girl and death, oratorio after M. Gorky (1963).
The young guards, op. 75.
The young guards, op. 75A.
The young pioneer group; song for children's chorus and piano.
Young pioneer palace, Oktyabryonok (primary schoolchildren); song for 
voice and piano.
Young pioneer songs, cantata (1972).
The youth of Maxim, op. 41 (1).
Youth overture, op. 8 (1951).
The youth sets off on a journey; song for voice and piano.
The Zaporozhy Cossacks symphonic picture-ballet, op. 64.
Zoya (who is she?), op. 64. Schrimer (G.), Inc.
Fiery ring (a) (1967).
Lyric verses.
Motherland (1957).
Northern landscape.
Sonato for cello and piano (1955).
String quartet (1964).
Virinea (1967).

SFP. See Fildebroc, SFP, FR3, UGC

Shepard, David H

On approval.

Societe du Cinema Pantheon

Une partie de campagne.

Somerville House Production (Montreal). See Fildebroc-Capac & 
Somerville House Production

Son et Lumiere

Petit theatre de Jean Renoir.

Soyuzmultfilm Studios

Babushkin zontik.
Balerina na korable.
Chuzhie sledi.
Ded Moroz i leto.
Ded Moroz i seriy volk.
Diadya Misha.
Falshivaya nota.
Foca-na vse ruki doka.
Gorni master.
Icar i mudretsi.
Kak gribi voevali s gorohom.
Kak livionok i cherepaha pesniu peli.
Kak Masha possorilas s podushkoj.
Kak utionok-muzikant stal futbolistom.
Kapriznaya printsessa.
Kontakt no. 1.
Kuda letish, Vitar?
Legendi Peruanskikh Indeitsev.
Lisa, medved i mototsikl s kaliaskoy.
Masha bolsme ne lentiaika.
Meshok yablok.
Mi s Dshekom.
Mishonok Pik.
Molodilniye yabloki.
Nasledstvo volshebnika Bahrama.
Nu pogodi no. 1.
Nu pogodi no. 12.
Nu pogodi no. 2.
Nu pogodi no. 3.
Nu pogodi no. 4.
Nu pogodi no. 5.
Nu pogodi no. 6.
Nu pogodi no. 7.
Nu pogodi no. 8.
Nu pogodi no. 9.
Nu pogodi! no. 10.
Nu pogodi! no. 11.

[[Page 46157]]

O tom kak gnom pokinul dom.
Obeziana s ostrova Suragasima.
Podarok dlia samogo slabogo.
Poni begaet po krugu.
Poslednaya nevesta zmeya gorinicha.
Pro dudochku i ptichku.
Rasskazi starogo moriaka.
Shakalionok i verbliud.
Stoikiy olovianiy soldatik
Talant i poklonniki.
Utenok kotoriy ne umel igrat v futbol.
V gostiah u leta.
V tridesiatom veke.
Veselaya karusel no. 1.
Volshebnaya palochka.
Vozvraschenie s Olimpa.
Zaichonok i mooha.
Zhiraf i ochki.

Stewart (Jim) Executors of the Estate of

Appleby on Ararat.
Appleby talking.
Appleby talks again.
Christmas at Candleshoe.
From London far.
The guardians.
Hamlet, revenge!
The journeying boy.
The man from the sea.
The man who wrote detective stories.
Mark Lambert's supper.
The new Sonia Wayward.
Operation Pax.
A private view.
The secret vanguard.
There came both mist and snow.
Three tales of Hamlet.
A use of riches.

