How Kate's following in Diana's footsteps, by the Ballet Pump Queen...and why British women's feet are getting bigger!

Sole Mate: The Duchess of Cambridge has become a convert of to the French flatties

Sole Mate: The Duchess of Cambridge has become a convert of to the French flatties

It certainly wasn’t the usual way of winning a Royal clientele. But for Jane Winkworth an embarrassing incident involving her pet terrier Pip and Princess Diana’s favourite dressmaker changed her life – and helped her become one of Britain’s most successful businesswomen.

Nearly two decades on, Jane – creator and owner of international shoe company French Sole – is still selling her pretty, elegant ballet flats to Royal women.

The Duchess of Cambridge ordered some new pairs just last month. Kate’s sister Pippa and mother Carole are big fans too – as are Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, not to mention a host of A-list celebrities including Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Katie Holmes, Helen Mirren, Sarah Jessica Parker and Emma Watson.

Now Jane, a beautiful and vivacious 65-year-old grandmother of three, has given a colourful interview in which she also reveals she’s launching a new collection specialising in sizes nine to 11 – because British  women’s feet are getting bigger.

Of the encounter that led to her big break, she says: ‘I used to take my terrier for a stroll at night and we used to always pass Catherine Walker’s store in Chelsea.

‘Pip always did a little pee outside her shop and I think Catherine wasn’t best pleased with this. On one occasion, she came out because I’m sure she thought he was doing something more and I said, “It’s just a pee, I promise!” and she laughed.

‘She admired my ballet  flats and I explained that I designed them. She said she had Princess Diana coming round tomorrow – did I want to give her some to show her? Of course, I ran as fast as I could back to my flat and boxed some up.’

Diana bought 12 pairs and it was the start of a relationship that continued right up until the Princess’s death, with Jane making regular visits to Kensington Palace with the latest designs.

‘She used to ring our Fulham store and say excitedly, “What have you got?” ’

Now Jane’s most famous customer is the woman who would have been Diana’s daughter-in-law. ‘I am very lucky that the Middletons wear my shoes without me even asking,’ she says.

‘Carole wore them first and then the girls followed. The Duchess was in a few weeks ago picking up some pairs. She likes the Henrietta style.’

Feet first: French Sole founder Jane Winkworth, whose shoes are popular with the royals

Feet first: French Sole founder Jane Winkworth, whose shoes are popular with the royals

Ballet fan Jane is the woman who introduced Britain to the fashion for wearing ballet pumps – now a wardrobe staple for millions of women – in the late Sixties.

‘It started as a hobby. I used to wear ones I picked up on holidays in the South of France, but even though they were badly made or end-of-the-range, my friends went mad for them.

'You couldn’t get a ballet flat anywhere at that time in the UK.’ 

In 1989, Jane launched French Sole as a mail-order company run from the kitchen table of her Chelsea home. Today, the brand is sold in four exclusive London shops, by mail order and online and from more than 500 department stores and concessions worldwide. There’s also a sister US company, London Sole.

Her shoes, which have names such as Camilla, Harriet, Heidi and Hester, typically sell for between £90 and £130.

Despite her artistic background – she originally trained as a china restorer – Jane says she slowly discovered she was ‘quite good’ at business.
‘I can read a balance sheet, I can see the bottom line, I know about margins and I can see wastage,’ she adds.

Her latest collection, the Pirouette, is for women with larger feet, because Jane has noticed that ‘women’s feet are getting progressively bigger’.

‘When I started designing, the standard size was a five. Now girls of 16 or 17 are taking a seven-and-a half or eight. Each generation has bigger feet and it’s because they are better fed and everybody does a lot more exercise.

'The new range has had a great reaction. I knew by  listening to customers and friends of mine that there was a market for bigger shoes for bigger feet.’

Princess Diana was a fan of French Sole shoes
Pipa Middleton, has also become a fan of French Sole shoes

Royal approval: Princess Diana, left, first started wearing the shoes whilst Kate Middleton's sister, Pipa, right has also become a fan

However, women who buy the  Pirouette – or any of French Sole’s 600 other colour and style combinations – shouldn’t expect too enthusiastic a reaction from their men.

Jane says: ‘Men don’t get ballet flats, end of story. They think they are just for ballet dancers. But really, if a man asked me to wear high heels, those horrible slutty ones you see on young girls today, I would tell him to flip off.

I have no time for creepy boyfriends who want to see women in tall shoes.’
Jane – who has three homes, in London, Surrey and Portugal, having recently sold a fourth in Los Angeles – knows what she is talking about.

Married three times and with three children, she believes she is as much an expert on men as on shoes.

‘I have been married all my life, darling. I have always loved the boys and was a huge flirt.

‘My first husband and third husband get on very well together now, and when we go out they often  huddle in a corner talking, I’m sure, about how terrible I am and if they could do a trade-off.’

Of husband No 3, John, she says: ‘I’m going to keep this one, because he is lovely and I don’t think I could go through another divorce.

‘He was a property fellow until I pulled him out of retirement to  make him my financial director. Poor man.’

Jane’s business has become very much a family affair – one son, Ben, runs the US office, the other, Matthew, runs the IT and her daughter Becky is in charge of trends and fashion accessories.

Even her seven-year-old granddaughter Bee is involved and was made the face of French Sole’s children’s range in Harrods.

‘I have always tried to instil in my children and grandchildren how important it is to work for things. If they want something I could give it to them, but I always say to them, “Go and work for it.”

‘I was never handed anything on  a plate. I ran three homes, a family and a business. Of course I did have staff and I wasn’t down on my knees scrubbing floors or ironing shirts, but I have always worked hard.

‘I am currently trying to persuade my favourite little person Bee to work in one of the stores for £1 an hour, and I think she is seriously considering it.’

Despite semi-retirement, Jane remains bursting with life. After explaining that she plans to hang on to husband John, she pauses for thought.

‘But I would run away with an 18-year-old ballet dancer at a moment’s notice. Oh those thighs!’ she adds with a sigh, followed by a loud snort of giddy laughter.

• Joanne Hegarty blogs daily on fashion and style at

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