Vet technician reveals the list of dog breeds she would NEVER own - as well as the reasons why

A veterinary technician has revealed the controversial list of dog breeds she would never own.

Connie, who is training to be a vet, has seen her fair share of dog breeds - good and bad - detailing the ones she would not want to own herself.

In a now-viral TikTok slideshow, the 23-year-old shared a series of breeds alongside the reasons why she would not recommend them. 

'Please don't start a fight with me based on my opinions. It's pointless,' she joked in the caption. 

'Please don't f**king come for me it's not that serious and these are just my own, personal, generalized opinions based off of my experiences with the breeds,' she added.

'I know nice and healthy ones exist, I am not personally attacking you or your dog. Thank you,' Connie wrote on the video. 

Connie, who is training to be a vet, has seen her fair share of dog breeds - good and bad - detailing the ones she would not want to own herself

Connie, who is training to be a vet, has seen her fair share of dog breeds - good and bad - detailing the ones she would not want to own herself 



The first dog breed is one loved by families - with Connie saying she would not recommend any doodle mixes, declaring they 'should not exist.'

'Some are really nice but most are absolutely bats**t crazy neurotic psychopaths,' the vet tech wrote.

Connie also called the breed a 'genetic dumpster fire.'

'I don't know what's wrong with you because it could be literally anything,' she pointed out.

She added the dogs always seem to be matted or have an ear infection before criticizing their owners for not grooming them enough.

'Some are really nice but most are absolutely bats**t crazy neurotic psychopaths,' the vet tech wrote of Goldendoodles

'Some are really nice but most are absolutely bats**t crazy neurotic psychopaths,' the vet tech wrote of Goldendoodles



The next was a Samoyed, which, according to the vet tech, requires more grooming than humans.

'Your hair routine is more extensive than my own,' she wrote on the TikTok.

She also spoke about the breed's fragility, writing 'I want a dog not a porcelain feather duster that bites strangers.'

'I don't' know what I'd even do with you. Swimming? Absolutely not. Hiking? Absolutely not,' she joked.  

The next was a Samoyed, which, according to the vet tech, requires more grooming than humans

The next was a Samoyed, which, according to the vet tech, requires more grooming than humans


Shiba Inu

Connie also did not recommend the Shibu Inu breed, claiming in her experience, 'half the time' she can't touch them without the dog being 'drugged and muzzled.'

She also claimed they are dramatic dogs and very loud - often not liking anyone outside of their family.

'The only nice one I've met was eight weeks old,' she said.

Connie also did not recommend the Shibu Inu breed, claiming in her experience, 'half the time' she can't touch them without the dog being 'drugged and muzzled'

Connie also did not recommend the Shibu Inu breed, claiming in her experience, 'half the time' she can't touch them without the dog being 'drugged and muzzled' 



Beagles - which are small scent hound dogs - also aren't recommended by Connie, who says the breed 'screams' and has anal gland issues. 

'Never dies despite being 19-year-old, obese, diabetic, in congestive heart failure, and covered in cancer,' she shared.

Beagles - which are small scent hound dogs - also aren't recommended by Connie, who says the breed 'screams' and has anal gland issues

Beagles - which are small scent hound dogs - also aren't recommended by Connie, who says the breed 'screams' and has anal gland issues 


Mini Poodles

While mini poodles are adorable and great for city living, Connie thinks they're more trouble than they're worth.

'WTF are you growling at,' she complained on the video.

'Please stop having diarrhea,' she continued. 'Please just eat normal dog foo. Why do you need a six-course home cooked gluten-free non GMO organic meal?' she added.

While mini poodles are adorable and great for city living, Connie thinks they're more trouble than they're worth

While mini poodles are adorable and great for city living, Connie thinks they're more trouble than they're worth 


Great Dane

Connie said that while Great Danes are nice dogs, they are a lot more expensive to take care of due to their huge size, weighing up to 110–175 pounds as adults.

'I love you but why are you so scared of everything,' the vet tech pointed out. 'You're literally the size of a horse.'

They are also prone to bone cancers like osteosarcoma due to their large size. 

Connie said that while Great Danes are nice dogs, they are a lot more expensive to take care of due to their huge size, weighing up to 110¿175 pounds as adults

Connie said that while Great Danes are nice dogs, they are a lot more expensive to take care of due to their huge size, weighing up to 110–175 pounds as adults 



Newfoundlands are another huge dog, weighing between 100-120 pounds in females and up ton 150 pounds in males.

