An avid outdoorswoman documented the moment she came face-to-face with a grizzly bear in the Montana mountains.

Amanda Wylie was hiking on a trail at Glacier National Park on the Fourth of July when she said she first encountered the fearsome predator.

She had noticed 'bear tracks in the mud, fresh scat and dug-up roots,' she wrote in the caption to a TikTok video, but did not see any visible threats, so she continued her walk.

'I listen[ed] for the birds and smaller animals to warn me of a bigger threat based on their actions,' Wylie recounted.

'That's when I saw a prairie dog leap from my right side to the left side of the trail, and I thought to myself: "How many bears have seen me while I haven't seen them?"'

Amanda Wylie was walking on a trail through Glacier National Park on the Fourth of July when she encountered a grizzly bear twice her size

Amanda Wylie was walking on a trail through Glacier National Park on the Fourth of July when she encountered a grizzly bear twice her size

She said she then looked to her right and found a 'grizzly two times my size on his hind legs, paws up.'

'Terrified, I reminded myself not to run and said aloud, "Oh God, it's happening,' Wylie wrote in the caption to the now-viral video.

'The safety video I watched before getting my backcountry permit immediately played in my mind.'

'I took out my bear spray, got low and backed away slowly from the bear.

'I talked to him nice, and once I felt a safe enough distance away, I got my phone out to record, wondering if these would be my last moments.'

In the video, the bear could be seen following Wylie through a lush mountainous area at a distance as she breathes heavily.

She said she realized she was safe once the bear shook its body

She said she realized she was safe once the bear shook its body

'We're good, we're OK,' she quietly reassured the animal.

After a few moments of the bear watching her, the beast shook its fur and looked at her.

'You're OK, you're OK. Please don't come here, thank you,' Wylie said.

At that point, the bear turned and walked away.

As she realized she was safe, Wylie turned the camera to herself and said, 'F****** thank God.'

She noted in the caption that 'any sudden or unexpected behaviors by me could have turned this curious grizzly into a defensive one,' but when the bear shook its body it 'let me know I could relax a little.'

'Once he turned away, I rejoiced, knowing I would live to see another day and have an amazing encounter story to share,' Wylie wrote.

She added she would 'still choose the bear,' referencing a popular meme which asked women whether they would rather encounter a bear or a man in the forest.

After the bear walked away, Wylie turned the camera on herself as she expressed relief that she was safe

After the bear walked away, Wylie turned the camera on herself as she expressed relief that she was safe

Many who commented on the video were impressed by how calm the bear seemed.

'The bear's like: "You OK darling? Any men bothering you?' one TikToker wrote.

Another suggested the bear was thinking, 'I AM OK. Are you OK?' while a third said the bear realized 'she doesn't seem interested' and decided, 'I'll leave her alone.'

Others also praised Wylie for the way she handled the situation.

'Well done you for being calm and having bear spray,' TikTok user Niamh wrote, noting that 'toxic me thinks no animal would ever hurt me because they can sense my love for them.'

Another TikTok user said she was watching the video 'praying you had bear spray just in case, and it made me so happy to see it.

'Props to you for being prepared and holding it together.'

Meanwhile, Brittany Marie wrote: 'Hot DAMN girl, you held it together... SO proud of you and glad you're alive.

'The fear in your voice, but your bravery... you're a badass.'