Real Housewives of Dubai: Caroline Stanbury erupts at Sara Al Madani in explosive desert showdown

Caroline Stanbury exploded watching Sara Al Madani defend Caroline Brooks' behavior on Tuesday's episode of The Real Housewives Of Dubai on Bravo.

'You couldn't bear this woman last year,' Stanbury, 48, said. 'You are a hypocrite, Sara. You are a f***ing hypocrite!'

Stanbury told her she was also ridiculous.

'You are ridiculous,' Sara, 41, shot back.

'Oh, shut up Sara,' Stanbury said.

Caroline Stanbury exploded watching Sara Al Madani defend Caroline Brooks' behavior on Tuesday's episode of The Real Housewives Of Dubai on Bravo

Caroline Stanbury exploded watching Sara Al Madani defend Caroline Brooks' behavior on Tuesday's episode of The Real Housewives Of Dubai on Bravo

'This is like Squid Games over here,' Taleen Marie, 36, said.

The episode titled 'Deserted Friendships' opened with the ladies having lunch out in the desert when Taleen accused Brooks of 'stirring the pot' and of being very hurtful. Sara tried to stick up for Brooks.

'I don't know why Stanbury's getting so worked up,' Lesa Milan, 35, said in a confessional. 'This is who Sara has always been. She's a walking Instagram meme.'

'You are brands from head to toe but zero class,' Sara said.

'Oh shut it,' Stanbury said. 'You're pathetic.'

'In this country, I would probably not talk to an Emirati woman like that but that's because I don't want to go to jail,' Lesa said in a confessional.

Lesa was also upset at Sara for asking if everything was okay at home with her. She said it sounded like Sara was suggesting something was wrong with her marriage. Sara insisted that was not her intent.

The next day Chanel Ayan, 45, met Lesa for coffee. Lesa told her why Sara's comment triggered her because she does feel overwhelmed in her life.

'You are ridiculous,' Sara, 41, shot back at Stanbury, 48

'You are ridiculous,' Sara, 41, shot back at Stanbury, 48

The next day Chanel Ayan, 45, met Lesa for coffee

The next day Chanel Ayan, 45, met Lesa for coffee

Lesa told her why Sara's comment triggered her because she does feel overwhelmed in her life

Lesa told her why Sara's comment triggered her because she does feel overwhelmed in her life

'These days I don't even know who I am,' Lesa said.

'Lesa, you've got to give yourself a break,' Chanel said. 'You do so much for yourself and your family.'

Lesa started crying.

A producer asked her if she really thought Rich, her husband, would ever leave her.

'A rainy day can come at any point in time, whether that rainy day is, God forbid, Rich loses his companies, or we part ways,' Lesa said in a confessional. 'So my mom instilled in me, it's just super, super important for all women to have financial independence, especially after what she went through with my Dad.'

Chanel said she needed to talk to her husband.

Stanbury at her house spent time with her new husband Sergio Carrallo, 29, and his family that were in the country visiting.

'I'm very happy they are here,' Stanbury said in a confessional. 'They are keeping my husband occupied. It's like he's got a play date every day.'

'I'm very happy they are here,' Stanbury said in a confessional. 'They are keeping my husband occupied. It's like he's got a play date every day'

'I'm very happy they are here,' Stanbury said in a confessional. 'They are keeping my husband occupied. It's like he's got a play date every day'

Stanbury told Sergio's family that Sergio needed friends.

'It can't just be Sergio all the time,' Stanbury said in a confessional.

Stanbury said she was off to the spa. Sergio told his family that he missed Stanbury when she was more chill. He also told them that he felt time was running out for them to have a baby.

'I don't see Caroline with a baby,' Sergio's mother said.

'Not yet, mom,' Sergio said.

'Apparently no one wants me to have this baby,' Sergio said in a confessional. 'I thought my mom was going to be the biggest supporter and it's hard to hear this from her.'

Chanel called her sister Ifrah who she said she spoke to every day. She was very excited that her sister was coming to Dubai to support her for the launch of her beauty line.

