Road Audits

Photo of snow clearing

The Road Department is responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of the County road system, consisting of 900 miles of roadway, of which over 700 miles are paved. The Road Department’s services include routine road maintenance such as chip sealing and pothole patching, snow and ice control, roadside vegetation management, capital project development, fleet and equipment maintenance, traffic signing and striping, bridge maintenance, and emergency response to roadway hazards. The department is made up of the following divisions and programs:

  • OPERATIONS DIVISION: Performs road maintenance duties and provides operational response to the network.
  • ENGINEERING/SURVEY DIVISION: Delivers capital projects and contracted work. Responsible for traffic safety program and signage. The Deschutes County Surveyor’s Office is managed within the Engineering/Survey Division.
  • FLEET/EQUIPMENT DIVISION: Provides heavy equipment maintenance and light fleet program administration for the County fleet, including procurement. The Department’s safety program is administered within the Fleet/Equipment Division.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Budget, accounting, record keeping, customer service, and internal human resources functions are delivered within the Administrative Division.
  • GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (GIS/IT) PROGRAM: The GIS/IT Program manages the Road Department’s network data and provides mapping and IT resources to the Department. This program is managed within the Department’s Administrative Division.
  • VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: This program addresses vegetation management within the County road right-of-way via preventative and reactive measures and is managed within the Department’s Operations Division. This program also supports the County’s Noxious Weed District and provides vegetation management services to partner agencies in addition to the Road Department.