The porn industry is one of the most diverse industries in the world. With hundreds of categories to choose from on the world’s biggest adult video websites, it has never been easier to find that special something that’s going to work for you.

However, mainstream pornography is seriously failing trans and non-binary people. Trans and non-binary are huge categories on most of the main tube sites, yet the majority of the films within them depict trans and non-binary people being fetishised and exploited.

Trans people and their bodies are usually portrayed as sex objects for cis men to enjoy, and as porn is often the first time these men see or interact with real trans and non-binary people, it’s super problematic - often leading to cis men being overtly sexual to trans people in public spaces, as their only view of us is that we’re here for their sexual pleasure.

But, pornography is in itself not an evil thing. It can be a great, erotic, sexy thing when done right. So, what is there to do? Where can we go to watch fun, socially responsible and ethical porn that doesn’t promote harmful stereotypes about trans and non-binary people?

I’m not going to beat around the bush (apt phrase isn’t it?) – ethical porn for LGBTQ+ folk isn’t that easy to find. Fortunately, there are a few platforms that explore sex and sexuality in a way that is coherent, modern, and fun - and it’s about time we started choosing to give them our time rather than unethical tube porn sites.

Here are a few of the best places for trans and non-binary people to find legitimately good pornography.

1. Erika Lust

Erika Lust describes herself as an “indie adult film-maker”. She creates pornography and erotica, featuring scenes and actors, "that women and non-binary people actually want to see.”

The fact that she uses a diverse range of models and performers has won her critical acclaim. Her videos allow women and trans/non-binary people to be seen in strong, positive and sexy ways, rather than being used for someone else’s sexual pleasure. Her new film Gender Bender focuses on reclaiming homophobic/gendered slurs, and is fun, sexy and exciting.

Sign up for an XConfessions membership here. Monthly memberships start at around £25, but there are also six-month and annual membership deals.

2. Foxhouse Films

Foxhouse Films is a great organisation that produces trans inclusive pornography for all people in an ethical and sustainable manner. The company’s transparency when it comes to payment for their models and actors is incredibly refreshing, and their content is sexy, enriching, engaging and morally solid.

While Foxhouse Film’s no longer have their own site, you can still access their productions on other ethical platforms like Pink Label TV.

“We are interested in sexual authenticity and intimacy in the broadest sense, based on individuals and dynamics rather than categories,” the company says.

a guide to the best porn for trans and nonbinary peoplepinterest
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3. Trouble Films

Trouble Films is one of the longest and biggest queer-run pornographic and sexually exploratory video sites out there. Their work is not only inclusive, but also provides the kind of fun, engagement and excitement that many of us love about porn.

Using models and actors with a diverse range of body types and identities really benefits the people performing in the porn, and also the people watching as we get to see true representation. It’s a win win!

Sign up for a membership here. Monthly memberships from $30 (around £25).

4. Pink & White/Pink Label TV

Pink & White was recommended to me via fashion designer Emily Witham, who supports the amazing work the site does with non-binary adult film star Jiz Lee.

Both the site and Jiz Lee fight for the rights of sex workers, and highlight the need for visible sex worker role models, especially trans and non-binary sex workers.

They also use their platforms to discuss safe sex, consent, and how to make sure you keep your sex life spicy – what’s not to love?!

Sign up for a membership here. Memberships start from around £20 a month, and there's also options for 3-month and annual memberships.

It is important to remember that while the ways in which porn is created is not under your control, the way you consume porn is! And if you want to support companies that pay their actors, don’t promote harmful stereotypes and are ethical, you should choose your porn responsibly.

In general, look for independent film makers as they tend to create more socially responsible films and imagery. You will have to pay for it, but that’s the only way to know it’s ethical.

Now off you go darlings, into the lovely socially responsible world of ethical porn. Remember to have fun, stay safe, and have a good old explore! You’ll thank me later.