Razor-tongued NYC restaurateur Keith McNally launches ANOTHER attack on Jeff Bezos' fiancée Lauren Sanchez - before turning his sights on Jerry Seinfeld's wife

New York City restauranteur Keith McNally took another swing at Jeff Bezos' fiancée and looped in Jerry Seinfeld's wife in the latest development to his newest celebrity feud.

McNally said he has been facing backlash for posting pictures of the Amazon founder and his wife-to-be Lauren Sanchez, where he branded her 'revolting.' 


Rats were unleashed in his upmarket Balthazar restaurant in the Big Apple by a mystery diner in April - which the restauranteur said was a staged attack against him.

On Sunday, McNally took to Instagram to deliver a half-hearted apology and dragged those who criticized him for commenting on Sanchez's looks.

'Of course it's wrong to criticize someone you don't know - sorry Hitler - especially when they're as wholesome and natural as Sánchez looks in the photo above,' McNally said.

New York City restauranteur Keith McNally slammed those who criticized him for calling Lauren Sanchez revolting
McNally seemingly unprovoked, posted a serious of pictures of the couple with the caption, 'Does anybody else find Jeff Bezos' New wife - Lauren Sanchez - ABSOLUTELY REVOLTING?'

'Apologizes for my April 15th post where - due to being Stone Cold Sober - I called the helicopter-flying beauty "revolting-looking."'

'Joking aside, just because Sanchez may have spent a fortune on plastic surgery doesn't make her "revolting." In fact most of the revolting people I know haven't spent a penny on plastic surgery,' he said.

In his April 15 post, McNally seemingly unprovoked, posted a serious of pictures of the couple with the caption, 'Does anybody else find Jeff Bezos' New wife - Lauren Sanchez - ABSOLUTELY REVOLTING?'

'What an ugly and F***ing SMUG - LOOKING couple they make. Is this what having 1000 Billion dollars does to people?'

On Sunday, McNally went on to call out people who spoke in Sanchez's defense, including her celebrity pals.

'Although 90 percent of the 3,000 comments I received from my Sanchez post were light and funny - and in the vein of the post - the comments I received from other billionaires' wives were Unfunny and Weird,' McNally said.

'The Unfunniest was from the wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld (whom I adore) - Jessica Seinfeld. Seinfeld must have been embarrassed by her comment because she quickly deleted it.'



'"Twisted, pitiful, and hideous.' The f****r must have read my memoir,' he said.  

McNally took to Instagram to deliver a half-hearted apology and dragged those who criticized him for commenting on Sanchez's looks
'Apologizes for my April 15th post where - due to being Stone Cold Sober - I called the helicopter-flying beauty "revolting-looking,"' McNally said
McNally went on to call out people who spoke in Sanchez's defense, including her celebrity pals such as Jessica Seinfeld (left)

Five days after his first post about Sanchez, diners managed to capture a video of what appeared to be a small rat running across the white tiled floor as it made a bid to escape from McNally's restaurant. 

Waiters rushed into action to become makeshift rat catchers gathering all the napkins they could find as they attempted to capture the uninvited guest.

McNally's restaurant, which was awarded an A-rating during the city's latest Health Department kitchen inspections was quick to respond to reports of rats, viewing the entire incident with cynicism.

'A suspicious-looking man of about 40 came and sat nervously at Balthazar's bar last night around 8:30. After paying for one drink he suddenly left very quickly leaving an upturned bag which 5 white domesticated mice ran out from,' McNally posted to Instagram.

'One of the bartenders who noticed the whole episode ran after the man, but failed to catch him. The five domesticated white mice were quickly caught.

'The entire episode was a SET-UP. I just feel sorry that the 5 domesticated white mice were exploited this way,' McNally wrote.

The rat seen scurrying in the video, however, was brown in color and it is not clear if the incidents are separate or possibly part of a revenge plot following McNally's slights against Sanchez.


'A woman called Michelle Manning Barish seemed to have knowledge that the incident was about to happen because she was standing suspiciously close to where the incident happened with her iPhone ready to take photos… She immediately posted one of the photos on Instagram and DM'd me a photo of a white mouse,' McNally stated.

