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From Garland to New York, Lawrence Jones marks full year as Fox News host

He’s the host of ‘Lawrence Jones Cross Country’ at 9 p.m. Saturdays and enterprise reporter for ‘Fox & Friends’ throughout the week.

For the past year, Lawrence Jones has managed to keep one foot firmly planted in the Dallas area.

That’s not easy when you’re one of the hosts of the Fox News stable of commentators who cover the nation while also keeping a home base in New York.

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For the past year, Lawrence Jones has managed to keep one foot firmly planted in the Dallas area.

That’s not easy when you’re one of the hosts of the Fox News stable of commentators who cover the nation while also keeping a home base in New York.

Jones, who spent his formative years in Garland, is celebrating one full year as the youngest solo host of a program in cable news. He’s the host of Lawrence Jones Cross Country at 9 p.m. Saturdays and enterprise reporter for Fox & Friends throughout the week.

Still based in North Texas, Jones tapes his show live on Saturday and catches the first flight back to Dallas on Sunday. He has brunch with his parents when the Dallas Cowboys aren’t in season. Or when the Cowboys are in season and playing in Arlington, he does brunch and the game. He gets his hair cut at a Garland barber shop on Monday.

Then, it’s back to work to reporting Tuesday through Thursday before show preparation Friday. On Saturday, it’s the show. And the cycle starts over.

“I never thought I would be doing this job,” he said. “I think my classmates will tell you and my parents would say that I always had an opinion. I was always advocating for someone involved with politics in some form or fashion.”

Since 2018, he’s advanced fast and been a part of the coverage of some of the nation’s top breaking political and cultural news, including the mid-term elections. He reported live from Uvalde after the mass shooting that killed 19 children and two adults.

High school sports fans might remember his name from the Garland High School basketball team. He passed up his senior year to focus on his passion for criminal justice. He also ran for the Garland ISD, losing in 2012 and 2014. Jones served on Garland’s Youth Council from 2009 to 2011 and was a representative on the city’s Parks and Recreation Board from 2012 to 2014.

He attended the University of North Texas, worked at conservative outlet the Blaze in Las Colinas and moved up the broadcasting ladder with help from Sean Hannity and Fox executive Lauren Petterson.

Jones said Hannity offered him a job as a correspondent.

“I told him no, I didn’t think it was a good idea because I’m a libertarian, and we’re going to disagree a lot,” Jones said. “And he said, ‘Oh, that’s OK. Just be you.’ And I said, ‘No, we’re really going to disagree.’ He goes, ‘Just give it a shot.’ And that turned from two months, into a year. And he said, ‘Listen, LJ, if you just be you, you’ll have your own show.’”

Two years later, CEO Suzanne Scott approached Jones with an offer to be a field reporter.

“She wanted me to learn the country and learn different people, be in front of people’s living rooms and talking to them about issues,” he said. “Sure enough, she was a woman her word, I got my show.”

As Jones reached his anniversary as a host, he discussed his journey in an interview with The Dallas Morning News. It’s been edited for length and clarity.

How did your upbringing in Garland contribute to your journey?

I was known to be as somewhat of a community child growing up. I had a diverse upbringing. My parents had me very young and we didn’t have a lot. So, the community really stepped in to bridge the gap, sent me to all the conferences and supported me with basketball. You hear that story that it takes a village. I owe Dallas a lot for that, which is why when I got the show. I asked the bosses: “Can I make that move back home since it was only on the weekend and during the week?” I’m traveling the country anyway, so I don’t need to be in New York. So, I decided to come back home because, honestly, it’s more comfortable for me.

How has being away from the studio helped you understand people in different states?

There was always this sense of family and community with me. I may have a godparent of every single race. And so, people often ask me: How am I able to report on a story in the south side of Chicago and then go to Iowa to do a diner for Fox & Friends. And it’s because I grew up around all these different types of people. It has allowed me to really go within any different crowd and understand their grievances and understand the things that matter to them the most.

What has been your take on the mood of this country?

I was traveling the country before I got my show. I pretty much did a report in every single state, except for Hawaii and Alaska. So I have really gotten a feel of what the country is kind of feeling. But it fluctuates. I’m not even going to pretend like it’s not, it’s all peaches and cream. By being on the road so much, I’ve learned so much about people. You would think that most of my conversations will happen when I’m actually doing the reports, but I’ve learned more about people in airports or just on the plane rides just talking with folks.

Do you find people are open with you face-to-face?

What I see now is people are less likely to share their point of view today, in the sense of publicly. Privately, they will tell you how they really feel but no one wants to be counseled. No one wants to say anything offensive, or maybe appear to be offensive. So I think I’ve sort of become the safe space of people from all different political persuasions that they just open up and talk to me about things. I will say people are on edge, people are a little frayed.

You’re known for your fashion sense. What do you attribute that to?

We didn’t have a lot of money, so I became very familiar with the thrift shops, the Goodwills. We would go to the Highland Park area to find those thrift shops because they had nicer-looking suits. My mom taught me how to sew and stitch the seams up. I would wear a suit to school probably two to three days a week, and my classmates can vouch for you. I was definitely the weirdo that was also on the basketball team that wore suits to school.

It must have taken a lot to prompt you to give up basketball, especially for a 6-foot-5 forward. How did this passion for juvenile justice come about?

When I was 15 years old, I worked on the Obama campaign then. So that was like my introduction to politics. I was making call after call every day when I got home from school my freshman year in high school. Then I joined the Republican Party because one of my godmothers said, “I think you’re more conservative, yadda, yadda, yadda.” Then I left the Republican Party and then became more of a libertarian. It was always my point of view that I just wanted to be a lawyer. And then I kind of just fell into TV. I come from humble beginnings. I thought I wanted to be in elected office one day, and now I really despise politicians. I get to interview them. And so, you know, I love my job. I guess. The one thing that has not changed is my love for people. And I think that really helped me a lot.