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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

You might have Nicole Scherzinger marked as a sch-owstopping singer, style crush, comedic impersonator of Gary Barlow and swooshy hair ICON… but read this month's Cosmo and you can add bloomin' good BFF material to that list too. Because whilst on screen she's sexy (exhibit: her beaut new music vid for Your Love), ballsy enough to stand up to Simon Cowell and never afraid to make up a LOL saying for a laugh, she has a shy sensitive side too. I know this because Scherzy is the one who gave me a big 'I've been there sister' hug (and an even bigger drink) after a horrible break-up. I've also seen her take a deep breath and push away shaking nerves before she goes on stage. Yep, it's possible - when the spotlights are off there's even more to love, as you too will discover in her August cover girl interview.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Nicole says: "I get past my shyness by making everything about others and not thinking about myself. That's what I did on The X Factor – I can be goofy and playful when it's about the acts. They are like my babies. But when I'm off stage I'm not as big and animated. People know they could have a pint with me, they know I work hard… but for me all my smiles and confidence are a triumph because it came from a broken place," she says.

preview for Nicole Scherzinger - behind the scenes of Cosmopolitan interview

Opening up about her brave escape from dark times, she spoke to Cosmo fighting back tears about the punishing eating disorder that almost stole her twenties. "Thinking about it I try not to well up… It is such a horrible paralysing disease and it was such a dark time for me. That's why I can empathise so much with people who have demons and voices in their heads, who aren't nice to themselves. It robs you of living your life. But you can recover and you can get rid of it forever. I did it and that's why it's so important for me to share my story. I felt so alone... but I made myself so alone. You hide it from the world, you isolate yourself. But you can beat it – do not give up because you're so special and you're meant for such great things."

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

This year Cosmo has partnered with eating disorders charity Beat and we have been already been flooded with heart-wrenching emails from readers battling eating disorders of all kinds. To hear someone as strong as Nicole speak so honestly about how recovery is possible is truly inspiring. She admits in the interview that it took her blacking out on the floor to realise she had to get help.

"I had started losing my voice, I couldn't sing at shows, and then I remember my manager finding me passed out on the floor in Malta or in the south of France. I thought, 'I'm going to lose everything I love if I don't love myself.' One day when you feel like you've reached the end, you just say, 'I'm not doing this anymore.' It's sad to see how I wasted my life. I had such a great life on the outside, the Dolls were on top of the world but I was miserable on the inside. I'm never letting that happen again; you only get one life – I was 27 only once."

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Now Nicole is the healthy life and soul of every party. On our sun soaked shoot in Malibu, California she was dancing along to Gary Barrrr-low (that's how Scherz says it) tunes in between shots and kicking around in the sand. She was full of feel good vibes telling us about her recent girls night where she was out with her friends and they all ended up dancing with Kate Hudson and Reese Witherspoon… reason number 301 why she's good time girlfriend material! Blasting out her new album we could see she's been working hard too. The seriously cool tracks are that bit different to anything else on any poptastic playlist right now. The 80s popping Electric Blue is edgy, dreamy and gorgeous, and I still can't get 'On The Rocks' out of our heads now, weeks later.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Now about 'on the rocks' her and Lewis Hamilton certainly are not right now - those six year awww anniversary pics in Venice last week prove they're pretty hot in love. Nicole admitted that just like any couple doing the long distance thang is hard - she is mainly based in LA and him in Europe. "Well it's something crazy romantic. Relationships are hard and having to hold a long-distance relationship is even harder. It's kudos to us for growing and trying – there's so much love there. It's just the distance, it's not natural for anyone. But I'm good and I'm happy," she said.

Nicole ain't going to give up her dreams for no man - no matter how much she adores him. "Absolutely not. This is my passion, I have so much more to give, and with him – whether we're on or off – I wholeheartedly support him in everything he does. It's good we have that love and respect for each other."

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For the full interview pick up this month's Cosmo on sale July 1st or search Cosmopolitan UK on the Apple Newsstand.

Cosmopolitan is Beat's media partner for 2014. For further details of Cosmopolitan's campaign, please click here.





Headshot of Jacqui Meddings
Jacqui Meddings
Entertainment Director
Cosmo's celeb fixer operating from London and LA via Wolverhampton. Fluffy dog on hip whenever possible. Responsible for naked celebrity men in your Cosmo since 2009, from Adam Levine to Rylan, you are WELCOME.