
The department of English, was started as a service department in 2003, teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and General English (GE) to Undergraduate Engineering, Nursing, Catering and Business Administration Programs of the University. It has spread its wings to be a full-fledged department, as B.A. English was started in 2016, M.A English in 2019, M.Phil and Ph.D in 2018.

As part and parcel of the premier university in the Indian sub-continent catering to the lingua-franca need of the heterogeneous Indian communities and the students from other Asian countries, the department of English keeps the University's motto of imparting quality education in a cross-cultural ambience, intertwined with extensive application-oriented research. English language instruction in the department aims at the students learning to use English for academic and professional purposes (EAPP) that they join international academic and professional discourse communities.


Our vision is to provide a viable and credible learning experience for aspiring student community and inquisitive researchers who seek to expand their current body of knowledge pertaining to English language and literature across diverse fields of study.


  • Knowledge dissemination through a need based curriculum and syllabus.

  • Integrated Language Skills Approach through Technology Integrated and Interactive methodology.

  • Developing Autonomous Learners for an effective Learning Outcome.

  • Facilitating experiential research in English language and literature.

Programs Offered

HoD’s Desk

Professor & Head
Department of English
Welcome to the Department of English
The Department of English stands as a beacon of literary exploration and academic excellence and it has been successfully propounding the multiple roles of creating new knowledge. Our faculty members are dedicated to foster a dynamic learning environment where our students can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of English literature, language, and culture. Our admission process is designed to welcome passionate and diverse individuals who share a love for language and a desire to expand their understanding of verbal, non verbal and media communication skills. From the moment students’ step through our doors, they are met with a supportive community of professors and scholars to guide them on their academic journey. Our department hosts a myriad of achievement events, ranging from guest lectures, seminars, symposium, conferences, workshops with widely acclaimed and highly honoured speakers and providing students with opportunities to showcase their talents and engage with the wider literary community throughout the academic year. At the helm of our department, our Head of the Department serves as a hub of innovation and mentorship, to craft strategies to nurture and enhance student learning experiences and to cultivate vision for the future. Through our commitment to academic excellence, creativity, and intellectual inquiry, we endeavour to empower our students to become critical thinkers, skilled communicators, and lifelong lovers of literature.

Programs Offered
Under Graduate

B.A. - English


Curriculum and Syllabus with CO-PO Mapping

BoS Minutes

Entrepreneurship/Skill Development

Elective / CBCS


Full Time


Full Time

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Full Time

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Post Graduate

M.A. - English


Curriculum and Syllabus with CO-PO Mapping

BoS Minutes

Entrepreneurship/Skill Development

Elective / CBCS


Full Time


Full Time

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  • PhD (Research)

The department functions from the three campuses of the University. The students study in airy, cross ventilated, naturally lit and fully furnished rooms with black and white boards.The classrooms offer a motivating environment for learning. The department has Communication Labs in all the three campuses. They are utilized by the students under Humanities and Science and Engineering and Technology. The lab has computers, Television, public addressing system and uninterrupted net connectivity. A smart room is allotted exclusively for English department. The department creates opportunities for the students to develop their oral and written communication.

Participatory Learning in the Communication Lab


The department has taken adequate measures to stock books for primary and secondary sources that help gathering material for researches in English literature and books on English language and linguistics for researches in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching. These apart, teachers make use of the Department and Campus Libraries to prepare for their classes. There are more than a thousand books exclusively for English language and literature studies.

Library with its ambience and students at study

The Ph.D. and M.Phil scholars whether part time or full time, are given opportunities to interact with experienced department faculty to enhance their knowledge and know more about preparing for thesis. They give seminars regularly that their development is assessed in the doctoral committee meetings and appropriate suggestions are given to transform them into scholars in their field of research. So far, the department has produced four Ph. D. scholars (three in Applied Linguistics and one in Literature) and six M. Phil. scholars (five in American Literature and one in Technology Integrated Language Teaching).


The first batch of B. A. English (2016-2019) and M. Phil. (2018-2019) students are our pride of alumni. B.A students have already set out their wings to join professional courses like B.L and B. Ed. M.Phil students have become assistant professors in different universities.

