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A ballot box is set up outside New London City Hall.
Susan Haigh/AP
A ballot box is set up outside New London City Hall.

Electoral College needs to be fixed

What do Hillary Clinton and Al Gore have in common? They were both denied serving as President of the United States due to a malfunctioning Electoral College, which did not accurately reflect the will of the voting citizenry [each won the popular vote but not the electoral vote]. This malfunction resulted in the two worst Presidents in modern history serving, improperly, in their stead, with disastrous results.​ There is no doubt that our Electoral College needs repair.

Perhaps beside the point, but still infuriating, is that Congress has had over 20 years to address this problem and, typically, did nothing. I suggest a solution might be to eliminate the winner-takes-all provision and assign the electoral votes in each state, by percentage, as calculated and recorded in the count of the popular vote.

If this method of counting were to become the practice, everybody’s vote would count. With winner-takes-all, if your candidate didn’t win, your vote didn’t count. It’s the counting that’s important in elections. If this adjustment wouldn’t work, I would like to learn why. If this adjustment would work, I would like to see it enacted. Maybe, write your Congressperson, write your Senator.

Anthony R. Vecchiarelli, Vernon

Reader not a fan of Marsden columns

Once again, I am disappointed that The Courant allows Rachel Marsden to take up space in the Opinion section. She has shown herself to be nothing more than a shill for Russian propaganda. Apparently, she is much more concerned with how the West responds to Russia’s unprovoked aggression than she is with the effects this aggression has had on the Ukrainian people and the terrible loss of life and utter destruction of cities across Ukraine. Let the Russian media push Putin’s agenda. There is no need for The Courant to do the same.

Keith Salamon, Middletown