Sally Morgan EXCLUSIVE: Psychic talks dealing with trolls, 'emotional' live shows and her guilt over 'compulsive liar' Roxanne Pallett as she embarks on 10th anniversary tour

She's made a name for herself as a psychic to the stars, boasting an impressive client list including Mel B, Mark Wright, Uma Thurman and the late Princess Diana.

And though her work as a medium has attracted her fair share of naysayers, Sally Morgan defiantly refuses to let them get to her and insists people’s hatred of her is their problem, not hers, as she declared: 'I refuse to own a person's hate of me'.

As the high-profile medium, 68, continues her epic UK tour to celebrate 10 years of stage shows, Sally opened up on her shows becoming very 'emotional' and also shared her guilt over the Roxanne Pallett 'punch gate' saga after they starred in CBB together.

EXCLUSIVE: Psychic Sally Morgan talks dealing with trolls, her 'emotional' live shows and her guilt over 'compulsive liar' Roxanne Pallett as she embarks on 10th anniversary tour

EXCLUSIVE: Psychic Sally Morgan talks dealing with trolls, her 'emotional' live shows and her guilt over 'compulsive liar' Roxanne Pallett as she embarks on 10th anniversary tour

After having had her first psychic experience at just nine-months old, Sally has devoted her life to being a medium and year after year, continues to pack theatres with fans desperate to see her in action.

And as her live tours continue into a new decade, Sally opened up about the trials and tribulations she faces everyday as a psychic.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, the star told how coming to see her live can be an 'emotional' event as the show sees her contacting the spirits of departed loved one.

Discussing what fans can expect, she explained: 'It's impossible, no matter how many days in a week and how many weeks in a year, it's impossible for me to see as many people as I can on tour. So people get to experience Sally Morgan, warts and all, that's the first thing. In other words, it's personality led.

Thoughts: As Sally, 68, continues her epic UK tour, she opened up on her shows becoming very 'emotional' and also shared her guilt over the Roxanne Pallett 'punch gate' saga (pictured: Roxanne on CBB)

Thoughts: As Sally, 68, continues her epic UK tour, she opened up on her shows becoming very 'emotional' and also shared her guilt over the Roxanne Pallett 'punch gate' saga (pictured: Roxanne on CBB)

'It's very important because I do like to laugh as well as cry. It can be quite an emotional show, I suggest people bring a tissue or hanky, because you might need it!'

And though thousands of curious people flock to see her on stage every year, Sally admitted that not everyone is a fan of her work as she revealed she often receives death threats from vicious trolls.

'Of course, we've got this thing called freedom of speech. There are websites that are full of scepticism and cynicism and they create debates, they should be controlled. But there are times now where it's just hate. It isn't cynicism. It's promoting hatefulness, which is very dangerous.

'We have different levels of trolls, and my daughter who runs my social media, she's really on the ball. We get people who want me dead or people who want me beheaded, saying I'm a w***e, people saying "you won't see us coming, I've got a baseball bat and I'm going to smash the back of your head in!" I could go on and on.'

Strong message: 'I won't own anyone's hate, I refuse to own a person's hate of me. They can hate me, fine, but don't try to put any of that on me. Because I'm not a hateful person'

Strong message: 'I won't own anyone's hate, I refuse to own a person's hate of me. They can hate me, fine, but don't try to put any of that on me. Because I'm not a hateful person'

She continued: 'On a daily basis I get sent really vile images, through the post and things get left at the stage door. My tour manager takes everything and opens it first and I would say a good 80% of things left for me have to be destroyed immediately. I don't let my followers know, otherwise you'll be living in a cesspit.'

And though the abuse she receives can be hurtful, Sally bravely refuses not to let them break her.

'These people live in a cesspit and they want you to share that', she shared. 'But I won't own anyone's hate, I refuse to own a person's hate of me. They can hate me, fine, but don't try to put any of that on me. Because I'm not a hateful person.'

Sally's positive outlook is evident as she discussed taking to the stage for over a decade, likening her continuous touring to being like that of the play The Mousetrap, which has played continually in the West End for 67 years.

On the road: 'My tour is 10 years and counting so I'm in my 11th year now. I said to my daughter it's going to be like The Mousetrap, if I live that long!' (pictured in 2019)

On the road: 'My tour is 10 years and counting so I'm in my 11th year now. I said to my daughter it's going to be like The Mousetrap, if I live that long!' (pictured in 2019)

She said: 'It's kicked off and my tour is 10 years and counting so I'm in my 11th year now. I said to my daughter it's going to be like The Mousetrap, if I live that long!

'It's just something that goes on and on!

'And I've always said, while I'm still selling tickets, I take that as it's telling me something. Theatres certainly don't want you if you're not filling their venues up so, but we still have people approaching us every single of every single year to do theatres. So, the tour is as far as I'm concerned, still successful.'

She continued: 'The older you get doing this work, it's like a fine wine, the better you get. I've got a lot of years you could say. If you looked at it as strings, I've got a lot of strings to my bow.

'I harness the energy around me, it's individual, I'm not aware of who they are going to be, but you get a lot of wow factor. It's jaw-dropping, it really is.'

Still going strong: 'The older you get doing this work, it's like a fine wine, the better you get. I've got a lot of years you could say' (pictured in 2019)

Still going strong: 'The older you get doing this work, it's like a fine wine, the better you get. I've got a lot of years you could say' (pictured in 2019)

Echoing on the 'jaw-dropping' nature of her shows, Sally revealed that there are often times when no one in the audience reveals themselves to be connected to a spirit she has contacted.

