Mel C hopes the Spice Girls will tour the US and Australia when COVID-19 is over... and will do 'everything in her power' to get Victoria Beckham back

Spice Girl Mel C has revealed that the group aim to continue touring when the coronavirus pandemic is over.

The songress, 46, wrapped the Spiceworld 2019 tour this time last year alongside Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Mel B, with Victoria Beckham sitting it out.

But not only does Mel hope to take the tour to America, South East Asia and Australia in the near future, she also holds hope that Victoria will be up for rejoining the group.

Not done yet! Mel C has revealed that the group aim to continue touring when the coronavirus pandemic is over

Not done yet! Spice Girl Mel C has revealed that the group aim to continue touring when the coronavirus pandemic is over

Asked if there's a chance of the group going to America, she told Entertainment Tonight: 'I hope so, I really do. We talk all the time, we talk about what we'd like to do, any options that we have. We would love to do more shows, we really would.

'Obviously, [this year] has gone nuts and no one knows what's gonna happen with shows, for now.

'But personally for me, speaking on my own behalf, I would love to do Spice Girls shows in the US, in South America, in South East Asia, and get into Australia finally. All those places we never got to, as well as the US because I love to be there.'

Mel also vowed to do 'everything I can within my power to try and get all of us back on stage together' in reference to Victoria taking part.

To be continued: Not only does Mel hope to take the tour to America, South East Asia and Australia in the near future, she also holds hope that Victoria Beckham will be up for rejoining the group [pictured in 1996]

To be continued: Not only does Mel hope to take the tour to America, South East Asia and Australia in the near future, she also holds hope that Victoria Beckham will be up for rejoining the group [pictured in 1996]

One year on: The songress, 46, wrapped the Spiceworld 2019 tour this time last year alongside Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Mel B, with Victoria sitting it out

One year on: The songress, 46, wrapped the Spiceworld 2019 tour this time last year alongside Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Mel B, with Victoria sitting it out

She said: 'Yeah, of course we [want her to join]! We talk about it all the time. We're always going, "Oh, one day, maybe she will one day!" We were kind of hoping she'd end up coming on the last one.

'Of course, we respect Victoria's decision, and her feeling towards it. Although she wasn't with us on the stage, she was very much involved in the show.

'We wanted her to be happy and comfortable with all of the direction, with the creative and everything, because it's her baby as much as the rest of us.'

Asked if there's a chance of the group going to America, she told Entertainment Tonight: 'I hope so, I really do. We talk all the time, we talk about what we'd like to do, any options that we have. We would love to do more shows, we really would' [pictured last May]

Asked if there's a chance of the group going to America, she told Entertainment Tonight: 'I hope so, I really do. We talk all the time, we talk about what we'd like to do, any options that we have. We would love to do more shows, we really would' [pictured last May]

Come back! Mel also vowed to do 'everything I can within my power to try and get all of us back on stage together' in reference to Victoria taking part

Come back! Mel also vowed to do 'everything I can within my power to try and get all of us back on stage together' in reference to Victoria taking part

She was also asked about the prospect of new music, to which she went on: 'We have such an incredible back catalog and people love our music; we don't want to produce anything that's not of the standard of our other work.

'We talk about it tentatively and we're like, "You know what? We're not gonna force the issue on that one." We'd rather it happen organically.'

Meanwhile, sources have claimed Sporty Spice was approached by the BBC after impressing bosses with her DJ set on Scott Mills and Chris Stark's Radio 1 show last month to front her own show.

Holding hope: The group reunited privately two years ago when plans were first teased for a reunion

Mel explained: 'Of course, we respect Victoria's decision, and her feeling towards it. Although she wasn't with us on the stage, she was very much involved in the show. It's her baby as much as the rest of us' [pictured two years ago]

Exciting: Sources have claimed Sporty Spice was approached to host a BBC radio show

Exciting: Sources have claimed Sporty Spice was approached to host a BBC radio show

An insider said: 'Mel had a Zoom meeting with one of the BBC’s top brass shortly after her gig on Scott’s show because they saw so much potential in her.'

The musician is thought to be keen on following in the footsteps of Baby Spice Emma, who hosted Heart Breakfast from 2013 until 2018 with Jamie Theakston. 

The source added to The Sun: 'She not only has an incredible background in the industry, she’s got a wealth of music knowledge which bosses think the audience would lap up.

'She has done the occasional presenting job for Radio 2 in the past but they are looking at her getting a permanent slot. It’s early stages but Mel has said she’d be open to offers and would love to see if she could get on board.' 

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