Search for a Registered Psychotherapist by clicking the button.


Please note that this link takes you to CRPO’s new public register. If you previously bookmarked the register, you will need to update your bookmark. If you have difficulty finding information about a registrant, please contact us.

Want to know what information the public register does and does not provide? Click here.

Public Register Glossary

All information is published in accordance with CRPO’s by-laws.


This indicates the individual’s registration category. See “Status” below for more information.


This indicates the individual’s authorization to practise, as follows:

Registered Psychotherapist
Authorized to practise while working toward independent practice
The registrant has not completed the independent practice requirements (completion of 1,000 direct client contact hours and 150 clinical supervision hours). The registrant must continue to practise with ongoing clinical supervision.
Registered Psychotherapist
Authorized for independent practice
The registrant has completed the independent practice requirements and may practice without clinical supervision.
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Authorized to practise as a Qualifying registrant
The registrant must practise with ongoing clinical supervision and be actively pursuing the completion of the requirements to transfer to the Registered Psychotherapist category.
Registered Psychotherapist (Temporary)
Authorized to practise as a Temporary registrant
Temporary registrants are practitioners from other jurisdictions who wish to be registered for a temporary period, generally due to an offer of temporary employment as a psychotherapist in Ontario, often in an academic or consulting role.
Registered Psychotherapist (Inactive)
Not currently practising as a psychotherapist in Ontario.
Inactive registrants are individuals who, for one reason or another, are not currently engaged in the practice of the profession. Inactive registrants are prohibited from providing or supervising direct client care, providing supervision and making any claim or representation to having any competence in psychotherapy.
Unauthorized to practise as a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario
Suspended individuals have forfeited their good standing with CRPO, are no longer a registrant of CRPO, and are not permitted to use any restricted title, practise or supervise the provision of psychotherapy for the purposes of registration with CRPO, nor hold themselves out as qualified to practise as a psychotherapist in Ontario.
Unauthorized to practise as a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario
Suspended individuals are revoked after two years of suspension. A certificate of registration may also be revoked if directed by the Registrar or a committee.
Former registrant
No longer registered with CRPO
The individual has resigned their registration or is deceased.
Unauthorized to practise as a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario
A former Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) registrant who did not meet the requirements to transfer to the Registered Psychotherapist category.

Previous Names

All registrants are required to report all former names held (either legally or assumed) since the age of 18.

Business Address

The registrant’s primary practice site, as designated by the registrant.

Practice Sites

All current reported practice information for a registrant, including the name of the practice site(s), the address and the business phone number of each site. Registrants are required to update this information within 30 days of any changes.

Note: job titles and credentials are not published on the Public Register.

Languages of Care

Registrants have the option to have their languages of care posted on the public register. If posted, the languages of care will include languages in which the registrant provides psychotherapy services and their language fluency in English and/or French. If the registrant indicates that they do not want their languages posted, they will not appear in a search result by using language as a search term.

Registration History

The history of the Certificates of Registration held by a registrant, including:

  • The type of certificate of registration;
  • The effective date of the change in status;
  • Decisions by any committee of the College that affects the registrant’s registration;
  • Other status changes;
  • Suspensions or revocations of the certificate; and
  • The date that a registrant died (if applicable).


The following information will be posted as a notice, if applicable:

  • A notation for every matter that has been referred by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee to the Discipline Committee and has not been finally resolved, until the matter has been resolved;
  • Any information jointly agreed to be placed on the public register by the College and the registrant;
  • Any terms, conditions and limitations on the registrant’s certificate of registration;
  • Any interim orders on the registrant’s certificate of registration;
  • A notation for any finding of professional misconduct or incompetence or similar finding made against the registrant, unless the finding is reversed on appeal;
  • A notation for any finding of incapacity or similar finding made against the registrant, unless the finding is reversed on appeal;
  • Any decisions of the Discipline Committee;
  • Resignations while under investigation;
  • A summary of any currently existing conditions, terms, orders, directions or agreements relating to the custody or release of the registrant in provincial or federal offence processes;
  • A summary of any existing restriction on the registrant’s right to practise that has results from an undertaking given by the registrant or agreement entered into between the registrant and the College;
  • A notation of any decisions of a panel of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, including decisions with a requirement for the registrant to complete a specified continuing education or remediation program;
  • Information about any professional corporations currently owned by the registrant; and
  • A notation for any professional corporation owned by the registrant for which the certificate of authorization has been revoked.

Current Registration with Other Statutory Regulatory Bodies

All current licenses with other regulators, as reported by the registrant.


A note about finding a Registered Psychotherapist:

As a regulator, CRPO’s role is to ensure that RPs provide safe, ethical and effective care. We are unable to find or make recommendations about particular Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) because we don’t have the ability to assess your needs or determine which Registered Psychotherapist might be the best fit for you.

We also don’t recommend particular RPs to member of the public because one of our functions is to investigate complaints made against RPs, and in some cases, discipline them. It’s important that we not get into a conflict of interest situation with an RP, which is a situation where we are not able to carry out an investigation in a fair and impartial manner.

How can you find a therapist?

What’s a good way to find an RP, other than using our Find an RP feature? If you have a trusted primary care provider, they may be a useful resource in understanding your options and referring you to Registered Psychotherapist or other mental health care provider. Some basic information about psychotherapy itself is available here.

Alternatively, if you have access to a computer or smartphone, you could search for RPs who are in your area or who do the kind of therapy you are interested in. A lot of therapists will publish an “about me” or “bio” page on their websites. This information will give you a sense of the therapist and might help you decide which one to go with.

Finally, if you don’t have reliable access to the internet, you could also contact the Ontario Mental Health Helpline at 1-866-531-2600 and

How do you know a therapist is right for you?

Before you pick a therapist, make sure they are a member of a regulated health profession. Being registered with a regulator means that a therapist has met the requirements to practice and is accountable to their college. If you have concerns about the care you receive from a registered health care provider, you can make a complaint to the college and expect to have it addressed.

Therapists might be registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario or with another College (for example, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers). If they are a member of a regulated health profession, they are required to display specific credentials next to their name, for example RP (Registered Psychotherapist) or RSW (Registered Social Worker).

As a final step to confirm they are a member of a regulated health profession and that they are in good standing, you can look up the therapist on the public register. You’d need to type in the name of the therapist to see if it matches against the registry. CRPO’s public register can be found at the top of this page.

When you do find a therapist who is taking clients, you can ask them these questions as a way of finding out whether you are a good fit.