Five days after his first post about Sanchez, diners managed to capture a video of what appeared to be a small rat running across the floor of McNally's restaurant
McNally said someone released the rats as part of a staged attack against him for posting about Sanchez

McNally, The owner of enduring New York City hot-spots Balthazar, Pastis, Minetta Tavern, and Morandi has previously picked several fights with well-known visitors to his restaurants.

In October of 2022, he started a weeks-long feud with then late-night host James Corden, who reportedly screamed at McNally's Balthazar staff over an all-yolk omelet his wife had attempted to order.

McNally posted a long statement to Instagram detailing Corden's alleged unpleasant encounters with the Balthazar staff and issuing a ban on Corden as a guest of his establishments.  

Corden, who has on multiple occasions been pegged as difficult to work with, defended himself on-air and in a New York Times profile at the time.

He apologized, McNally reversed the ban, and things were smoothed over for a bit, but only until the restaurant boss got his hands on a copy of the London Times, in which Corden denied ever screaming at anyone.

Keith McNally's verbal hit list

Renowned Restaurateur Keith McNally is known for his handful of enduringly popular restaurants in New York City and around the world. He has become, perhaps, equally well-known for his sharp-tongue and unfiltered opinions.

Lauren Sanchez - On April 15, McNally posted a seemingly unprompted incendiary rant aimed at the fiancée of the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos. In it, he brands Sanchez, who often walks red carpets and attends formal events in extremely revealing outfits, 'revolting'

James Corden - In October 2022, McNally went to war with then-late night host Corden after the British funnyman allegedly berated the Balthazar staff on two separate occasions. Corden apologized on-air for his rude behavior, but denied he'd done anything wrong to several publications, further infuriating McNally. The restaurateur banned and then unbanned Corden from Balthazar, branding him a 'cretin'

Ronan Farrow - McNally is a longtime defender of Woody Allen, who has faced accusations of child sexual abuse for many years, which have harmed his reputation in Hollywood and with the publishing house that was meant to release his memoir in 2020. Ahead of the release, Ronan Farrow - himself a successful author - said he felt he could no longer work with Hachette after it acquired the memoir. Hachette promptly dropped plans to release 'Apropos of Nothing,' and gave the rights back to the author. McNally called the 'silencing of Woody Allen' an 'abuse of power by Ronan Farrow. Hachette’s craven disavowal of Woody Allen’s memoir damages freedom of expression and signals a dangerous victory for censorship by those who shout loudest,' he wrote.

Graydon Carter - In 2021, McNally took aim at Carter, the former Vanity Fair editor and founder of Air Mail, after he failed to show up for a 12-person reservation at McNally's West Village spot Morandi. 'That fancy F***er will never be allowed to make a reservation at one of my restaurants again. Never,' he wrote, adding that Carter 'had done this very same thing before. Once at Minetta Tavern and twice at Balthazar.'

Jean Georges' Tin Building - When it first opened several years ago, McNally of course did not hold his tongue when he had a negative thought about Jean Georges' restored and re-opened Tin Building in Manhattan. 'Less a food market, and more a collection of fancy restaurants ... if you're eager to go to a classy shopping mall in Orlando, save the airfare and take a cab to the Tin Building,' he wrote, adding that the project 'epitomizes the Very Worst of New York.' Three months later, he backtracked entirely after visiting the revamped food destination, writing that he had 'COMPLETELY CHANGED MY MIND ... I'm loath to admit it, but I absolutely loved the place. I should now do the Right Thing and apologize to everyone involved with the market … for being so f***ing wrong about it.'

Fay Maschler MBE - Several years back, McNally posted a rant about alleged corruption among the restaurant critics of London. Specifically, he told a story about nurturing a friendship with Fay Maschler MBE and her husband before she gave his newly opened British Balthazar a rave review. He wrote that 'without Fay Maschler's 'bought' review, which I take 50% responsibility for, Balthazar would have closed,' noting that the rest of the English critics panned the new spot. He said 'Four of five of London restaurant critics have so much Putin-like power that the people who slave away cooking and serving the food are scared s***less to publicly find fault with them, or even talk openly about the restaurant critics' colossal power.'