Britain | Bagehot

The new front line of British politics is just lovely 

From the “left-behind” to the “well-ahead”

The image shows rowers on Henley on Thames. Orange flags and banners with the Liberal Democrats' logo are displayed prominently, suggesting a political event. The color palette is mainly orange and black.
Illustration: Nate Kitch

Picture an idyllic British summer scene and the mind will generally conjure up an image of rich people having a lovely time. It might be a pink-faced crowd watching tennis at Wimbledon. Maybe it is men in blazers cheering rowers at Henley Royal Regatta. It could be horsey people roaring on their four-legged cousins at Glorious Goodwood, a fancy race meeting. In other words, you are picturing a Liberal Democrat constituency.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “From the “left-behind” to the “well-ahead””

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