Woman who burst into tears during her brother's wedding vows slammed for 'distracting' guests with her emotional response and stealing the limelight

A woman has received backlash after sharing a clip from her brothers wedding, where she burst into tears during his vows.

A clip shared on TikTok by content creator Maria, from the US,  which has been viewed millions of times, shows a wedding party standing at the altar while the groom delivers his vows.

In the clip, the groom says: 'When I look at you I see a beautiful future. These are my vows, I promise...,' before the camera pans to the bridesmaids.

One of the bridesmaids, who is the groom's sister, clutches her chest and puts her hands to her face as she bursts into tears, while also seemingly laughing.

On the screen, it says 'POV You couldn't hold it together when your brother who made you a sister starts reading his vows to his wife'. 

The video by Maria (@mariamercanti on TikTok ) has been seen by more than 4.7 million people in two days

The video by Maria (@mariamercanti on TikTok ) has been seen by more than 4.7 million people in two days

The caption on the clip reads: 'Something about a wedding just gets me but it hits different when its your first brother.

'So incredibly happy for my brother and sister in-law! I love you both so much.'

However, not everyone was impressed with the sister's public display of emotions.

The top comment reads 'Look at meee,' while another viewer added: 'Way to make the wedding about you'.

Others chimed in to accuse the sister of 'distracting' the wedding party and guests with her behaviour.

And one person pointed out: 'Definitely why the bride has her so far down the line.'

Although, some fellow sisters were in agreement with the bridesmaid, saying they would react the same way.

It shows the bride and groom mid vows, with the groom heard saying 'When I look at you I see a beautiful future. These are my vows, I promise...,' before the camera pans to the bridesmaids

It shows the bride and groom mid vows, with the groom heard saying 'When I look at you I see a beautiful future. These are my vows, I promise...,' before the camera pans to the bridesmaids

One viewer said: 'As a big sister I totally understand this. There’s just something funny about literally everything a little brother does, all out of love though'.

Another added: 'Literally couldn’t hold it together at my brothers wedding. I think he found the perfect wife and I love her so much it was all too much for me.

Someone else sprang to the sister's defence, writing: 'I cried like a baby during my brothers wedding'.

Another wrote: 'When my baby sister got married I snort cried so loud they could hear it in the back of the church.'

Maria, who originally posted the video, later left her own comment which read: 'The reactions so animalistic it's wild'.

Some viewers even praised her for the reaction, adding: 'This is so raw and real, love this.'

Another wriote: 'Let it out; I literally spent my brothers ceremony with sunglasses on so no one saw me crying like a baby'.

The big sister eventually responded: 'It truly was like an uncontrollable reaction. I was trying to hard to hold back and then I just literally exploded'.

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