It's my support bubble! Blogger Michelle Madonna Charles models bizarre coronavirus-inspired headwear for New York Fashion Week

  •  The transparent sphere  is called the Covidisor  and uses negative air pressure to filter oxygen
  •  It  provides more effective protection than most common surgical masks
  • It looks like  the transparent helmet worn by Tim Burton’s movie villains

 AS an invading force that took over the world with horrendous speed, Covid shares certain similarities with the marauding wave of aliens in fantasy comedy Mars Attacks!

So it’s perhaps no surprise that this piece of coronavirus fashion – named the Covidisor – looks just like the transparent helmet worn by Tim Burton’s movie villains.

Modelled by style blogger Michelle Madonna Charles for New York Fashion Week, the sphere allows the wearer to show their whole face, removing the communication problems of many visors. 

Style blogger Michelle Madonna Charles in Covidisor for New York Fashion Week

 Style blogger Michelle Madonna Charles in Covidisor for New York Fashion Week

Safe space: Michelle Madonna Charles in Covidisor
Strife on Mars: Villain in comedy film

Covidisor – looks just like the transparent helmet worn by Tim Burton’s movie villains

It also provides more effective protection than most common surgical masks.

The Covidisor uses negative air pressure to filter oxygen and can be worn comfortably for hours. 

But at £190, you’ll need a fair few readies to look like you’re from the Red Planet.