Shopping at Aldi can feel like an Olympic sport.

Dodging through the busy aisles while pushing your trolley is a workout to begin with. Then when you get to the tills, you're likely to break out even more of a sweat.

That's because cashiers are trained to scan items at lightning speed. It can be a struggle to keep up with packing all of the products, which can lead to customers holding up the queue.

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Thankfully though, there's a way to get around this problem. A TikTok user called homewithchristina demonstrated a technique she does to get in and out of Aldi with ease.

Her "genius" method involves placing a laundry basket in her trolley while she picks up her groceries. Then when she arrives in front of the cashier, she's ready for action.

Once her groceries are scanned, she quickly pops them back into the basket. We'd recommend putting heavier items onto the conveyer-belt first so you don't end up crushing fresh produce at the bottom of the basket.

Not only does this save you on the amount of bags used, it also means you won't need to pack anything. Simply bring the filled basket to your car and Bob's your uncle!

It's safe to say people were impressed by the hack – with one viewer dubbing it the "best idea yet". Another social media user also expressed their astonishment, commenting: "Never thought of doing this."

Another chimed in with: "Thanks for the tip." A third wrote: "I have two. Every week is breezy." Meanwhile, a fourth added: "Good idea."