M.Phil (2018-2019)

B. A. English (2016-2019) 



Every year both teachers and students are awarded Certificate of Excellence for their outstanding contribution to teaching and learning respectively and also for 100% attendance. Sports and Cultural events are organized for both teachers and students for better understanding and cooperation among them for a peaceful academic environment. Two of our faculty members have Scopus Author ID: Dr. M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran: 56737043400; Dr. Mary Thomas: 57206668649

Associations & Activities

  • Language Enhancement Club (LEC): to facilitate and foster English language learning among students.

  • YACE (Youth Association for Cultural Excellence) Celebrates National Youth Day in the month of March every year with Intra-University students participation in various competitions organized in different campuses and publication of YACE magazine.

  • Melange’ Club: to develop students’ potential for learning English Language and Literature.

  • Carpet of Dreams : to showcase students’ knowledge of English Literature.

  • Theatre Club : to develop students’ acting skills & oral proficiency.

  • Debating Club: to develop students’ argumentative and persuasive skills

CSR & ISR Events as the students and teachers participate



Training Sessions for the newly inducted teachers


Faculty Development Programs are conducted every now and then, to update the faculty knowledge for a better classroom teaching and managing the students and programs effectively. The newly recruited teachers are given all the support they need, in their initial period of a teaching career. 



Teaching Learning Process

  • Need based teaching.

  • Understanding learners’ multiple intelligence.

  • Understanding learners’ individual differences.

  • Triggering learners’ cognition with technology integration.

  • Giving learners opportunities to hone their communication skills for a successful career.

 Faculty Development Program

Teachers updating teaching skills


The department has highly qualified faculty, who with their exceptional potential for observation and critical thinking have been periodically contributing to the International Journals on English Language and literature. The department has contributed to eight Scopus indexed journals and more than thirty UGC approved journals. The faculty are on the editorial Boards and Reviewers panels of different International Journals.

