Kesha loses her appeal to be released from Sony contract despite her rape allegations against Dr Luke

  • The singer filed an appeal in March against the court decision forcing her to keep working with Sony
  • She claimed the ruling meant she was a 'slave' at the music label
  • In February, Kesha sat in court sobbing as a judge said she couldn't record outside her contract with Sony
  • And the singer has now lost the appeal against the ruling  

Kesha's appeal against the court decision forcing her to keep working with Sony - despite claims her producer raped her - has been thrown out by a New York judge.

The singer had said she was a 'Sony slave' who was tormented and raped by producer Dr Luke. 

The Tick Tock and Die Young singer filed a motion in a Manhattan court back in March in a bid to overturn the judgement which meant she had to continue working alongside the alleged attacker Dr Luke while he makes money from her music.

Kesha, pictured leaving court in New York last month, has filed an appeal against the court decision forcing her to keep working with Sony - despite claims her producer raped her
The Tick Tock and Die Young singer filed a motion in a Manhattan court on Monday in a bid to overturn the judgement which meant she had to continue recording with the alleged attacker Dr Luke (pictured)

Kesha (pictured looking devastated outside court in New York in February) has filed an appeal against the judges's decision forcing her to keep working with Sony - despite claims her producer Dr Luke (right) raped her

In the court documents she says if she carries on being associated with the producer, who was born Lukasz Gottwald, he would force her into 'slavery' sentence her career to death.

But Kesha lost that bid in court today after Sony had sought to get the entire case thrown out, reported TMZ.

The judge said that the 'slavery' argument did not stand since she would have had the opportunity to work with other producers at Sony, not just Dr Luke.

She had also claimed that she was a victim of hate crime but the judge said:  'Although Luke's alleged actions were directed to Kesha, who is female, [her claims] do no allege that Luke harbored animus toward women or was motivated by gender animus when he allegedly behaved violently toward Kesha.'

He added that 'every rape is not a gender-motivated hate crime'.

Kesha posted an Instagram statement three days ago that said: 'So. I got offered my freedom IF i were to lie. I would have to APOLOGIZE publicly and say that I never got raped. 

'THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS behind closed doors. I will not take back the TRUTH. I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again.'

Dr Luke has adamantly denied the charges and in February tweeted: 'I didn't rape Kesha and I have never had sex with her. Kesha and I were friends for many years and she was like my little sister.'

But statement released by a representative for Gottwald released a statement said: 'Kesha's Instagram posting is false.'

'The Court repeatedly stated Kesha is already free to record without Dr. Luke, and that she had not presented any facts supporting her claims.

That's because all the evidence - including Kesha's own videotaped sworn testimony - show her allegations are false.' 

Kesha filed a lawsuit in October 2014 against him which claims he drugged and raped her, and also controlled and psychologically abused her from the time she moved to Los Angeles in 2005 to pursue her music career to her breakthrough in 2010 and beyond.  

Fans of Kesha have called on Sony to cut ties with Dr. Luke and delivered a petition with more than 411,000 signatures to Sony's Manhattan headquarters earlier this month.

They have considered dropping Dr Luke but haven't made any official decision.   

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