Doctors blamed my daughter's tics and seizures on watching too much TikTok, mother claims

Doctors blamed a teenage girl's rare neurological condition on 'watching too much TikTok, her mother claims. 

Helen Huitson's daughter, Jessica, ordeal started when she began experiencing 'strange' bodily movements and appeared 'unable to sit still'. 

Jessica, now 15, became sporadically unable to control her body and soon began developing verbal tics, which ranged from repeating apologies to abusive language. 

She also started experiencing non-epileptic seizures, up to 120 a day.

Despite Jessica being taken into hospital multiple times her mother said she was left distraught when doctors blamed the young girl's suffering on 'anxiety'.

However, Mrs Huitson was even more appalled when doctors apparently suggested her daughter was simply watching too much TikTok or was 'faking it' by copying symptoms she had seen online.

Helen Huitson, 49, and pictured with her daughter Jessica Huitson, 15 who began experiencing 'strange' bodily movements in March 2021 and appeared 'unable to sit still'

Helen Huitson, 49, and pictured with her daughter Jessica Huitson, 15 who began experiencing 'strange' bodily movements in March 2021 and appeared 'unable to sit still'

After being taken into hospital multiple times with seizures and paralysis, doctors blamed Jessica's suffering on 'anxiety'

After being taken into hospital multiple times with seizures and paralysis, doctors blamed Jessica's suffering on 'anxiety'

Her experience came in the wake British clinicians reporting that young women were developing tics as a result of the psychological pressures of the Covid lockdown

Experts theorised that fears over the pandemic and climate change caused susceptible young people to 'catch' tics from social media influencers who shared their own symptoms online on social media sites like TikTok.

Although Ms Huitson claims doctors initially thought Jessica's tics, which started in 2021, were due to TikTok she later privately diagnosed with Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS).

PANDAS is believed to be an autoimmune disorder and neuropsychiatric condition promoted by an abnormal immune response to infection.

Charity PANDAS Network explains it most commonly occurs after a strep infection. It can cause brain inflammation if the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy brain cells affecting central nervous system function.

However, research on PANDAS is limited, meaning some diagnoses are considered controversial, and there are no formal medical guidelines for diagnosis in the UK.

She was finally privately diagnosed with PANDAS - Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections

She was finally privately diagnosed with PANDAS - Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections

PANDAS is believed to be an autoimmune disorder and neuropsychiatric condition caused by an abnormal immune response to infection

PANDAS is believed to be an autoimmune disorder and neuropsychiatric condition caused by an abnormal immune response to infection

Ms Huitson said she now wants to raise awareness about PANDAS after feeling 'belittled' by University Hospital Of North Durham treatment of Jessica. 

'She went from being fully able, doing everything for herself to being unable to do anything for herself, unable to walk, sometimes being fully paralysed, unable to talk,' she said. 

'I'd never seen a seizure in my life before. They started and just never stopped.

'We were told 'it's mental health, it's anxiety, there's nothing we can do, take her home.

'We were told by somebody in the hospital that it was brought on because I was allowing her to watch too much TikTok.


PANDAS - Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, is believed to be an autoimmune disorder and neuropsychiatric condition caused by an abnormal immune response to infection.

Symptoms include:

  • Anxiety (heightened anxiety, separation anxiety, irrational fears, panic episodes)
  • Tics
  • Emotional lability and/or depression
  • Irritability, aggression, and/or severely oppositional behaviours
  • Behavioural (developmental) regression (increase in temper tantrums, loss of age-appropriate language, clingy behaviour not related to anxiety)
  • Sudden deterioration in school performance (due to difficulties with memory, concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity, new deficits of visuospatial skills)
  • Motor or sensory abnormalities (dysgraphia, clumsiness, tics, new sensory sensitivities to light, noise, smell, taste or texture)
  • Insomnia and/or sleep disturbances
  • Enuresis and/or urinary frequency



'It was ridiculous. We'd go into hospital and be belittled. We weren't believed and we had to fight to know what was really going on.

'We were told she was potentially faking it or that it was because her mental health was bad.

