Colin Jost shows off nasty foot injury from Olympics in Tahiti with SNL star on surfing duty for NBC

On the other side of the world from Paris, Olympic athletes are competing in surfing and Saturday Night Live star Colin Jost is there as a reporter for his bosses at NBC.

But that doesn't mean that Tahiti is treating him well - with the Staten Island native getting his feet torn up in the surf by a reef.

The comedian shared a picture of his bandaged and bloodied feet in two posts on Instagram joking that he's 'been to the Olympic medical tent more than any of the athletes.'

'This might ruin my WikiFeet score but I just arrived in Tahiti for the surfing Olympics and the reef was excited to greet me,' Jost wrote in a post from Friday.

The post of his bandaged feet came on Monday - so it's not clear if he was just getting his toes re-bandaged or if he re-injured them.

Colin Jost has injured himself while covering surfing in Tahiti for NBC at the Olympic Games

Colin Jost has injured himself while covering surfing in Tahiti for NBC at the Olympic Games

Jost's feet injured
Jost's feet bandaged
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Jost says he scraped his toes on a reef and later showed them bandaged on Monday

Jost could have possibly re-opened his wounds as he's been doing most of his reporting while wearing a navy NBC Olympics blazer with a beach shirt underneath, khaki shorts, and no socks or shoes.

Back in June, NBC announced that Jost would be a part of Olympic coverage for the surfing competition which would be held 10,000 miles away from all the other sporting events in Paris.

Jost's wife, actress Scarlett Johansson, is not with him for these games - which she previously joked seemed to be more of a vacation than work. 

'I'm like, 'Is this a job? How is this?' When they announced the Paris Olympics, he immediately found out that they were doing the surf competition in Tahiti, which is so cool,' Johansson said on an episode of the Today Show back in early July, noting that her husband 'loves to surf.'

'Somehow the dream became a reality and now he's going to be in Tahiti for two weeks. I'm like 'poor you,'' the 39-year-old added, mimicking a tear rolling down her face.