Health and fitness vlogger warns people to ditch low calorie sprays - as he advises that olive oil is better for you

One of the most versatile foodstuffs that can be used for frying, seasoning and salad dressing, olive oil is a kitchen staple for billions of people across the globe. 

It has been used extensively - not only because it has a range of uses in a culinary setting but also thanks to its health benefits. 

This is a view that has been supported by Sunna van Kampen, the London-based owner of health and fitness brand Tonic Health, also known as @tonichealth on TikTok

However, in February, the content creator warned olive oil fanatics to steer clear of substitutes made by notable brands, such as Fry Lite. 

Despite having fewer calories than olive oil, van Kampen revealed how Fry Lite's alternative contains '51 per cent extra virgin olive oil, water alcohol, gums, flavourings and all the nonsense you don't want.'

Health and fitness vlogger @tonichealth warned users about the dangers of buying Fry Light as - even though it has fewer calories than olive oil - it contains '51% extra virgin olive oil, water alcohol , gums, flavourings and all the nonsense you don't want'

Health and fitness vlogger @tonichealth warned users about the dangers of buying Fry Light as - even though it has fewer calories than olive oil - it contains '51% extra virgin olive oil, water alcohol , gums, flavourings and all the nonsense you don't want'

Visiting a branch of popular supermarket chain Sainsbury's, he pointed out that olive oil substitutes can often be more expensive than the product it is attempting to emulate. 

A 190ml bottle of Fry Light costs £2.75, while a standard 250ml bottle of Sainsbury's Extra Virgin Olive Oil, costs £3.00, meaning consumers are only paying 25 pence extra for a further 60ml of olive oil

The content creator said: 'If you want to save yourself some money and save your health, go to the extra virgin olive oil. This is just olive oil how it should be. It's much better for you.'

Reacting to van Kampen's video, a number of TikTok users appear to agree with both the vlogger and nutritionist's takes.

Reacting to van Kampen's video, a number of TikTok users appear to agree with both the vlogger and nutritionist's takes

Reacting to van Kampen's video, a number of TikTok users appear to agree with both the vlogger and nutritionist's takes

Others suggested how the same effect of cooking with less calories could be achieved by simply transferring olive oil to a spray bottle. 

One wrote: 'Just transfer olive oil from the bottle to a spray bottle! It does the same job and is cheap.'

Victoria Taylor, a Senior Dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: 'Olive oil is a healthy source of fat. When used as part of a healthy and balanced diet, olive oil can be good for you.'

'Olive oil is often linked with good heart health due to its role in the Mediterranean diet and can contain substances that have been linked to health benefits.'

It comes as chefs are touting the next gastronomic and nutritional hit that has supplanted brussels sprouts as the new 'it' vegetable: cabbage

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