  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Promulgating the Role of Role Plays in CLT/ ESL Classrooms: A Theoretical Overview’. The English Research Express/ The International Journal of English Language &Literature, ISSN: 2347-2643(Print); 2321 – 1164 (Online) Vol. 2 1stPart I, Jan-Mar 2014.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Pre-emptive Measures to Roll out Role Plays in ESL Classrooms, The English Research Express/ The International Journal of English Language and Literature: A Quarterly Refereed/ Peer Reviewed International Journal: ISSN: 2347-2643(Print); 2321 – 1164 (Online) Journal Vol. 2 / Issue 1stPart II, Jan-Mar 2014.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Permuting Role Play in Oral Skills Assessment’. International Journalof Innovative Research and Studies A Quarterly Refereed/ Peer Reviewed International Journal: ISSN: 2319- 9725 (Online) V(3),I. 12, Dec. 2014.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Action Research to Hone Oral Communication Skills of Engineering Students. International Journalof Language Learning and Applied Linguistic World’ International E Journal (Indexed Copernicus): EISSN: 2289- 2737& ISSN: 2289 -3245 Vol. 9 (1) May 2015; 158-168.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, A Short Communication: On the Jargons of Language Pedagogy’. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social SciencesE Journal: EISSN: 2279- 0837ISSN: 2279 -0845 Vol. 20 (5) Ver. VII, (May, 2015) 26-28 doi: 10.9790/0837-20572628
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Technology Integrated Second Language Learning. International Journalof Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 6, (6)June 2015, pp.1469-1471
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Neurobiological Perspectives in Communication through Second Language’ Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 6(4) 949-953 July2015 (SCOPUS & Web of Science).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Diagnostic test: the preponderant connective between pilot study and action research’. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistic World’ International E Journal (Indexed Copernicus): EISSN: 2289- 2737 & ISSN: 2289 -3245 Vol. 9 (1) Dec2015 pp.30-46
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Pragmatic Failure behind Shakespearean Catastrophe – A Study in Othello’ IUP Journal of English Studies. vol. 11, (3) Sep. 2016 pp. 47-52 (SCOPUS)
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Action Research for English as Second Language Teaching, IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science V22, (12), Ver. 2 (Dec. 2017) pp. 31-36 doi: 10.9790/0837-2212023136.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Task based Grammar Instruction for Social and Academic Interaction, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.5, No. 9, pp. 100-109 December 2017.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, The ESL Teaching-Learning Pedagogy: as Envisaged in Indian Higher Education,Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol.6, Issue pp. 28-32 1Jan –Mar2018.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Approaches to Teach English for Specific Purpose (ESP) in Engineering Programs’ IUP Journal of English Studies. vol. 13(3), Sep. 2018(SCOPUS).
  • Chandrasena Mandalasamy Rajeswaran, Task, Formulaic Language and Role Play for Developing ESL Students’ Academic Language, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 8 (3) Jan2019, pp.536-544. Doi: 10.17509/ijalv8i315252 (SCOPUS).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Propagating the creative use of Mobile Phone in ESL classrooms. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, V10,(1) Jan 2019, pp.1935-1938.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Literature as Content for Teaching English as a Second Language in Higher Education, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, V24,(3) Ser2, March 2019 pp.36-39 doi: 10.9790/0837-2403023639.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Classroom Interaction as a Strategy in ESL Teaching, Language in India ISSN 1930-2940 Vol.19:3 March2019 pp.57-62 (UGC App. No. 49042)
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Hayavadana: A Folk Drama for Urban Audience, Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol.7, Issue 2, pp. 195-204 Apr-June 2019
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Lack of Digital Competence: The Hump in a University-English for Specific Purpose-Classroom, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Vol8,(10), Oct2019,pp.948-957 (SCOPUS).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Dialogic Paradigm in Teaching and Assessing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Higher Education. IUP Journal of English Studies. Vol.XIV (4) Dec2019pp.83-97 (SCOPUS).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Exploring Pragmatics and Communication: an ESL Perspective. Journal of Xidian University, Vol.14 Issue 6 June 2020 pp.2564-2568 (SCOPUS).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, Study Abroad and its Resultant Stress on International Students:an Exploratory Study, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 10(4) 949-953 June 2020 (SCOPUS & Web of Science) (As a co-author)