Succession Picasso

The absinthe drinker.
Acrobate a la boule (fillette e la boule).
Acrobate et jeune arlequin.
Les adieux du pecheur.
Les adolescents.
Les amants de la rue.
Angel Fernandez de Soto au cafe.
Angel Fernandez de Soto avec une femme.
Arcadi mas i fontdevilla.
Arlequin a cheval.
Arlequin accoude.
Arlequin assis.
Au lapin agile (arlequin au verre).
Autoportarit en gentilhomme du XVIIIe siecle.
Autoportrait (profil).
Autoportrait (tete de jeune homme).
Autoportrait (Tete).
Autoportrait a l'age de trente-six ans.
Autoportrait a la palette.
Autoportrait aux cheveux courts.
Autoportrait mal coiffe.
Autoportrait yo.
Azul y blanco.
Baraque de foire, montmartre.
Bohemienne devant la musciera.
Bouffon et jeune acrobate.
Le bouquet.
Brasserie a montmartre.
Bust de femme.
Bust of a young man (academic study).
Buste D'home au chapeau.
Buste de femme.
La buveuse d'absinthe.
Cafe a royan.
Une carriere.
La chambre blue (le tub).
Le chemineau.
Cheval eventre.
Claude et Paloma dessinant.
La coiffure.
Composition a la tete de mort.
Composition a la tete de mort (etude).
Compotier et guitare.
Cordia et la mort du torero.
Corida la mort de la femme torero.
La coruna.
Le couple.
Course de taureaux.
Course de taureaux (corrida).
Course de taureaux et pigeons.
Les courses.
Dans le laboratoire de l'art.
Les demoiselles torero.
Les deus anmies.
Les deus freres.
Deux buveurs catalans.
Deux enfants.
Deux femmes nues.
Les deux freres.
Deux modeles vetus.
Deux nus et un chat.
Deux personnages.
Les deux saltimbanques (Arlequin et sa compagne).
Deux saltimbanques avec un chien.
Le divan.
Don quixote and Sancho Panza.
Dos soldados a caballo y un torreon.
Double study of a bearded man in profile.
Double study of the left eye.
The dream.
The dwarf.
L'enfant au pigeon.
L'enfant de choeur.
L'entree de la plaza a barcelone.
L'entrevue (les deux soeurs).
Etude acdemique.
Etude d'un platre (d'apres l'antique).
Etude pour femme se coiffant.
Etude pour L'entrevue.
Etude pour la vie.
Etude pour Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1).
Etude pour Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (2).
Etude pour Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.
Etudes dans un livre d'ecole.
Etudes des bateaux a voiles.
Etudes pour autoportrait a la palette.
Evocation (L'enterrement de casagemas).
Famile d'acrobates avec singe.
Famille d'arlequin.
Famille de bateleurs.
La famille de saltimbanques (les bateleurs).
Famille de saltimbanques.
Le famille soler.
The family.
Faune devoilant une femme.
Female nude from behind (after arcadi mas i fontdevilla).
Femme a l'eventail.
Femme a la chemise.
Femme a la corneille.
Femme accroupie et enfant.
Femme au casque de cheveus (la femme de l'acrobate).
Femme au chapeau a plumes.
Femme au collier de gemmes.
Femme au mouchoir.
Femme aux bijoux.
Femme couchee sur la plage.
Femme dans la loge.
Femme ecrivant.
Femme en bleu.
Femme lisant.
Femme nu cochee au colier.
Femme nue assise et femme nue debout.
Femme nue assise.
Femme nue aux jambes croisees.
Femme nue couchee.
Femme nue debout de profil.
Femme nue sur fond rouge.
Femme s'appuyant sur une table e trois visages de profil.
Femme se coiffant.
Femmes a leur toilette.
Femmes algeriennes.
La fenetre fermee.
Feuilles d'acanthe.
Feuilles d'etudes a la Greco.
La fillette aux pieds nus.
Fillette nue au panier de fleurs.
Fleurs exotiques.
Fleurs sur une table.
Le fou.
French cancan.
Garcon a la pipe.
Garcon au chien.
Garcon nu.
Girl before a mirror.
Le gourment (Le gourmand).
Grande nature morte.
Le gueridon.
Guitare, partition, verre.
Le harem.
Head of a boy (academic study).
Hercule avec sa massue.

