By Invitation

By invitation: Richard Haass

The world on his desk

A briefing for the weary winner from the man in charge of policy and planning at the State Department in 2001-03

The world economy

The risks ahead for the world economy

Fred Bergsten explains why policymakers need to act now in order to avert the danger of serious damage to the world economy

Efraim Halevy

In defence of the intelligence services

The committees of inquiry into American and British intelligence failures may have left the West less secure, argues Efraim Halevy, an ex-chief of Mossad

Kenneth Rogoff

The sisters at 60

The World Bank and the IMF are not in good health. Kenneth Rogoff, a former chief economist of the Fund, suggests a course of treatment

Developing Africa's economy

Doing the sums on Africa

Small amounts spent on promoting Africa's economy can save billions and make the West more secure

By invitation: Iraq

What must be done now

The violence in Iraq may be endemic. But by understanding it and by clarifying priorities, says Sir Jeremy Greenstock, proper democracy is still possible

By invitation: Jeffrey Schott

Unlocking the benefits of world trade

Despite the gloomy prospects, there is a way to put the global trade talks back on track—to the advantage of the world's poor

By invitation: Harold Hongju Koh

Rights to remember

How has September 11th changed America's approach to human rights? Dangerously, suggests Harold Hongju Koh, but perhaps only temporarily

Mohamed ElBaradei

Towards a safer world

The shortcomings of the present nuclear non-proliferation regime are becoming evident. Mohamed ElBaradei offers his views on how it could be improved

Intelligence and security

America needs more spies

Six of America's most experienced practitioners argue here that current proposals to improve the effectiveness of America's security services fail to address the key issue: how to gather more and better intelligence

Jeffrey Garten on business leadership

A new year; a new agenda

To succeed in the years ahead, business leaders need new strategies, both inside and outside their organisations

By invitation

Unleashing the trade winds

Achieving free trade across the globe is a daunting task. But America is committed, says Robert Zoellick