  • S. Meena Rani, Achieving Coherence through Cohesion: An Experimental Study to Enhance Writing Competence. International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, ISSN: 2321- 7065, Vol 7(1), Jan 2019, 1833 – 1848.
  • S. Meena Rani, Incorporating Critical Thinking Skills in the Technical English Curriculum of Engineering Learners: A Needs Analysis. Language in India ISSN: 1930-2940, Vol. 19:2 February 2019, 260-270.
  • Ramesh, Akshaya (2018) Resurrecting Subaltern through Female Body inMahasweta Devi’s-Draupadi,inShanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities.ISSN:2321-788X-Vol5,No.4,April 2018.Akshaya,R. ( 2018) Use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)in Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal ,ISSN 2249-9598,Vol-08,Nov 2018,special issue (02).
  • Akshaya,R.(2018) The Tempest as post colonial play by William Shakespeare in International Mulitidisciplinary Research Journal,ISSN-2231-6302,vol 6-May 2018
  • Akshaya,R.(2019) Flipped Learning through Mobile Phones in ESL Classrooms in Language in India,ISSN 1930-2940,March 2019.
  • Akshays,R.(2020)Classroom Activities To Enchance ESL Learners’ Communicative Competence in International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts,ISSN-2320-2882.
  • Harshini(2012) Treatment of Culture and Neurosis in Anita Desai’sClearLight of Day, International Conference on Cultural Studies:A Literary/Linguistic Approach, Quaid-e-millath Govt College for Women,Chennai, pp 147-152. ISBN No:978-93-80017-09-9.
  • Harshini(2012) The saga of culture as depicted in Anita Desai’sFasting Feasting,National Conference on Culture and Consciousness:A studyon the Novels of Indian writers in English of 21st Century, Sri VasaviCollege,Erode, ISBN No: 93-61361-65-1.
  • Harshini (2012), Innovative techniques for the technical brains-some tryoutsNational Conference on Technology Integrated Language Teaching (TILT 2012), B.S.AbdurRahman University, Chennai, ISBN No:ISBN 978-81-923661-0-4.
  • Harshini(2013) Culture Wonder as Seen in Anita Desai’s Bye ByeBlackbird,International Conference on Post Colonial Aesthetics in ModernIndian Fiction (ICPAMIF 13) Sri Vasavi College, Erode, ISBN No: 93-61361-65-1.
  • Harshini (2016) Missing Thy Homeland: Relevance of Indian Culture as Revealed in Anita Desai’s Bye Bye Blackbird in Global English-Oriented Research Journal-International Quarterly Online Journal, ISSN 2454-5511-Impact Factor 2.9, June 2016(Vol.2, Issue 1).
  • Harshini.P and Madhumidha. V. Explosion of Digital Journalism through Social Media in International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation(IJLLT), ISSN:2617 -0299. Vol: 2 Issue:2, March 2019, DOI: 10 32996/ijilt 2019 2.2.11.
  • Harshini.P. and Devipriya. K. Narrative Journalism in Truman Capote’s In cold blood in International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation(IJLLT), ISSN:2617 -0299. Vol: 2 Issue:2, March 2019, DOI: 10 32996/ijilt 2019 2.2.7.
  • Harshini. P and Jayaneela Sneha. T.C Influence of Narrative Journalism through storytelling in International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation(IJLLT), ISSN:2617 -0299. Vol: 2 Issue:2, March 2019, DOI: 10 32996/ijilt 2019 2.2.15.
  • Harshini.PEnglish Language Teaching through Literature in Engineering Colleges- An experiment in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, SCOPUS SJR Q4. 02- Special Issue, ISSN 1943-023X.
  • Harshini. P "Narrative Journalism and Digital Journalism-The two sides of the same coin” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN: 2277-7881(UGC Approved),Vol.9, Issue1(14), January 2020.
  • Harshini.PLiterature in the Acquisition of language learning among the tribal learners-An Exploration in Shodh Sarita Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN-2348 2397 Vol:7 Issue:25 (Jan-Mar 2020).
  • T.C. Jayaneela Sneha, Dr. P. Harshini "Hermeneutic Points of View in Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in search of an author” in Journal of Composition Theory ISSN: 0731-6755 Vol:XIII, IssueIII March 2020.
  • Dr. P. Harshini Use of Materials in English Language Classroom-Some Experiments”in Journal of Composition Theory ISSN: 0731-6755 Vol:XIII, IssueIII March 2020.
  • Harshini.P "Creative Writing and its influence in the generation of language skills-A creative approach”inJournal of Critical Reviews, ISSN 2394-5125- SCOPUS.
  • V. Madhumidha & Dr. P. Harshini.P Women Liberation and Its Aftermath in Nayantara Sahgal’s novel "The Day in Shadow” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.29, No. 5S,(2020), ISSN:2005-4238.
  • T.C.Jayaneela Sneha, Dr. P. Harshini Imposing of expurgated arts and censorship becomes a threat for creative thinking in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.29, No. 5S,(2020), ISSN:2005-4238.
  • V.Madhumidha and Dr. P. Harshini, Quest for Identity in Oleander Girl by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8 Issue 5 May 2020, ISSN: 2320-2882.
  • V. Madhumidha and Dr. P. Harshini Women Empowerment through Eco-Feminism close to Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s novel "The Palace of Illusion and The Mister of Species” in Journal of Composition Theory, Vol: XIII, ISSUE V, May 2020ISSN No: 0731-6755.
  • T. C. Jayaneela Sneha and Dr. P. Harshini Globalisation and Eco criticism Recorded as a Literature in Alochana Chakra Journal (UGC-CARE GROUP I JOURNAL) Vol:IX, Issue V, May 2020 ISSN No: 2231-3990.
