David A. Morton III


David A. Morton has degrees in psychology (B.A.) and medicine (M.D.). For 14 years, he was a disability determination consultant for the Social Security Administration, serving as Chief Medical Consultant for eight years. In his capacity as Chief Medical Consultant, Dr. Morton hired, trained, supervised, and evaluated the work of medical doctors and clinical psychologists, and made thousands of disability determinations for both adults and children.

Since 1983, Dr. Morton has authored several books on Social Security disability for attorneys and judges, including Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability.

Articles By David A. Morton III

Reviewing Your Social Security Disability File Before an Appeal
To prepare for your appeal, request a copy of your disability file from Social Security and review it for errors.
Can an Adult With ADHD Get Social Security Disability?
Adults can sometimes qualify for Social Security Disability benefits based on adult attention deficit disorder.
Social Security Disability and SSI for Depression
Learn about your chances of getting Social Security disability benefits based on depression.
Can I Get Social Security Disability for a Somatoform Disorder?
With a proper psychiatric diagnosis and documentation of your symptoms and limitations, you may be able to get disability benefits for somatoform disorder.
Getting Social Security Disability Benefits for Neurocognitive Disorders
When a neurocognitive disorder causes reduced functioning in work-related mental areas, you may qualify for disability.
Getting Disability for Growth Impairment or Growth Disorders
Some growth disorders and impairments can be seen at birth, while others are noticed when your child fails to keep pace with other children their age with regards to growth.
Should You Bring a Witness to Your Disability Appeal Hearing?
You aren't required to bring witnesses to your disability hearing, but sometimes they can be helpful to your case.
Will My GAF Score Affect Whether I Can Get Social Security Disability?
Your GAF score is just one piece of evidence Social Security will look at when deciding if you're disabled.
Getting Disability for Eating Disorders as an Adult
If anorexia, bulimia, or a related eating disorder is keeping you from working full-time, you might qualify for disability.
What Medical Evidence Is Required by Social Security Disability?
Social Security disability needs timely, accurate, and sufficient medical evidence.