Anyone following this Candice Miller/Mama & Tata nightmare?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Do we know for a fact that he died? It looks like Reddit conjecture with no official confirmation

I know someone who knows the family. Apparently the burial was yesterday and they are going to the Shiva in the Hamptons today. Exact details not confirmed as to what happened though. The family is trying to keep it as quiet as possible.

There was a post on reddit that explained how he did it and how he was discovered. I don't want to repeat it.

Can you post the link?

The father's lawsuit. He forged his son's name on loans.

"Plaintiffs are private lenders, who provided a series of loans via private lending arrangements to father, Michael (Michael) and son, Brandon Miller (Brandon). Christine Frangipane was Michael's assistant and is now Brandon's assistant indicates that she forged Brandon's signature and was the notary on the documents at issue. For completeness, Michael passed away on December 17, 2016."
Anonymous wrote:I glanced at her insta years ago when it was still public and thought she had the perfect life. Sweet non douchey Dh, cute kids, every possible luxury in the world. Crazy. I’m ashamed that I’m feeling almost relieved that it wasn’t all real

One of the ways I try to measure if I am achieving any spiritual growth is to gauge whether I feel less of this type of relief or schadenfreude in these situations. I don't feel as though I've made much progress. Sigh.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I glanced at her insta years ago when it was still public and thought she had the perfect life. Sweet non douchey Dh, cute kids, every possible luxury in the world. Crazy. I’m ashamed that I’m feeling almost relieved that it wasn’t all real

One of the ways I try to measure if I am achieving any spiritual growth is to gauge whether I feel less of this type of relief or schadenfreude in these situations. I don't feel as though I've made much progress. Sigh.

Same. I guess this is why people love to see celebs and other successful people fail.
I’ve been following it and I’m truly shocked! He was buried yesterday (found the information on the cemetery website). No official family statement yet and the friends (or former friends) haven’t said anything directly. Word is he died by suicide while the wife and kids were in Europe. He was kept on life support so the family could say their goodbyes.

She (Candice, aka “Mama and Tata”) showed off their wealth excessively, and I mean EXCESSIVELY, on social. Another reason not to believe everything you see on instagram. It could all be a sham.
I went to high school with one of her friends (also an influencer) and I noticed they seemed to have a falling out post pandemic after living in adjoining Miami apartments. Their husbands went to college together.

Candace was always very friendly over DMs but something felt off about their lives. Those poor girls. Were those 100k parties really worth it?
Anonymous wrote:I went to high school with one of her friends (also an influencer) and I noticed they seemed to have a falling out post pandemic after living in adjoining Miami apartments. Their husbands went to college together.

Candace was always very friendly over DMs but something felt off about their lives. Those poor girls. Were those 100k parties really worth it?

Is it Laurie? Candice seems to get very intense with friends until suddenly they stop hanging out. Some of the friends she had the more recent falling out with, though, she’s had for many years. The rumor is she/her husband took money from them for some bad business deals or worse …
It seems like the story is buried because the story isn’t plastered all over the web or tik tok. I just wish I had a tenth of what I thought she had in terms of money. I always thought he would leave her. I see her reinventing herself and becoming this namaste person who is still rich but now will be the new calling card for personal enlightenment
Anonymous wrote:It seems like the story is buried because the story isn’t plastered all over the web or tik tok. I just wish I had a tenth of what I thought she had in terms of money. I always thought he would leave her. I see her reinventing herself and becoming this namaste person who is still rich but now will be the new calling card for personal enlightenment

Will be very interesting to see what her next move will be and who will stick by her.
Can someone please just tell the story? Y'all are so confusing. Did a grandpa steal his influencer son's money? Did a dad steal his influencer wife & kid's money? WTH are you people talking about? What does this have to do with tatas?
Anonymous wrote:Can someone please just tell the story? Y'all are so confusing. Did a grandpa steal his influencer son's money? Did a dad steal his influencer wife & kid's money? WTH are you people talking about? What does this have to do with tatas?

Ok Cliff’s notes… there is an influencer named Candice Miller, her blog name is Mama and Tata (don’t know where that came from). She was married to a guy named Brandon Miller who died by suicide last week at their Hamptons house. His father started a real estate company many years ago which Brandon took over when his dad died several years ago (like 5-10). There were several lawsuits against Brandon and his dad for fraud and other similar things. Apparently when the dad died the business was in debt (like $50 million in debt). At some point Brandon raised money from his very wealthy circle of friends for some kind of investment, but there was no investment and he has been spending the money to support his very lavish lifestyle. Friends lost all their money and he had no way out.

The wife, Candice, who is the influencer, posted daily about their incredibly over the top lifestyle which was clearly too good to be true. She was constantly showing photos of her insanely expensive outfits, lavish vacations and parties, and talking about the $800 facials she got twice per week.

Supposedly many of their long time friends dropped them recently after finding out about the scam investment so there is just no way she was completely in the dark about what was going on, but didn’t seem to modify her lifestyle at all over the past few months while all of this was clearly going on. Right before he died she was on some fancy European vacation with her two daughters posting up a storm.

How did I do?
Never followed but I just saw she's a Charnas cousin. They also spend like crazy. So many influencers do.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I went to high school with one of her friends (also an influencer) and I noticed they seemed to have a falling out post pandemic after living in adjoining Miami apartments. Their husbands went to college together.

Candace was always very friendly over DMs but something felt off about their lives. Those poor girls. Were those 100k parties really worth it?

Is it Laurie? Candice seems to get very intense with friends until suddenly they stop hanging out. Some of the friends she had the more recent falling out with, though, she’s had for many years. The rumor is she/her husband took money from them for some bad business deals or worse …

Yes Laurie / Livlight. I always wondered what happened.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Can someone please just tell the story? Y'all are so confusing. Did a grandpa steal his influencer son's money? Did a dad steal his influencer wife & kid's money? WTH are you people talking about? What does this have to do with tatas?

Ok Cliff’s notes… there is an influencer named Candice Miller, her blog name is Mama and Tata (don’t know where that came from). She was married to a guy named Brandon Miller who died by suicide last week at their Hamptons house. His father started a real estate company many years ago which Brandon took over when his dad died several years ago (like 5-10). There were several lawsuits against Brandon and his dad for fraud and other similar things. Apparently when the dad died the business was in debt (like $50 million in debt). At some point Brandon raised money from his very wealthy circle of friends for some kind of investment, but there was no investment and he has been spending the money to support his very lavish lifestyle. Friends lost all their money and he had no way out.

The wife, Candice, who is the influencer, posted daily about their incredibly over the top lifestyle which was clearly too good to be true. She was constantly showing photos of her insanely expensive outfits, lavish vacations and parties, and talking about the $800 facials she got twice per week.

Supposedly many of their long time friends dropped them recently after finding out about the scam investment so there is just no way she was completely in the dark about what was going on, but didn’t seem to modify her lifestyle at all over the past few months while all of this was clearly going on. Right before he died she was on some fancy European vacation with her two daughters posting up a storm.

How did I do?

So a ponzi scheme.
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