  • Vijayakumar. S Tamilarasan.P and P.Harshini Blended Models For Open Learning in Higher Education: An Empirical Study in Gedrag & Organisatie Review ISSN:0921-5077 Vol: 33, ISSUE 02 (April –June)WoS..
  • Harshini.P et al.Integrative Model for Online Learning:An Intervention Approach in Journal of Xidian University, Vol.14, Issue 5, 2020. ISSN No.1001-2400.
  • Vijayakumar S, Tamilarasan P Harshini P Effectiveness of ‘Enriched Virtual Model’ in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Approach in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews( IJRAR) Vol.7 Issue 2 ISSN: 2349 5138.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2012), Technology Embedded Language Teaching for Technical learners atNational Conference on Technology Integrated Language Teaching (TILT 2012), B.S.AbdurRahman University, Chennai, ISBN No:ISBN 978-81-923661-0-4.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth(2017),Emancipation and New Consciousness in Nayanthara Sahgal’s Women at National Seminar on Emerging Trends on Indian English Literature. ISBN No: 978-03-83409-30-3
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2018), Feminism and Self-Identity in the select works of Nayantara Shagal in International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities. Vol. 6,Issue 12, Dec.2018. ISSN-2321-7065.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2016) East-West Conflict of Women in Nayantara Sahgal’s Rich Like Us International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation(IJLLT), ISSN:2617 -0299. Vol: 2 Issue:2, March 2019, DOI: 10 32996/IJLLT 2019.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2020) "Feministic Approach And Transformation Of Characters In The Works OfNayantara Sahgal- A Study” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320. 2882. Vol: 8 Issue:6 June 2020.
  • S.Jeyamatha, Questfor Identityin Diasporic literature: in Kiran Desai’s the Inheritance of Loss / The International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews ISSN: 2348- 1269 Vol 7 Issuse 1, March 2020.
  • S.Jeyamatha, Eco Feminism in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terrors/ The International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, ISSN: 2320- 2880 Vol 8 Issuse 4, April 2020.
  • S.Jeyamatha, From Subjugation to libration: A Critcal Study of Bama’s Karukku/ The International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, ISSN: 2320- 2882 Vol 8 Issuse 7, July 2020.
  • V.Karpagavadivu, Pain and suffering in Cynthia Ozick select novels, Language in India, ISSN:1930-2940. Vol.18:3, March 2018.
  • V.Karpagavadivu , Cynthia Ozick’s Insightfulvoice in the mileau of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Vol.:12,December 2018.
  • Dr. R. Pushkala, Diagnostic test: the preponderant connective between pilot study and action research’. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistic World’ International E Journal (Indexed Copernicus): EISSN: 2289- 2737 & ISSN: 2289 -3245 Vol. 9 (1) Dec2015 pp.30-46 (coauthor).
  • Dr. R. Pushkala, Disruptive Behaviour: Managing the Challenges and Issues- A Case Study Nurturing the minds of Prospective Teachers in Wellness Education,6 March,2020.
  • A.Thangam, Role of softskills and personality development in Teacher Education , International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ISSN: 1475-7192, Volune:24,Issue:5 , May2020, Pg:3937-3939.
  • A.Thangam , Students’ attitudes and interests towards ICT and their Academic Achievement in English, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation ISSN: 1585-7192, Volume:24 , Issue:4 June 2020 Pg:5937-5941.
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Motivating the L2 Learners of Engineering College’ in the 4th annual International conference conducted by ELTAI in association withBritish Council and the Regional English Language Office of American Centre, New Delhi.Abstractpublished(7th-9th August2009).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Reading Strategies for Independent Learners’ in the 5th International and 41st annual conference conducted by ELTAI in association withBritish Council and the Regional English Language Office of American Centre, New Delhi.Abstractpublished(5th-7th August2010).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Teaching Language ThroughTagore’sDrama’ in the secondState level conference organised by Dr.M.G.R. EducationalAndResearch Institute University, Chennai to commemorate the 150th year Birth Anniversary celebrationof ‘Tagore The Citizen of TheWorld’.Paper publishedISSN 0973-5968(30th &31st July2010).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘IntegratingTheory And Research In English Teaching’ at the National Conference on Academic Research organised by Dr.M.G.R. EducationalAndResearch Institute University, Chennai.Paperpublished ISBN 978-81-910-827-0-8(13th&14th Aug 2010).
