Event Location

Expand each of the items below to find details about the City and County of Denver requirements related to your event location.

Don't forget to refer to the event application timeline to make sure you're meeting all critical deadlines.

Site Plan Guidelines (60 days prior to event)

sample diagram of a site map DEADLINE: 60 days prior to event
CONTACT: Offices of Special Events, Point of Contact

Draft site plans that show all elements of your event are required when submitting your OSE application. Site plans include, but are not limited to:

  • Public entrances and exits
  • Emergency exits and fence breaks
  • Fire/emergency access lanes
  • Street names
  • Fencing and barricades
  • All event infrastructure
  • Tents, canopies, seating areas, stages, generators, portable toilets, trash/recycling containers, etc.
  • Location of flammable gases, open flames, barbeque grills and/or pyrotechnics
  • Placement of food trucks and other vehicles and/or trailers onsite
  • ADA access

For races, runs, walks and rides, please include a route map as well as a site plan of the start/finish area.

Events in Denver Parks (60 days prior to event)

rowers in a dragon boat on Sloan's Lake DEADLINE: 60 days prior to first permitted date
CONTACT: [email protected]

Submitting an OSE application does not reserve park space; a separate Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) permit application is required.

If you want to hold your event in a Denver park, you must get your preliminary park permit BEFORE completing the OSE application. Parks fill up quickly and you need to confirm that the park you want is available before planning your event. Park permit applications must be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the first permitted date, however most events apply for their park permit much earlier to ensure availability. Each year, historical events can submit park permit applications for the following year beginning on September 1, while new and non-historical events can submit park permit applications beginning on November 1.

For example, if you want to hold a new or non-historical event in a park on June 10, 2025, you will need to submit a park permit application on or after November 1, 2024, and then you will need to submit an OSE application no later than April 10, 2025.

  • Park permit resources for events, including information about fees and the application form can be found on the Denver Parks and Recreation website.
  • Completed park permit applications are only accepted by email at [email protected] no later than 60 days prior to the first permitted date.

Once the park permit application is received, the request will be reviewed and if the space and date are available, a confirmation and invoice will be sent to you within 10 days. 

DPR will then provide you with a checklist that outlines all related park requirements. All park-specific requirements are due no later than 21 calendar days prior to the event set-up date. These DPR-specific requirements are not outlined in the OSE application and both DPR and OSE requirements must be met for events taking place in a park.

Events in Denver Streets (60 days prior to event)

closed street with white tents for an art market DEADLINE: 60 days prior to event
CONTACT: [email protected]

To close a public street, sidewalk, alley or plaza, you need to apply for a Special Event Revocable Street Occupancy Permit (SERSOP) from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI). To do so, you must upload the following documents to your OSE application.

Questions about closing a street, alley or sidewalk for your event should be sent to [email protected].

Note: If there are parking meters in your closure, those meters must be bagged prior to the closure of the street.  Please review the Parking Meters Reservations section for instructions on how to request parking meters to be bagged.

Parades, Runs and Rides on Denver Streets (30 days prior to event)

horse riders lead the Stock Show parade downtown with Union Station in the background DEADLINE: 30 days prior to event
CONTACT: [email protected]

Parades, runs, walks and rides that are held on Denver public streets are required to obtain a permit from the Denver Police Department’s (DPD) Special Events Unit (SEU).

Routes are NOT approved until DPD issues a permit. 

DPD Parade Permit applications must be submitted in person at should be submitted at least 30 days prior to your event date, and no more than 200 days prior to your event date. DPD office location and hours can be found on DPD’s website. Once reviewed and approved, a permit will be issued by DPD.

Note: DPD will not plan routes for special events. The route and maps should be completed prior to submitting the DPD Parade Permit application.

More information on permit applications for parades, marches, races, runs and walks can be found on the OSE website. To make an appointment with DPD, please contact the DPD Special Events Unit at [email protected] or 720-337-1030.

Parking Meter Reservations (60 days prior to event)

head of a parking meter DEADLINE: 60 days prior to event
CONTACT: 303-446-3759

If you need to reserve parking meters for your event, you can obtain a Meter Bagging Permit from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI).  Meters bagged for your event may be used for event infrastructure/event production and cannot be used for parking personal vehicles.  Please note that if you are closing streets for your event, all meters within that closure must be bagged.

To obtain a Meter Bagging Permit you need to submit this Special Event Meter Request Form(XLSX, 237KB)  to [email protected] and pay related fees within 48 hours of receiving the invoice. The application should be submitted at least 60 days prior to your event date to help ensure the meters you need are available. You can apply up to three days in advance of your event, however there is no guarantee that the meters you want will be available.

To complete the application, you will need to provide the meter numbers (located on the meters) for each meter you want to use. Meter numbers may change from year to year, so you will need to visit your event site and verify meter numbers each time you apply.

Bags will be placed on the reserved meter heads in advance of your event. Yellow bags signify that only vehicles displaying the meter permit can park at those metered spaces. Red bags signify that NO vehicles can park at those spaces.

Please call the DOTI meters team 303-446-3759 with questions.


Regional Transportation District (RTD) Requirements (45 days prior to event)

RTD Mall ride bus DEADLINE: 45 days prior to event
CONTACTS: BUS 303-299-6926 and Rail 303-299-3442

The Regional Transportation District (RTD) provides bus and light rail transit service in Denver, Boulder and surrounding cities in Colorado. RTD approval is required if your event will disrupt RTD bus or light rail service. Review the Events that Impact RTD Service Fact Sheet for more information.

Bus: If your event will impact an RTD bus route, bus stop, or bus station, you must contact RTD at least 45 days before your event to request rerouting. Review the RTD bus system map to see if your event footprint will impact RTD bus service.

Contact Greg Wing at [email protected] and Tim Lucero at [email protected] or call 303-299-6928 with your request or for more information.

Rail: Event organizers MUST plan their event route or footprint in such a way that light rail service is not impacted. Review the RTD Rail System Route Map and the Downtown Denver Rail Detail Map to see if your event route or footprint will interfere with RTD Light Rail service.

For any questions about Light Rail impacts call 303-299-3442 or contact Tegan Rice at  [email protected], Christina Bennet at [email protected], or Clara Bechetel at [email protected].