Stanbury told Sergio's family that Sergio needed friends

Stanbury told Sergio's family that Sergio needed friends

Sergio told his family that he missed Stanbury when she was more chill

Sergio told his family that he missed Stanbury when she was more chill

'I don't see Caroline with a baby,' Sergio's mother said

'I don't see Caroline with a baby,' Sergio's mother said

Brooks showed her mother her new spa, The Glass House. Brooks' son Adam, 10, joined them. Brooks asked Adam why he talked a lot to his father but not as much to her.

'You want to know why, because you come home at like 10 p.m. in the night,' Adam said.

'I have to work hard, Adam, for the life that you have because the life that you live, is all provided by mom,' Brooks said. 'I don't have a choice.'

Sara spent time with her son Maktoum, 7. Her boyfriend Akin came over.

'I feel there is a potential that this can lead to something big in the future but there is a lot to figure out,' Sara said in a confessional.

Akin told her he saw a future with her. Sara told him in the past she married men who she took care of financially and she didn't want to do that again.

'In Islam the man should be the provider and the protector,' Sara said. 'The man has to do that.'

Sara spent time with her son Maktoum, seven, and her boyfriend Akin came over

Sara spent time with her son Maktoum, seven, and her boyfriend Akin came over

Akin told Sara he saw a future with her

Akin told Sara he saw a future with her

Akin said he wanted to know if they were exclusive and if she was talking to other guys. He said if they were exclusive he would wait for her.

'I don't share, I'm sorry,' Akin said.

Sara said she also didn't share.

Stanbury took her 17-year-old daughter Yasmine out to lunch. Yasmine told her she liked Miami and that UCLA also stood out on her university tour. Stanbury said she wanted them to spend more time together but that she had three kids.

'I don't think you prioritize any of us over Sergio,' Yasmine said.

Stanbury asked if she thought she could have a better relationship with Sergio.

'I try, but he makes it very difficult sometimes, that's all I'm going to say,' Yasmine said. 'At the end of the day, he's not my dad.'

'You are my priority too,' Stanbury said. 'I don't want you to feel that I always stick up for him.'

'You do that's what really upsets me,' Yasmine said and then started crying.

'You are my priority too,' Stanbury said. 'I don't want you to feel that I always stick up for him'

'You are my priority too,' Stanbury said. 'I don't want you to feel that I always stick up for him'

'You do that's what really upsets me,' Yasmine said and then started crying

'You do that's what really upsets me,' Yasmine said and then started crying

Stanbury said she hoped they could go home and make changes.

Taleen's dog Coco died and she was upset that not all the ladies reached out to her. She said Brooks didn't contact her.

'I haven't spoken to her in a week,' Taleen said.

'I'm seeing a side of Brooks that maybe she wasn't the friend that I thought she was and that's really hard to digest,' Taleen said.

Brooks held an 11th birthday party for her son Adam at a beach club and Adam's father Zoran showed up. Sara brought her son to the party. Lesa showed up with her family and said that Chanel wasn't going to attend.

'Her family is arriving today,' Lesa said.

Taleen wasn't there.

'My P.A. invited Taleen and I never revoke invitations,' Brooks said in a confessional. 'However, I don't think she RSVPed.'

Stanbury showed up at Taleen's and brought flowers to console her after the loss of her dog. They laughed recounting the night they had spent going out together.

Brooks held an 11th birthday party for her son Adam at a beach club and Adam's father Zoran showed up

Brooks held an 11th birthday party for her son Adam at a beach club and Adam's father Zoran showed up

'I'm done chasing,' Taleen said. 'I'm not going to Adam's birthday.'

Stanbury said she wasn't going either.

'I probably gave Taleen more of a chance because Caroline made more of an effort to keep us apart,' Stanbury said in a confessional. 'The more I've gotten to know Taleen, is that she is her own person. She's actually just very, very, very funny.'

The Real Housewives of Dubai will return next Tuesday on Bravo.