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Food Network Disowns Ex-Host For Edgy Joke Denouncing Abortion

Denny hasn't worked for the network since 2017.
Courtesy of Josh Denny

Food Network went out of its way Thursday to publicly disown former host, right-leaning comedian Josh Denny, over an edgy joke he made while denouncing abortion — though Denny hasn’t worked at the network in years.

Denny wrapped up filming for Food Network show “Ginormous Foods” in November 2017, and the show hasn’t been on air since 2018.

“For those asking: Our working relationship with Josh Denny ended years ago and we removed all episodes he hosted at that time,” Food Network posted to Twitter. “His views do not reflect our company values and we regret giving him a platform.”

Notably, Food Network made the post their “pinned” tweet, meaning it stays at the top of the feed, before any of their other promotional tweets.

Reacting to news Wednesday that pro-life legislation in Texas was not struck down by the Supreme Court, effectively outlawing abortion in the state, Denny, who describes himself as pro-life, posted a thread which included raunchy commentary celebrating the ban.

Denny told The Daily Wire that he understands some of his comments might be perceived as edgy and offensive but stood by them, noting that “nothing is off limits” when it comes to comedy.

“After six weeks. You can still get one (an abortion) for six weeks. Calm down, broads. You still have six weeks to decide your life is more important than anyone else’s,” Denny posted to Twitter Wednesday.

“And spare me the ‘many women don’t know they’re pregnant for 6 weeks.’ Wh**es,” the comedian wrote in the tweet that sparked most of the outrage online. “Only wh**es wouldn’t know for six weeks.”

“I personally think the 6 week grace period is too lenient,” he continued. “It’s a half measure. How about no pre-meditated murder of anyone? *I also think birth control should be free, and plan B should be part of every rape kit. See how easy I fixed it?”

“And the ‘my body my choice’ argument just doesn’t apply, because you’re ending someone else’s life for your own convenience,” he wrote. “You shouldn’t get to murder a baby because you’re it’s landlord any more than you can murder your tenants or houseguests.”

“I know that leftists don’t see it now, but this Abortion standard is how we get closer to a universal healthcare compromise,” Denny added. “We can’t begin to agree on the importance of health if we can’t agree that human life has value.”

(Warning: language)

Denny told The Daily Wire he found it curious that the network felt the need to disown him over his anti-abortion comedy, though he’s been posting edgy comedy for years, and, again, hasn’t worked for the network in years.

Moreover, Denny provided The Daily Wire with a copy of an extensive “background investigation” from the time Food Network hired him. Denny has maintained that Food Network knew his views and his edgy comedy when they hired him and recalled talking with a number of all-female higher-ups from the network about his tweets in particular and even podcast appearances.

Of course, Denny was approved by Food Network, since he provided the network with three seasons of work on “Ginormous Foods,” a ratings success. “They did an extensive background on me and my social media before I signed my contract,” he said. “They never had a problem with my beliefs or my comedy when they hired me.”

“If you regret having ever given me a platform, how about you send me a check for the 10’s of millions of dollars my show made for your network(s)?” Denny asked Food Network, Friday morning. “You knew my views and my style of comedy when you hired me. My views represent the beliefs of half of this country.”

Denny further addressed his views on abortion, which he said have evolved through the years, specifically from the influence of another conservative comedian and friend.

“Here’s my libertarian rationale: The purpose of ‘laws’ in this country, should be to uphold the freedoms and protections granted in the bill of rights: ‘life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.’ So yes, laws should protect life,” he explained. “Life comes before the other two for a reason – meaning the other two cannot be at the expense of the first.”

“I believe any laws that go beyond protecting those basic liberties are probably (not necessarily, but probably) bureaucratic, overreaching, or tyrannical,” added Denny.

The Daily Wire reached out to Food Network asking about their decision to publicly disown Denny so many years later, and why it was his raunchy anti-abortion commentary in particular that triggered a response so prominent it remains the network’s “pinned” tweet Friday morning.

We have yet to hear back from Food Network but will update with any response.

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