  • Chandrasena, M. Rajeswaran, ‘Feedback Strategies for assessing the Speaking Skills of Engineering Students‘ at the Inter National Seminar on ‘ Humanistic Language andLiterature organised by the Dept. of English, Anna University , Chennai. Abstractpublished(18th &19th Feb 2011).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Developing Oral Competence of ESL in Engineering Students- Materials and Methods- A Perspective’ in 6th National Conference on Strategies, Methods and Innovations in Language Education conducted by SRM University, Chennai. Paper published(4th&5th April 2011).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Technology for Teaching English Communication’ in the two day National Conference on ‘Application of Applied Sciences ’organised by Dr. M. G. R. EducationalAndResearch Institute University, Chennai. Abstract published(10th -11th, Feb 2012).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Dickens To Kick Start The Process Of Learning To Speak English’ in the Second International Conference on the Contemporaneous effect of Charles Dickens and his works conducted to commemorate the 200thbirthday celebration of Charles Dickens, the novelist.Abstract published(29th – 31st August 2012).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘OBE for TeachingEngineering Students to Communicate’ in the National Conference on Trends in English for Science & Technology conducted by Sathyabama University, Chennai.Paper published (29th January 2014).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Technical English Teaching: A Teacher’s Perspective’ in the National Seminar on Challenges in teaching ESP organised by Anna University, Chennai. Paper published (7th & 8th March 2014).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Pragmatic Failure behind Shakespearean Catastrophe: a study in Othello’ in the International Conference on Shakespeare the Quintessential Zeitgeist at Dr. M. G. R. Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai.Abstract published.(Aug 2015).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Technology integrated teaching and learning of Language of Opportunity’in InternationalSeminarin VIT, Vellore. Abstract published.(Aug 2015)
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Using an Effective Teaching Pedagogy for New Generation Learners’, In One day National Conference on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Meeting the Five Grand Challenges” Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai.Paper published(10th October 2017).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Role of Mobile Phone in ESL Learner Motivation’ in the one day National Conference at Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chenna. Abstract published (3rd &4th Oct 2018).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Classroom Interaction as a Teaching Strategy in ESL classrooms’, in One day National Conference on Innovative Methods and Approaches in Language Teaching at SRM Valliammai Engineering College at Chennai. Paper published in Language in India – ejournal (UGC-49042)(23th Feb 2019).
  • M. Chandrasena Rajeswaran, ‘Quality Assurance in Teaching- Learning English in Higher Education’ in the two day International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Teaching English’ Kongu Engineering college, Perunthurai, Erode(8th & 9th Mar 2019).
  • Presented a paper on Flipped learning Through Mobile Phones in ESL Classrooms at SRM Valliammai Engineering College on 23.02.2019.
  • Paper Presented on Classroom Activities To Enhance ESL Learner’s Communicative Competence at Kongu Engineering College on 08.03.2019 to 09.03.201.
  • Presented a paper on English Language teaching through Literature in Engineering Colleges at a National Conference on Nuances of English Language Teaching held at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai on 7.5.2010.
  • Paper Presented on Use of Technology and Literature in ELT to Engineering students- Some observations at the 5th International and 41st ELTAI Annual Conference held at AnnaAdarsh College Chennai from 5-8-2010 to 7.8.2010.
  • Paper Presented on Use of Materials in English Language Teaching- Some Experiments at the 6th International and 42nd Annual ELTAI conference held at VIT, Vellore from 16-6-2011to 18.6.2011.
  • Paper Presented on Treatment of Culture and Neurosis in Anita Desai’s at an InternationalConference on Cultural Studies:A Literary/Linguistic Approach held at Quaid-e-millath Govt College for Women, Chennai on 9.1.2012 & 10.1.2012.
  • Paper Presented on The saga of culture as depicted in Anita Desai’s Fasting Feasting at a National Conference Culture and Consciousness:A study on the Novels of Indian writers inEnglish of 21st Century held at Sri Vasavi College, Erode on 20.1.2012.
  • Paper Presented on ELT with Literature and Technology: An effective blend in ELT for Engineering Students at a National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences held at Dr. MGR University, Chennai on 10.2.2012 & 11.2.2012.
  • Paper Presented on Innovative techniques for the technical brains-some tryouts at a National Conference on Technology Integrated Language Teaching (TILT 2012) held atB.S.Abdur Rahman University, Chennai on 1.3.2012 and2.3.2012.Paper Presented on Inculcating Literary Values in Technical Minds-The need of the hourat a National Conference on Innovations in English Language Teaching held at EaswariEngineering College on 30.3.12 .
  • Paper Presented on Missing Thy Homeland: Relevance of Indian Culture as Revealed in Anita Desai’s Bye Bye Blackbird at a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Oral Traditions In World Literature on 21.9.2012.
