18th, 19th, and Lincoln: Protected Bike Lanes and Transit Lanes

Map of transit project area on 18th and 19th streets in downtown Denver

18th and 19th Streets in downtown Denver are important multimodal corridors, with several regular RTD routes and the Free MetroRide loop that connects Union Station with Civic Center Station. Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) finalized a street design to improve transit service with dedicated transit lanes on 18th, 19th and Lincoln, and added protected lanes for people on bikes.

This project will improve the efficiency of RTD services resulting in faster service with less delays and will support the goals of Vision Zero; to have zero deaths or serious injuries by 2030 regardless of the mode of transportation. Final design was completed in early 2021.  Construction began in Summer 2021 and the project was completed as of May 2022.


Benefits for each mode of travel


  • Faster travel times for the Free MetroRide Bus
  • Reduced delays
  • Increased reliability


  • Updated striping at crosswalks
  • Street design that prioritizes safety

Bicycles & Scooters

  • High comfort bike lane with greater separation from traffic
  • Safer interactions with turning vehicles


  • Increased predictability
  • Safer interactions at intersections


Project Area Map

Map of transit project area on 18th and 19th streets in downtown Denver


Conceptual Designs

18th Street Proposed (top) and Existing (below)

cross section of proposed design with two through lanes, one transit lane, one parking lane, bus stop island and bike lane
Current cross section of 18th street with three travel lanes and two parking lanes

19th Street Proposed (top) and Existing (below)

proposed cross section of 19th Street with bike lane, parking lane, two travel lanes, one transit lane, and bus stop bulbout
existing cross section of 19th Street with four travel lanes and two parking lanes

Lincoln Street Proposed (top) and Existing (below)

proposed cross section of Lincoln, with parking lane, three travel lanes and one transit lane
Existing cross section of Lincoln with two parking lanes and four travel lanes