Unhinged woman who supports pedophiles says they should be added to LGBTQ+ in uncomfortable interview

An unhinged woman expressed her support for pedophiles during a podcast, saying that those individuals should be recognized as part of the LGBTQ+ community. 

On June 12, a woman named Shayna called into the the iHeart Radio Bex & Buster podcast and showed her unwavering support for pedophiles, including outrageously advocating to get rid of the 'stigma' that surrounds them. 

During the show's 'Weirdo Wednesday' segment, Shayna, who works for the International Pedophile and Child Emancipation (IPCE), said that the US shouldn't be 'shunning' people who 'have desires to engage' in relationships with minors.

With absolute shock on their faces, the hosts, Rebekah Maroun and Buster, were practically left speechless as the woman explained her stance on the obscene topic. 

'If we're taking a month as a country to showcase our pride for other communities of sexual explorations, then I think we should add the letter P, which is just as important as the LBG and T,' Shayna said. 

On June 12, a woman named Shayna called into the the Bex & Buster podcast and showed her unwavering support for pedophiles, and getting rid of the 'stigma' that surrounds them. (pictured: Host- Rebekah Maroun)

On June 12, a woman named Shayna called into the the Bex & Buster podcast and showed her unwavering support for pedophiles, and getting rid of the 'stigma' that surrounds them. (pictured: Host- Rebekah Maroun)

This isn't the first time the LGTBQ+ community has had to denounce the inclusion of pedophiles in their spectrum of sexual orientations and communities.

'No LGBTQ organization has condoned pedophilia or advocated for a ‘P’ to be added to the acronym in support of pedophiles,' Rich Ferraro, the chief communications officer at GLAAD, told USA Today in 2020. 

'It pains me to have to clarify that no, the LGBTQ community does not embrace pedophilia, and LGBTP is not an acronym used or supported by the LGBTQ community.'

The radio hosts made it clear that they do not at all agree with the woman's views, as the caption to the clip read: 'We do not endorse the views of this caller. We couldn’t believe this woman who believes P for Pedophile should be added to LGBTQIA+ initialism.' 

IPCE is a pedophile advocacy group that discusses the difference between 'pedophilia' and 'pedosexuality,' according to its website. 

The strange conversation starts off with Shayna introducing herself before Maroun asks her: 'What makes you weird?' 

'I don't know if I'm actually weird, but I just want to express that I understand society's stigma when it comes to pedophilia,' Shayna replies. 

Both hosts quickly ask: 'Huh? Pedophilia?' 

'Correct. I work with IPCE, if you don't know, that's International Pedophile and Child Emancipation.

'And our goal is to abolish the stigmatization of people with pedophilia sexual interests, in normalizing the potential role and moderating pedophiles emotional well-being. I know that's a mouthful,' Shayna explains. 

Buster then stumbles on his words before saying: 'Ok, before we get any further,' as his co-host chimes in and asks the caller: 'Wh-what are we saying right now?

Buster says: 'Yeah, this is, this sounds disgusting. Are you saying you're a pedophile?'

'No, I'm not saying that I'm a pedophile, in the sense that I never had sexual relations with a person underage - the age of consent - because that's illegal,' Shayna responds. 

Buster then asks her if she supports pedophiles, as Shayna replies: 'I'm saying I support love.'  

Both hosts were too stunned to speak as the woman professed how she believes pedophiles should be treated. (Pictured: host Buster)

Both hosts were too stunned to speak as the woman professed how she believes pedophiles should be treated. (Pictured: host Buster) 

Maroun, a mother, says: 'OK,' as she appears to lose interest in the woman's commentary. 

'And just because America views ages like 18 as some sort of imaginary bar for humans to engage in romantic relationships, doesn't mean it's right,' the caller says. 

Maroun quickly cuts Shayna off and asks her if she sees a problem with a 20-year-old dating a 12-year-old. 

'That's not what I'm saying, but listen, in Nigeria, the age of consent is 11. It's 14 in other countries like Brazil and Columbia,' she adds before suggesting that the letter 'P' should be added to the LGBTQ+ initialism. 

'Oh my... I can't believe this is real. You gotta be like making this up to get on the radio,' Buster says as his co-host agrees with him. 

Shayna continues to explain her stance, saying: 'If more people would take the time to have the actual conversation, then maybe we could abolish the stigma... and then we could begin to make a safe environment for this community.' 

Mauroun questioned Shayna's strong passion for the odd conversation, and asked her if she's ever been involved with someone younger or older. 

'Well, I mean, not in the sense of it being illegal. I have dated both younger and older, but again, I'm just coming from a place of believing in love, not necessarily believing in pedophilia.

'But I think that if we viewed those in the pedophilic community as normal humans with desires that are different from yours or ours, that we could potentially end dangerous black market sex trafficking, things like that,' Shayna replied. 

The 'advocate' added that more support for the pedophilic community would help 'improve statistics of suicide,' and have a 'great impact on the mental health community' as well. 

'We do not endorse the views of this caller. We couldn¿t believe this woman who believes P for Pedophile should be added to LGBTQIA+ initialism,' the hosts said in a caption on their show's Instagram

'We do not endorse the views of this caller. We couldn’t believe this woman who believes P for Pedophile should be added to LGBTQIA+ initialism,' the hosts said in a caption on their show's Instagram 

She said that she 'can't support something that's illegal,' but people need to accept that pedophilia is 'part of the LGBTQ etc. community.'

'I feel like I have friends in the gay community that would take great offense to that,' Buster said. 

'I mean, their whole motto is "love is love" right? Love is love and you can't help who you love, that's all I'm saying,' Shayna replied. 

Just before the uncomfortable episode ends, Mauroun tells Shayna that she has taken 'buzz words', including 'mental health' and 'love is love' to promote a disturbing topic. 

'That's the problem, we've blurred the lines so much, that you actually feel like pedophiles have a place on this planet, besides being locked up,' Buster added.

'I'm not talking about molestation, I'm talking about people that are loved,' Shayna said as the hosts admit that they aren't sure they should have allowed her to speak on their show.

'There is a long-standing, homophobic and transphobic tactic of inaccurately comparing LGBTQ people to pedophiles and being LGBTQ to pedophilia,' Ferraro said in his 2020 statement to USA Today. 'It’s debased and vile.' 

DailyMail.com contacted Buster and Mauron for comment.