'Yes, does happen when I'm on stage' she explained. 'But when I do the line-up at the end, you can guarantee, 101%, that those people whose messages you could say fell by the wayside, someone will want to come and 'collect them'. 

'I see it all the time. I see people in the audience go to put their hand up, and whoever they're with, they'll pull their arm back down. And yet they buy tickets and come to the show, it happens every single show.

'If I have a night where every message is, what we say, is taken, people will come and say "that message was for me", and I say "oh that was for someone else" and when they oppose, I say "well why didn't you put your hand up?"

TV star: The TV personality's profile was further boosted with an appearance on the 2018 series of Celebrity Big Brother in which she finished in fifth place (pictured on CBB)

TV star: The TV personality's profile was further boosted with an appearance on the 2018 series of Celebrity Big Brother in which she finished in fifth place (pictured on CBB)

Revealing that they are 'scared' of the truths she may reveal, she continued: 'Well, they're scared of the fact you are accurate. My accuracy can actually not always be a good thing.

'Like I always say, be careful what you wish for, only come to my show if you are prepared to get a message. I don't know you, I don't know your family history.'

Sally's success on stage has seen her fanbase widen, with her no doubt expected to gain a bigger following thanks to her becoming the very first medium to be native on Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa, with users able to get their daily horoscopes and oracle readings with a simple command. 

The TV personality's profile was further boosted with an appearance on the 2018 series of Celebrity Big Brother in which she finished in fifth place.

However, the series was overshadowed by the 'punch gate drama' in which former Emmerdale star Roxanne Pallett falsely accused ex Coronation Street favourite Ryan Thomas of deliberately punching her.

Time to change: 'I think what she did on there was horrendous. For the rest of her life, she will be working on her personality... she's got a job for life working on herself'

Time to change: 'I think what she did on there was horrendous. For the rest of her life, she will be working on her personality... she's got a job for life working on herself'

Roxanne's accusations caused huge controversy across the country, with the actress eventually admitting she was 'wrong' following her exit from the house, while Ryan went on to win the series.

And though Roxanne has fled the country and recently tied the knot with her American beau Jason Carrion, Sally still had plenty to say about her behaviour, and also revealed her guilt over how things panned out.

She said: 'I think what she did on there was horrendous. For the rest of her life, she will be working on her personality, how she processes information of people around her, she's got a job for life working on herself. What she did wasn't an accident, it wasn't a one-off and she's got serious problems if she doesn't work on herself.

'I knew she was lying in there about things. She was a fantasist. To lie and be, what you might say, a complete and utter liar or a compulsive liar, is a really big thing to accuse anyone of.

Regrets: 'I really wish that I said more. I did say to her 'what's the matter with you, what's wrong with you' (pictured with CBB winner Ryan Thomas)

Regrets: 'I really wish that I said more. I did say to her 'what's the matter with you, what's wrong with you' (pictured with CBB winner Ryan Thomas)

'But I think she could only get through her thoughts and her day by being fanciful. She was a compulsive liar. And I told her to think about what she was saying, because I was in shock and astounded by her behaviour'.

Reflecting on her experience in the house, though she condemned Roxanne's actions, Sally admitted that she felt guilty for not having done more at the time.

'The experience made me look at how I process information on other people and definitely with Roxanne, I wish that I got hold of her and shook and said 'come on, what's wrong with you?!'

'I think now if I was in a situation like that again with another person, I'd stop and I'd pull them aside and say 'come on, talk to me, you're hurting, what's the matter with you'.

Transformation: 'I had a little heart attack. And if I hadn’t have lost weight... my cardiologist said you must have surgery otherwise you’ll die' (pictured in 2008)
Trim: The star later underwent gastric bypass surgery, resulting in her eventually dropping a whopping 16.5 stone (pictured in 2019)

Transformation: 'I had a little heart attack. And if I hadn’t have lost weight... my cardiologist said you must have surgery otherwise you’ll die' (pictured in 2008)

Further discussing her regret, she added: 'Now as I've come out, I really wish that I said more. I did say to her 'what's the matter with you, what's wrong with you', that's how I would've reacted then. Now, I wish I had got hold of her and said 'come in, we need to sit together and talk about your behaviour'.

Despite the trials and tribulations throughout her career, Sally remains ever grateful for everything due to the fact she came close to losing her life.

A few years ago she weighed in at 27 stone, with doctors warning her that she'd die if she didn't go under the knife.

'I had a little heart attack. And if I hadn’t have lost weight... my cardiologist said you must have surgery otherwise you’ll die', Sally explained.

The star later underwent gastric bypass surgery, resulting in her eventually dropping a whopping 16.5 stone.   

'I was very happy at 27 stone because I love food!' she said. 'I married someone who always loved me no matter what size and I never had a problem with the physical side of my marriage, it never hindered that. The only thing it impeded was my life.

'People loved me when I was big. So much so that people would come to the show and go "oh you’re not the same" And I am exactly the same.

'I always say to them, "but I’m alive. I’ve got grandchildren and I want to see them grow up, go to university and hopefully have babies". Which I wouldn’t have done had I remained 27 stone. That cardiologist saved my life.

Tickets for Sally's tour are available at 

Blessed: Despite the trials and tribulations throughout her career, Sally remains ever grateful for everything due to the fact she came close to losing her life (pictured on CBB)

Blessed: Despite the trials and tribulations throughout her career, Sally remains ever grateful for everything due to the fact she came close to losing her life (pictured on CBB)

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