After School Programs for Early Education

After School Programs for Early Education

CYC partners with San Francisco Unified School District to give students a safe space to practice skills learned during school day, enhance their knowledge, and strengthen their social emotional learning skills.

Students in the program are given opportunities to build peer-to-peer relationships and healthy adult-to-student relationships through structured enrichment activities, fitness/nutrition, and academics facilitated by adult staff. Our enrichment activities include STEAM, language, arts and crafts, culture, literacy and poetry, yoga and mindfulness, and more. Students also engage in fitness through sports and other physical activities while also being introduced to the importance of nutrition with fresh and healthy snacks to give them the energy to end the day. Part of the program focuses on academics to supplement what students learn from their teachers during the day with homework time and access to tutors.

Our summer program offers an extension to the school year with a full day based on the same mode of enrichment, fitness/nutrition and academic activities designed to reduce summer learning loss. 

Program Hours

Monday – Friday**
1:50-6pm at Garfield and Moscone
2:30-6pm at Redding
**Program dates and holidays reflect the SFUSD calendar.
Information regarding ASP summer programs will be available in June.


George Moscone
2576 Harrison Street, SF., CA 94110
[email protected]

Garfield Elementary
420 Filbert, SF., CA 94133
[email protected]

Redding Elementary
1421 Pine Street SF., CA 94109
[email protected]

For more information, please contact 415-775-2636