[[Page 46158]]

Les hirondelles.
Hollandaise a la coiffe.
L'homme a la casquette.
L'homme au mouton (d'apres l'antique).
Homme en bleue (portrait d'homme).
Homme et femme.
Interieur des quatre gats.
Jacqueline aux mains croisees.
Jaqueline aux fleures.
Jeanne (nu couche).
Jeune espagnol.
Jeune fille nue debout.
Joie de vivre.
Joueur d'orgue de barbarie et petit arlequin.
The kiss.
La lecture.
Le livre ouvert.
La madrilene (tete de jeune femme).
La maison bleue.
Maison de campagane.
Mansion dans un champ de ble.
Le maquereau (composition allegorique).
The matador.
Maya et la poupee.
Menage des pauvres.
Meneur de cheval nu.
Menu des quatre gats.
La mere (mere tenant deus enfants).
Mere et enfant (baladins).
Mere et enfant au bord de la mer.
Mere et enfant au fichu.
Mere et enfant aux fleurs.
Mere et enfant et etudes de mains.
Mere et enfant.
Minotaure et sa proie.
The mirror.
Misereuse accroupie.
La mort d'arelquin.
La mort de Casagemas (Casagemas dans son cercueil).
La mort de casagemas.
Le moulin de la galette.
Le moulin de la Galette.
Nature morte (le dessert).
Nature morte a la tete de toro noire.
Nature morte devant une feinetre.
Nature morte sur la commode.
Neuf tetes.
Les noces de Pierrette.
Nu coche.
Le palais des beaux-arts a Barcelone.
Paul en arlequin.
Paul en Pierrot.
Les pauvres au bord de la mer.
Paysage de Juan-Les-Pins.
Pierreuse, la main sur l'epaule.
Pierreuses au bar.
Pierrot et danseuse.
Pigeons et lapins.
Portrait d'Allan Stein.
Portrait de bibi la puree.
Portrait de Fernande Olivier au foulard.
Portrait de Gertrude Stein.
Portrait de Gustave Coquoit.
Portrait de Jaime Sabartes.
Portrait de Jime Sabartes (Le bock).
Portrait de Josep Cardona (Homme a la lampe).
Portrait de Juan Vidal i Ventosa.
Portrait de la mere de l'artiste.
Portrait de la tante pepa.
Portrait de madame bendetta canals.
Portrait de Madame Soler.
Portrait de Mateu Fernandex de Soto.
Portrait de Nusch Eluard.
Portrait de Philippe IV (d'apres Velazquez).
Portrait de Sebastian Junyent.
Portrait de Sebastian Junyer-Vidal.
Portrait de Sebastian Junyer-vidal.
Portrait de Suzanne Bloch.
Portrait de sylvette.
Portrait de tailleur Soler.
Portrait du pere de l'artiste.
Portrait of Dora Maar.
Portrait of Marie Therese.
Portrait of Pedro Manach.
La premiere communion.
Reclining nude.
Reclining nude with Picasso at her feet.
Le repas d'aveugle.
Le repas frugal.
La repasseuse.
Rone des enfants.
Les saltimbanques.
Science et chrite.
Sculpteur et modele agenouille.
Le sculpteur.
Seated old man.
Seated woman in front of window.
La sieste.
Spanish woman from Majorca (study for the acrobats).
Studio with plaster head.
Study of the left arm (after a plaster cast).
Tete d'homme.
Tete d'homme a la Greco.
Tete de femme.
Tete de femme (fernande).
Tete de femme en profil.
La toilette.
La toilette de la mere.
Les toits bleus.
Toro en valauris.
Les trois hollandaises.
Les trois musiciens.
Le verre bleu.
La vie.
Le vieux guitariste aveugle.
Le vieux juif (le viellard).
Vive la France.
Vollard suite no. 85.
Woman with a flower.
Woman with blue hat.
Yo Picasso-self portrait.

Teledis Company, SA

De Mayerling a Sarajevo.
Madame De.
Le plaisir.


Montparnasse 19.
Pattes blanches.
Yeux sans visage.

Thedinga, Mrs. S.C. & J.W. Prescott

Dead and not buried.
Jerusalem journey.
The lost fight.
The man on a donkey.
Son of dust.
The unhurrying chase.

Toei Animation Company, Ltd.

