‘I like everything about myself. You have to love the skin you’re in’: Inside the head of... Mel B 

The former Scary Spice really, really hated working at Pizza Hut, is terrified of being alone, will never forget meeting Mandela – and wishes she had the girl power to be 21 for ever 

What scares you? 'Being alone. The thought of having no contact with anybody terrifies me. I love texting, being on my phone, FaceTiming my kids and talking to my friends,' said Mel B

What scares you? 'Being alone. The thought of having no contact with anybody terrifies me. I love texting, being on my phone, FaceTiming my kids and talking to my friends,' said Mel B

What is your earliest memory?

My sixth birthday party at home in Leeds. Mum had baked a chocolate cake that looked absolutely horrendous – but tasted amazing.

What sort of child were you?

Hyperactive – I still am. I ran everywhere rather than walk, and I had lots to say about everything. I was the child who was always doing shows in the lounge, always wanting attention.

Which living person do you dislike the most and why?

Anyone racist. Anybody of colour will have experienced racism at some point in their life and I definitely have – I’m not fully black and I’m not fully white. I am a mix and people get confused.

What is the worst job you’ve done?

Working at Pizza Hut in Leeds when I was 14. I got everybody’s orders wrong and just ate pizza the whole time. I only lasted there a couple of months.

Tell us something nobody knows about you

I enjoy sewing and I’m really good at it. I sew the kids’ clothes and adjust my own clothes. I don’t have a sewing machine, I do it all with a needle and thread.

What has been your greatest achievement? 'Being part of the Spice Girls. To have five girls, from all different walks of life, who are still friends 20 years later ¿ that¿s an achievement,' said Mel B

What has been your greatest achievement? 'Being part of the Spice Girls. To have five girls, from all different walks of life, who are still friends 20 years later – that’s an achievement,' said Mel B

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

To Blackpool. When I was 16 I was a dancer in a show called Mystique at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach. I danced there for a season, working five days a week, earning my own money and it was so much fun. I was young, single and had my first one-bedroom flat. It was a great time of my life.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?

I like everything about myself because I have no choice. It is what it is. You have to love the skin you’re in.

Who would play you in a film of your life?

Jada Pinkett Smith. I know Jada and she’s a great actress so hopefully she’d be a good representation of me.

What is your most unappealing habit?

I colour-coordinate everything. It drives my kids mad. They always say ‘Mum, why do we have to put our red shoes next to the other red shoes?’ and I say ‘because it makes sense’. It does their heads in. But I don’t think I have OCD.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Watching The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills. It’s no-brainer TV.

What is your most treasured possession?

My meditation chair. I bought it from a charity shop in London when I was 17. The woman in the shop told me it was from India and I don’t know if I believed her but it sounded plausible. Meditation is a big part of my life – I’ve done it since I was very young. I meditate at least a couple of times a week.

Describe the best night of your life: 'Meeting Nelson Mandela at his house in South Africa in 1997. I was in the Spice Girls and he invited us over for dinner. It was just us and him, very private and just amazing,' said Mel B

Describe the best night of your life: 'Meeting Nelson Mandela at his house in South Africa in 1997. I was in the Spice Girls and he invited us over for dinner. It was just us and him, very private and just amazing,' said Mel B

What scares you?

Being alone. The thought of having no contact with anybody terrifies me. I love texting, being on my phone, FaceTiming my kids and talking to my friends.

What has been your greatest achievement?

Being part of the Spice Girls. To have five girls, from all different walks of life, who are still friends 20 years later – that’s an achievement.

Describe the best night of your life

Meeting Nelson Mandela at his house in South Africa in 1997. I was in the Spice Girls and he invited us over for dinner. It was just us and him, very private and just amazing because he was talking to us and giving us advice about life. I remember he said: ‘Always be aware of what’s going on around you and take care of your friends.’ The whole thing was a surreal and beautiful experience. I don’t think I ate anything at all. I coudn’t –I was much too fascinated with the conversation.

Who would be your dream dinner date?

Marilyn Monroe. We’d have got on. I’ve got a lot of her artwork splattered over the walls of my house in LA. People think they know her but I don’t think they do. She led a mysterious life.

What has been your most embarrassing moment?

When I fell over on stage the night I turned on the Leeds Christmas lights in 1998. It was soaking wet, and when I slipped the crowd went ‘ooh!’

What is your biggest disappointment?

That we all get old and die. It doesn’t seem fair to me. Why can’t I stay 21 or 31 for ever and ever, amen? 

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