Public hearings

The Department holds several types of public hearings. These administrative hearings are quasi-judicial in nature and require participants to prepare.

The resources below are intended to help applicants and other hearing participants as you prepare for a scheduled hearing.

Getting started

All hearings are conducted according to the Rules Governing Hearings Before the Department. These agency rules supplement all state statutes, local codes and ordinances, and agency rules that apply to a particular application or license. You can read the rules below.

Rules Governing Hearings Before the Department(PDF, 324KB)

In addition, the Department has created a hearing guide to assist participants getting ready for a Needs and Desires Hearing. You can read the Needs and Desires Hearing Guide below.

Needs and Desires Hearing Guide(PDF, 373KB)

Many department hearings are open to the public and held virtually. If you 'd like to watch a public hearing so you know what to expect, you can find the schedule of public hearings below.

Schedule of public hearings

Learn more

Department hearings typically fall into one of three categories: needs and desires hearings, appeal hearings, or disciplinary hearings. Learn more about each below.


Needs and Desires Hearings

Most of the Department's hearings are needs and desires hearings, which are required for liquor, cabaret, or marijuana business license applications. Sometimes needs and desires hearings can also be required for transfers of location, major modifications of a licensed premises, or new ownership.

Learn all about Needs and Desires hearings in our Needs and Desires Hearing Guide below.

Needs and Desires Hearing Guide(PDF, 373KB) 

Appeal Hearings

The Department holds two types of appeal hearings.

The most common type of appeal hearing considers the denial of an application. Applicants who receive a denial order for a new or renewal application can request an appeal hearing within 10 calendar days of the date the denial order was mailed. If the Department of Excise and Licenses does not receive the request within 10 calendar days, the denial order is final, subject to judicial review.

Sometimes businesses and licensees receive an administrative citation. Recipients of an administration can also request an appeal hearing.

Disciplinary Hearings

Disciplinary hearings are often called "show cause" hearings. These are held when licensees are suspected of violating the law.

Hearing accommodations and requests

It is your right to access oral or written language assistance, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations. To request any of these services at no cost to you, email [email protected] with three business days' notice. For best results, we encourage parties to request a foreign language interpreter at least 14 days in advance. If an interpreter cannot be secured in time for the hearing, the hearing will be rescheduled.


Requesting a continuance

Any party may request to reschedule the hearing date. This is called a continuance. Continuances may be granted due to occurrences outside the party's control or a significant change to the application.

Any request for a continuance must be emailed to [email protected] and include all known parties in interest.

Requesting an evening hearing

Requests for an evening hearing may be made by an applicant, licensee, or party in interest.

Requests must include at least 5 valid signatures from parties in interest. Parties in interest can be residents or business owners/managers in the designated area. Include each individual's address and phone number.

Email your request to [email protected] no later than 5 days before your scheduled hearing date.

If granted, this request may result in a continuance.

Copy requests

Any party may request records from the department by emailing [email protected].

A fee may apply.