'I love you but please stop drooling on me,' Connie said in the TikTok slideshow. 'Cannot leave a room without being covered in slobber and hair.'

Like Great Danes, Newfoundlands are expensive to care for due to their size.

'If you got hurt I wouldn't be able to carry you bro,' she pointed out. 

Newfoundlands are another huge dog, weighing between 100-120 pounds in females and up ton 150 pounds in males

Newfoundlands are another huge dog, weighing between 100-120 pounds in females and up ton 150 pounds in males 


Bassett Hounds

Basset Hounds are known for their long droopy ears and short legs.

Connie said the breeds are prone to orthopedic issues and have 'the personality of a fork.'

'I'd rather walk on broken glass than put an IV catheter in you,' she complained. 'Where are your legs?'

Connie also said have many health problems including skin, ear, and anal gland infections. 

'Basically just a smelly walking infection,' she declared.

Connie said that Basset Hounds are prone to orthopedic issues and have 'the personality of a fork'

Connie said that Basset Hounds are prone to orthopedic issues and have 'the personality of a fork'


French Bulldogs

While Frenchies are popular, the vet tech says they have back problems, allergies, behavioral problems, and 'needs plastic' surgery to breathe.

'Most of them are horribly bred,' she added. 'Terrible globin creatures at the vet.'

'Please stop trying to bite me, you are turning purple and are going to unalive yourself,' she quipped. 

While French Bulldogs are popular, the vet tech says they have back problems, allergies, behavioral problems, and 'needs plastic' surgery to breathe

While French Bulldogs are popular, the vet tech says they have back problems, allergies, behavioral problems, and 'needs plastic' surgery to breathe 



Queen Elizabeth II may have loved Corgis but Connie the vet does not.

The tiny dogs have back problems and dental problems - and she also accuses them of being a bit dramatic.

Queen Elizabeth II may have loved Corgis but Connie the vet does not

Queen Elizabeth II may have loved Corgis but Connie the vet does not 


German Shepherds

The large working dogs have a nice shiny coat - which Connie says is a 'nightmare' to keep tidy.

'I have anxiety already and don't need a dog with anxiety too,' she added. 'Look at them wrong and they get a hot spot,' she added.

German Shepherds have a nice shiny coat - which Connie says is a 'nightmare' to keep tidy

German Shepherds have a nice shiny coat - which Connie says is a 'nightmare' to keep tidy



According to Connie, pugs are also full of drama.

'Also never dies despite having everything wrong with it,' she complained.

'Please stop trying to bite me you are turning purple.' she added once again. 

They are also prone to health issues and commonly have both respiratory and skin problems.

According to Connie, pugs are also full of drama, adding: 'Also never dies despite having everything wrong with it'

According to Connie, pugs are also full of drama, adding: 'Also never dies despite having everything wrong with it'



Connie also took a dim view of Westies, adding that they are 'either healthy as can be or absolutely disgusting skin nightmares with diabetes.'

She succinctly concluded: 'Generally nice dogs I just cannot do skin issues, I will vomit.'

Connie also took a dim view of Westies, adding that they are 'either healthy as can be or absolutely disgusting skin nightmares with diabetes'

Connie also took a dim view of Westies, adding that they are 'either healthy as can be or absolutely disgusting skin nightmares with diabetes'



Huskies are sled dogs bred for the snow with their pointed ears and thickly-furred double coat.

They are also demanding of their owners, Connie declaring that 'huskies own people, people don't own huskies.' 

'Can you just sit still for two seconds and not try to bite my face off?' she complained.

Huskies are sled dogs bred for the snow with their pointed ears and thickly-furred double coat

Huskies are sled dogs bred for the snow with their pointed ears and thickly-furred double coat 



Chows may look like cute little fluffballs, but Connie says they are not as sweet as they appear, declaring: 'Never met a nice one but I guess they exist somewhere.'

'Coat upkeep is a nightmare,' she says, adding there have been multiple to 'go for the jugular.'

The vet tech added she doesn't like that their tongue is black either.  

Chows may look like cute little fluffballs - but Connie says they are not as sweet as they appear

Chows may look like cute little fluffballs - but Connie says they are not as sweet as they appear