'It was absolutely horrendous. You watch our child be so poorly and you can't get the support you need and you don't know where to turn.

'She was a normal 12-year-old girl and they do sometimes feel a bit of angst but she wasn't an anxious child.

'They probably thought "she's 12, heading into puberty, it was the start of Covid", that was an easy label to give it.

'I knew it wasn't true and I was prepared to fight to the grave to prove it.'

Ms Huitson believes her daughter developed PANDAS after contracting tonsillitis in Oct 2020, five months before the symptoms started.  

Symptoms of PANDAS includes anxiety, tics, depression, sudden deterioration in school performance, motor or sensory abnormalities as well as insomnia, according to another charity PAN PANDAS UK.

Ms Huitson claims that within four weeks of Jessica's first tic, they then dramatically increased in frequency this was also when the seizures also began.

She said: 'Her arms started moving strangely, her legs did. She was making strange movements in her neck. She'd never been like this before.

'I was saying "Jessica, what are you doing, why can't you sit still?"

'She was like "Mum, I can't help it".

'She had no control over anything in her body. One minute she was jumping around like a tigger, the next she was stuck on the floor in a squat.

'The things that came out of her mouth were horrendous and she had no ability to stop it.

'Sometimes it'd be something quite cute and funny like "sorry, sorry, sorry about that".

'Other times it would be the most horrific sentence where she was shouting "she's kidnapping me" as I'm pushing her down the street in a wheelchair.

'She went from being a normal 12-year-old girl that could do what she wanted to do, go out with friends and have a normal school life to being a girl that can't be left alone, can't attend school.'

Ms Huitson believes her daughter developed PANDAS after contracting tonsillitis in Oct 2020, five months before the symptoms started

Ms Huitson believes her daughter developed PANDAS after contracting tonsillitis in Oct 2020, five months before the symptoms started

Symptoms of PANDAS includes anxiety, tics, depression, sudden deterioration in school performance, motor or sensory abnormalities as well as insomnia, according to PAN PANDAS UK website

Symptoms of PANDAS includes anxiety, tics, depression, sudden deterioration in school performance, motor or sensory abnormalities as well as insomnia, according to PAN PANDAS UK website

After being diagnosed with PANDAS privately, Jessica was brought into the NHS paediatric department at Darlington, however Ms Huitson claims they are limited in how they can treat the condition.

After receiving advice from a private immunologist and neurologist, Ms Huitson is now fundraising to get Jessica IVIG treatment, a therapy that uses immunoglobulins to boost the antibody levels in the blood, to help stop her immune system from attacking healthy cells. 

'[Jessica's] a very strong willed and determined girl but she suffers horrendously.

'The immunologist has now said she can be put forward for IVIG.

'She won't get any better unless we try IVIG. It could put her in remission but it might not. It's our last hope.

After receiving advice from a private immunologist and neurologist, Ms Huitson is now fundraising to get Jessica IVIG treatment as 'last hope', a therapy that uses immunoglobulins to help fight off the infection

After receiving advice from a private immunologist and neurologist, Ms Huitson is now fundraising to get Jessica IVIG treatment as 'last hope', a therapy that uses immunoglobulins to help fight off the infection

'We don't know how she will even react to the treatment. There's the fear that we don't know how her body will react to the IVIG. It's a really scary time.

'Hopefully this will give her the remission she needs but we don't even know how many treatments she will need.'

Charity PANS PANDAS UK states: 'PANDAS is a neuropsychiatric condition. This means it is a medical conditions which has both neurological (eg. difficulties with thinking or moving) and psychiatric (ie. mental health) symptoms. It can begin quite suddenly, and symptoms may come and go over time.'

A spokesperson for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust said: 'Due to patient confidentiality, we are unable to comment specifically on Jessica's experience.

'We can confirm that our paediatric services and skilled clinical teams work trust-wide, referring patients appropriately.

'We are sorry that Jessica's mum is unhappy with aspects of the care her daughter has received which she is now discussing with our patient experience team.'

TikTok were contacted for comment.