Mel B is 'in talks to host a chat show' as TV bosses believe she would be perfect at getting celebrities to spill their juicy secrets

She has opened up about plenty of explosive confessions of late.

But Mel B is hoping to get celebrities to reveal their deepest secrets to her for a change in a new TV chat show, the Mirror reports.

According to the publication, The Spice Girl is in talks with producers who believe she would be the perfect choice to get famous faces to spill the beans on their juicy gossip.

New venture: Mel B is hoping to be the one getting celebrities to reveal their deepest secrets in a new TV chat show

New venture: Mel B is hoping to be the one getting celebrities to reveal their deepest secrets in a new TV chat show

Scary Spice, 44, recently hit the headlines when she confessed to sleeping with bandmate Geri Horner in their heydey on Piers Morgan's Life Stories.

A source told the Mirror: 'Telly bosses feel her open and approachable nature would put guests at ease – and Mel's larger-than-life personality would be entertaining viewing.

'A few channels are interested at the moment. She has a good relationship with ITV after she appeared on Piers Morgan, and they feel she would be a good fit for the channel.'

The Spice Girl opened up on the full episode, which aired on ITV after the band performed their debut show on their comeback tour.

Revelations: The Spice Girl is in talks with producers who believe she would be the perfect choice to get famous faces to spill the beans on their juicy gossip

Revelations: The Spice Girl is in talks with producers who believe she would be the perfect choice to get famous faces to spill the beans on their juicy gossip

In the interview, Mel claimed she had slept with Geri and after the racy admission hit the headlines, Piers shared a clip of the moment on GMB. 

Piers asked Mel: 'You were coming here to be brutally honest - did or didn't you sleep with Geri Halliwell? Did you sleep with her?'

Mel tried to dodge the question, telling Piers: 'Yeah. We all slept in a bed together, but not like that, all of us.'

But a relentless Piers wouldn't be denied, asking: 'Did you sleep with Geri like that?' to which Mel smiles and nods as a shocked Piers checks, 'Yes? Really?'

Honest: Scary Spice, 44, recently hit the headlines when she confessed to sleeping with bandmate Geri Horner in their heydey on Piers Morgan's Life Stories

Honest: Scary Spice, 44, recently hit the headlines when she confessed to sleeping with bandmate Geri Horner in their heydey on Piers Morgan's Life Stories

Comeback: The Spice Girl opened up on the full episode, which aired on ITV after the band performed their debut show on their comeback tour

Comeback: The Spice Girl opened up on the full episode, which aired on ITV after the band performed their debut show on their comeback tour

'She's going to hate me for this because she's all posh in her country house with her husband,' adds Mel of Geri who is married to Formula 1 team boss Christian Horner.' 

Mel B's admission of a lesbian fling with Geri stunned fans and almost derailed the band's comeback before it began.

But Mel B and Geri were seen holding hands during the band's return to the stage and tensions appear to be have been forgotten between the pair. 

In the shocking interview, Mel B also branded bandmates Victoria Beckham and Geri Horner b******, and said 'she loved Victoria' but was gutted she wasn't going to be a part of the comeback. 

Reunion: Mel B and Geri were seen locking hands during the band's return to the stage and tensions appear to be have been forgotten between the pair

Reunion: Mel B and Geri were seen locking hands during the band's return to the stage and tensions appear to be have been forgotten between the pair

Heydey: In the shocking interview, Mel B also branded bandmates Victoria Beckham and Geri Horner b******, and said 'she loved Victoria' (pictured in 1996)

Heydey: In the shocking interview, Mel B also branded bandmates Victoria Beckham and Geri Horner b******, and said 'she loved Victoria' (pictured in 1996)

She told Piers: 'She's a bit of a b***h but I love her. I'm gutted she is not going to be there, but still holding a candle that she does.' 

Mel B also criticised Geri and said that she has never truly forgiven her for leaving the band in 1998.

She said: 'I was so sad and I was really, really, really angry because we started this together, us five, and it wasn't meant to happen if it's not us five. And she left in Oslo on my birthday, the day before my birthday, just to really stick it to me. What a b****.'  

She also revealed that she had her tattoo of ex-husband Stephen Belafonte removed from her body - keeping it in a jar to remind her of what she went through.

Shock: She also revealed that she had her tattoo of ex-husband Stephen Belafonte removed from her body - keeping it in a jar to remind her of what she went through

Shock: She also revealed that she had her tattoo of ex-husband Stephen Belafonte removed from her body - keeping it in a jar to remind her of what she went through

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