Britain | Labour and the world

What does Labour’s win mean for British foreign policy?

Continuity on NATO and Ukraine, and hopes for a reset with Europe

President Jo Biden and Prime Minister Keir Starmer
Photograph: AP

SIR KEIR STARMER enjoyed many strokes of luck en route to becoming Britain’s prime minister on July 5th. The diary of diplomacy has handed him two more. On July 9th Sir Keir and some of his most senior ministers left for a summit in Washington, DC, to mark NATO’s 75th anniversary. And on July 18th, just a fortnight into the job, Sir Keir will host a meeting of the European Political Community (EPC), a loose gathering of states in and around the European Union, at Blenheim Palace, a vast Baroque edifice where Winston Churchill was born.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Labour and the world”

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