  • Paper Presented onNarrative Journalism and Digital Journalism, the two sides of thesame coin at a National Conference conducted by Literary Seminary, Dr.MGR Educationaland Research Institute, University, Maduravoyal, Chennai.
  • Paper Presented on Women Liberation and its aftermath in Nayanthara Shagal’s novel "The Day in Shadow” at an international conference ICITELL 2019 conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology on 16th and 17th August 2019.
  • Paper Presented on Literature in the acquisition of language learning among the tribal learners at an International Conference conducted by the Literary Seminary of Dr. MGREducational and Research Institute University on 18th, 19th and 20th September 2019.
  • Presented a paper titled "Globalization and Eco Criticism Recorded as a Literature” in the International E-Conference on Eco Ethics in English Literature organized by the Department of English, APC Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi on 7th May 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled "Emerging Research Trends in Technology and Language Teaching: A Meta-Analysis” in the virtual conference on Emerging Trends in the English and Foreign Language Teaching (ETEFLT 20) organized by the Division of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Chennai from 18th to 29th May 2020.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2012), Technology Embedded Language Teaching for Technical learners atNational Conference on Technology Integrated Language Teaching (TILT 2012), B.S.AbdurRahman University, Chennai.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2012) English communication in the Engineering Context- Practices and Suggestions at National Conference on Recent advances in applied sciences, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth(2017),Emancipation and New Consciousness in Nayanthara Sahgal’s Women at National Seminar on Emerging Trends on Indian English Literature.
  • A. Julie Elizabeth (2016) East-West Conflict of Women in Nayantara Sahgal’s Rich Like Us in an International Conference on Transliterature, Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai.
  • V.Karpagavadivu ,Using an effective Teaching pedagogy for new generation learners, IQAC, National Conference of Quality Assurance in Higher education:October,2017V.Karpagavadivu, Feminism:HolocaustSurvivor or jewish people in Concentration Camp in Cynthia ozick select novels, Two days international seminar,Pondicherry UniversityMarch 16,17 -2017.
  • V.Karpagavadivu , Quest for identity in Cynthia ozick select novels, International Conference on Relocating Subaltrenity: Changing configuration, Feb 15,16-2018.
  • V.Karpagavadivu , Innovative Methods for Teaching English, Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya ,Two Day National E-Conference on "Language and Literature”. Dept. of Languages, 28th & 29th May2020.
  • Ms. S. Bhuvaneswari , Innovative Methods for Teaching English, SNV Maha Vidyalaya , Two Day National E-Conference on "Language andLiterature”. Organized by Department of Languages, 28th & 29th May, 2020.
  • S. Bhuvaneswari , Response of Literature to Pandemic –Past and Present, SNV Maha Vidyalaya , Two Day National E-Conference on "Language an Literature” Organized by Department of Languages, 28th & 29th May, 2020.
  • A.Thangam, Role of softskills and personality development in Teachers Education,The proceedings of a 2nd National Conference on Nurturing the Minds of Prospective Teachers in Wellness Education ISBN: 978-93-88568-14-2,March2020 Published by Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute University Pg:118.
  • A.Thangam, Creating A Conductive Learning Environment for Effective Integration Of Information and Communication Technology Classroom Management Issues,The proceedings of a NationalConference onValue Oriented Learning and Teaching to Access Global Era,ISBN: 978-93-88568-03-6, March 2018 Published Dr M.G.R Educational and Research Institute University Pg:48.
  • A.Thangam, Digital Journalism - A Perspective, Litfest -18 The proceedings of A National Conference on The Impact of Digital Journalism on English Literature, ISBN: 978-81-937145-7-7 October:2018, Published by The Literary Seminary , Dr M.G.R Educational and Research Institute University Pg:25.
  • QUEST: A Text Book of Communication Skills, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd. Chennai ISBN:978-81-8209-521-2 (As Co-author)
  • Literary Melodies: A Text Book of English for H&S, Orient Black Swan Hyderabad ISBN: 978-93-5287-019-6 (As Co-author)
  • Mehendi-Most Exotic Henna Designs, Book Palace Publications, New Delhi ISBN:9788181871797.
  • Beautiful Mehendi, Book Palace Publications, New Delhi ISBN:9788181871796.
  • FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH:A Text Book of Functional Grammar –Co Author - Common wealth Publications.
  • EL DORADO, A Text Book of Communication Skills, Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad ISBN 978 81250_2015) First Author.
  • QUEST: A Text Book of Communication Skills, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd. Chennai ISBN:978-81-8209-521-2 (2017) (First Author).
  • LITERARY MELODIES: A Text Book of English for H&S, Orient Black Swan Hyderabad ISBN: 978-93-5287-019-6 (2017) (First author).

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