Asia | No business like sow business

The world’s next food superpower

Farming in India should be about profits and productivity, not poverty

An elderly farmer walking in a village in Araku, India
Photograph: PICXY

FOR YEARS the Araku Valley, deep in the mountains on India’s east coast, was mired in poverty and rocked by Maoist violence. The government classifies most of its inhabitants as “particularly vulnerable tribal groups”; for generations they relied on slash-and-burn farming to scrape by. But now locals grow high-grade coffee that is sold at high prices to posh Europeans. Araku Coffee, the company that processes and markets their berries, runs cafés in fancy bits of Bangalore, Mumbai and Paris. The valley’s transformation is an agricultural success story. It is also a glimpse of what—with the right policies—the rest of rural India might achieve.

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This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline “No business like sow business”

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