Applicants: It may take up to one business day for the registration fee invoice to become available in your account. You will receive an email once the invoice is available. To pay the invoice, please click the link in the email or log into the Application Portal and go to Fees & Receipts.

Once you pay the fee, it may take up to one business day for your registration to be finalized. You will receive an email once you are able to access the Registrant Portal to download your certificate of registration.


Logging In

I am an applicant. How do I log in?

  1. Go to the log-in page. 
  2. Click Application Portal. 
  3. Enter your application ID and password. 
  4. Click Sign In. 

I am a registrant. How do I log in?

  1. Go to the log-in page. 
  2. Click Registrant Portal. 
  3. In the “Username” field, enter the email address associated with your account. 
  4. In the “Password” field, enter your password. 
  5. Click Login. 

Note: if you are logging into the system for the first time since December 1, 2023, you will need to reset your password first. 

To reset your password, follow these steps:  

  1. Go to the log-in page 
  2. Click Registrant Portal. 
  3. Click “Forgot Password?”  
  4. Enter the email address associated with your account. 
  5. Click Submit.  
  6. A password reset link will be sent to you by email. Use the link to reset your password. 

If you are uncertain which email address you used, please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

What is my username?

Your username is the email address associated with your account.  

If you are uncertain which email address you used, please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

I would like to apply for registration. How do I create a new account?

  1. Go to the log-in page. 
  2. Click Application Portal. 
  3. Click Start New Application. 
  4. Enter your email address* and choose a password. 
  5. Click Submit. 
  6. Your application ID will be sent by email from [email protected]. The subject line of the email is “CRPO – Account Activation | OPAO – Activation du compte”. Please be sure to save this email as you will need the application ID each time you log in. 

*Please be sure to use an email address you will have long-term access to, as you will not be able to change the address once you submit your application. It is recommended to use a personal email address rather than one provided by your employer or education program. 


I am an applicant. I’m trying to log in but I don’t know my application code. How do I log in?

If this is your first time logging into the MPower system, CRPO will send you your application code by email. Please wait for this email or email [email protected] 

If you created an account since the MPower system launched, your application ID was sent to you by email from [email protected]. The subject line of the email is “CRPO – Account Activation | OPAO – Activation du compte”. 

I am an applicant. I have an account, but I forgot my password. How do I log in?

To reset your password, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the log-in page. 
  2. Click “Forgot Application ID / Password?”  
  3. Enter your application ID and the email address associated with your account. 
  4. Click Submit.  
  5. A password reset link will be sent to you by email. Use the link to reset your password.  

Your application ID was sent to you by email from [email protected]. The subject line of the email is “CRPO – Account Activation | OPAO – Activation du compte”. 

If you are uncertain which email address you used, please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

I am a registrant. I have an account, but I forgot my password. How do I log in?

To reset your password, follow these steps:  

  1. Go to the log-in page 
  2. Click Registrant Portal. 
  3. Click “Forgot Password?”  
  4. Enter the email address associated with your account. 
  5. Click Submit.  
  6. A password reset link will be sent to you by email. Use the link to reset your password. 

If you are uncertain which email address you used, please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

I no longer have access to the email account that I used to create my account. What do I do?

Please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

I’m not sure which email account I used to create my account. What do I do?

Please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity.

I have not received the password reset email. What do I do?

There could be a couple of possible reasons you are not receiving the temporary password email. 

  • If you are using a Gmail account, it is possible that the email is getting filtered into another folder, such as ‘Important’, ‘Social’ or ‘Promotions’. Please check these folders to see if the temporary password email was sent there. 
  • Try searching for “CRPO” in your inbox. If the email was filtered to another folder outside of your inbox, this could be a quick way to find it. 
  • Your email has security features in place that are preventing the temporary password from reaching your inbox. Confirm you have indicated all emails from “” are “safe senders” or “trusted senders.” 
  • You are using an email address that does not match the one CRPO has on file. Contact CRPO at [email protected] if you aren’t sure you are using the right email. 

Quality Assurance

I’m not a new registrant. Why am I receiving a message that my New Registrant requirement to complete a self-assessment is overdue?

This message is appearing because you have not submitted a self-assessment in your CRPO user account since 2020. Please follow the link on your dashboard to complete and submit a self-assessment. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. 

I completed a self-assessment, but I see “Not recorded” on the self-assessment page.

This means that some sections of the self-assessment are incomplete. Click on the magnifying glass to open your self-assessment, ensure you have answered all questions, then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. 

If you are uncertain which email address you used, please email [email protected] for assistance. Please note that you will be asked to provide information to confirm your identity. 

I completed a self-assessment, why is there a “New” button appearing on the self-assessment page?

Registrants may complete more than one self-assessment. Registrants are required to complete at least one self-assessment during each PD reporting cycle and may complete more than one should they choose to do so. We recommend registrants complete a self-assessment any time they have a change in practice, e.g., working in a new modality; treating a new client population; or returning to active practice after a leave of absence. 

Where is my self-assessment? How can I view my last self-assessment?

In the left-hand menu, click on “Self-assessment”.  

If you have submitted a self-assessment in the past, the status will state “Submitted”. Click on the magnifying glass to view your last submitted self-assessment.  

If you have started, but not submitted, a self-assessment in the past, the status will state “Incomplete”. Click on the magnifying glass to view and complete your last saved self-assessment. 

If you have never completed a self-assessment in your CRPO user account, click on the “New” button to complete and submit a self-assessment.

How do I complete an attestation?

When you are due to report your professional development activities, you will see a message on your dashboard that states, “Your PD cycle attestation form is due. Click here to complete an attestation.” Follow the link to complete and submit the form. The form is due before December 31. 

Using the System 

There’s no scroll bar on the side of the page. How do I scroll up and down?

Here are some methods to scroll on the page without a scroll bar:  

  • If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, use that to scroll. 
  • If you are on a laptop with a trackpad, you should be able to use two fingers on the trackpad to scroll up and down.  
  • If you click on part of the screen that is not a text field or drop-down, then press the arrow keys on your keyboard, it should enable you to scroll. 

I submitted my application in the previous system (prior to December 2023). When I log into the current system, it says that my application is incomplete and/or my transcript has not been submitted.

This is a result of the system migration. All of the information you entered has been received. You cannot edit the application form because you already submitted it. If anything further is required, you will be contacted by email during staff’s review of your application.

How can I access my receipts/past invoices?

You will be able to see these in your CRPO user account in the future. Please continue to monitor your account. 

I’m trying to upload documents to my application but I can’t select them.

Please go to the Supporting Documents page of the application form to upload all documents. Once it is uploaded, you will be able to select the relevant document(s) on each subsequent page of the application form. 

I’ve filled everything out but I can’t submit my application.

Documentation needs to be sent directly from your educational institution or credential assessment provider to CRPO. Please see the Supporting Documents Checklist on this page: 

Once staff upload the documentation, you’ll be able to submit the application. Please monitor the Supporting Documents page of the application form for updates.