Ararara! tama ga nai!
Ayaushi! Kuririn.
Bulma to son goku.
Derukai!? shugyo no iryoku.
Deta! Kyoteki Gillan.
Dragon ball ubawareru.
Dragon ball--makafushigi dai bouken.
Dragon ball--Mashinjo no nemurihime.
Dragon ball--Shenron no densetsun.
Flying pan yama no gyumao.
Fushigina onnanoko lunch.
Gekitotsu! pawa tai pawa.
Goku no dai henshin.
Goku no ribal sanjo!
Goku saidai no pinchi.
Hitosarai youkai Oolong.
Inochigake! gyunyu haitatsu.
Kame sennin no kinto un.
Kamesenryu kitsui shugyo.
Kamke sennin no kamehameha.
Kesshosen da! kamehameha.
Kuririn Hisshi no daikobosen.
Mayonaka no houmonsha tachi.
Shenron eno negai.
Shugyou ishi sagashi.
Tate Goku! osorubeki tenku pekejiken.
Tenkaichi budokai hajimaru.
Tsuini dragon arawaru!
Tsuyokute warui sabaku no Yamucha.
Usagi oyabun no tokuiwaza.
Yamucha vs. Jacky Chun.

Tolkien (J.R.R.) Estate of

Farmer Giles of Ham.
The fellowship of the ring.
The hobbit.
Homecoming of Beorhthelm's son.
Leaf by Niggle.
On fairy stories.
The return of the king.
The two towers.

Trinity College, Oxford

The drum.
Inspector Hanaud investigates.

Trustees of the Maurice Baring Will Trust. SEE Baring (Maurice) 
Will Trust, Trustees of

Trustees of the Robert Graves Copyright Trust. SEE Graves (Robert) 
Copyright Trust, Trustees of

Ucelli Production

Interdit aux moins de 13 ans.

[[Page 46159]]

Remparts d'argile.

UGC DA International

Le caporal epingle.
Le corbeau.
Le crime de Monsieur Lange.
Le dejeuner sur l'herbe.
Le journal d'un cure de campagne.
La Marseillaise.
Le testament du Dr. Cordelier.

UGC. SEE Fildebroc, SFP, FR3, UGC

United Artists. SEE Fildebroc, United Artists

Viscount Montgomery of Alamein CBE

An approach to sanity: a study in East/West relations.
Command in battle.
El Alamein to the River Sangro.
Normandy to the Baltic.

Warne (Frederick) & Company, Ltd.

The fairy necklaces.
Flower fairies of the autumn.
Flower fairies of the garden.
Flower fairies of the spring.
Flower fairies of the summer.
Flower fairies of the trees.
Flower fairies of the wayside.
A flower fairy alphabet.
Old rhymes for all times.

Watt (A.P.), Ltd.

The altar of honour.
The black knight.
By request.
Charles Rex.
Dona Celestis.
The electric torch.
The gate marked private.
Honeyball farm.
The house of happiness and other stories.
The juice of the pomegranate.
The live bait and other stories.
A man under authority.
The obstacle race.
The odds and other stories.
The passer-by and other stories.
The prison wall.
Rosa Mundi and other stories.
The serpent in the garden.
The silver wedding.
Sown among thorns.
Storm drift.
The unkown quantity.
Where three roads meet.

Watt (W.P.) Estate of

The bravo of London.
The celestial ominbus.
The eyes of Max Carradox.
Kai Lung beneath the mulberry tree.
Kai Lung unrolls his M at.
Kai Lung's golden hours.
A little flutter.
Max Carrados mysteries.
The moon of much gladness.
The specimen case.

Wells (H.G.) Literary Executors of the Estate of

After democracy.
Anatomy of frustration.
The Camford visitation.
The common sense of war and peace.
The conquest of time.
Crux Ansata.
The dream.
The fate of homo sapiens.
The idea of a world encyclopaedia.
Men like Gods.
Mind at the end of tether.
The outlook for homo sapiens.
The rights of man.
The secret places of the heart.
A short history of the world.
The story of a great schoolmaster.
Travels of a republican radical in search of hot water.
A year of prophesying.

Westside International

El dedo en el gatillo.
El halcon de Castilla.
Las siete magnificas.

Yeats, Anne

The speckled bird.

    Dated: August 26, 1996.
Marybeth Peters,
Register of Copyrights.
[FR Doc. 96-22138 Filed 8-29-96; 8:45 am]