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Special Collections of Documents

Special Collections

Articles, papers, and complete-text books from prominent authors and academics,
submitted for inclusion in the online library. Many items in this collection are
out-of-print and unavailable in most libraries. (listed alphabetically, by last name)

Patrick Anderson

High in America by Patrick Anderson: "The True Story Behind NORML and the Politics of Marijuana". Published by The Viking Press, New York, �1981 by Patrick Anderson. Reproduced in The Psychedelic Library and The Schaffer Library with the permission of the author.

Andrew J. Byrne, MB BS

Dr. Andrew Byrne is a third generation medical practitioner from Sydney, Australia. Following six years working in inner city hospitals, he went into general practice where he first treated drug addicts in 1984. He was the first general practitioner in New South Wales approved to prescribe methadone for addiction and has treated up to 120 patients at a time over a ten year period. The foreword and chapter 1 of his book, Methadone in the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction is presented here.

John Booth Davies

John Booth Davies is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Centre for Applied Social Psychology at the University of Strathclyde, U.K. He is editor of the journal Addiction Research and has published widely in the field. Selected chapters from his classic books The Myth of Addiction and Drugspeak are presented in the Schaffer Library with the permission of the publisher.

Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman is a Nobel Laureate in economics, and a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Presented here are a selection of his articles and an interview.

Dr. Erich S. Goode

Dr. Goode is Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Two complete-text books and excerpts from two additional works are presented here at the request of the author.

Douglas N. Husak

Introduction and chapter 1 from Drugs and Rights, from the Series, "Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Public Policy." This timely and important book is the first serious work of philosophy to address the question: Do adults have a moral right to use drugs for recreational purposes?

Rufus King

Documents from the private collection of Rufus King, including a complete-text book, The Drug Hang-Up, America's Fifty Year Folly.
John C. Lupien

John C. Lupien has done some of the most interesting research on the origins of the marijuana laws and the possible connections with Anslinger, Hearst, and DuPont.

Joseph McNamara

Joseph McNamara is the former Chief of Police of San Jose, California, and a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Dr. Tod Mikuriya

Tod Mikuriya, MD, is a psychiatrist and Former Director of Marijuana Research for the National Institute of Mental Health.

William Novak

A jouranlist and reviewer whose work has appeared in many well-known publications, and has been an editor and teacher of writing at Tufts University. Presented here is the complete text of his 1980 book, High Culture: Marijuana in the Lives of Americans

David A. J. Richards

David A. J. Richards has practiced law in New York and is currently professor of law, criminal law, and jurisprudence. His publications include A Theory of Reasons for Action (1971), The Moral Criticism of Law (1977), Toleration and the Constitution (1986), and numerous articles on law, philosophy, and political and moral theory. Presented here are two chapters from his book, Sex, Drugs, Death, and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights and Overcriminalization �1982 by Rowman and Littlefield.
Introduction and Chapter 1 — Human Rights and the Public Morality
Chapter 4 — Drug Use and the Rights of the Person
Professor Richards argues in this essay that, "judgments of the immorality of drug use are wrong; indeed, the right to use many drugs currently criminalized is one of the rights of the person which the state may not transgress."

Charles Tart, Ph. D.

Two complete-text books from Professor Tart are presented here.
On Being Stoned: A Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication and
States of Consciousness
From the Introduction to the Web Edition, 1997, by the author: "I am very pleased that the Schaffer Library, through the kind efforts of Peter Webster, is now making this book available over the World Wide Web. The greatly increasing interest in the nature of consciousness in the last few years makes this material even more relevant than when it was originally published in 1975.